Ocular hemorrhage occurs when the blood vessels inside the eye rupture and bleed, leaving red spots on a white background, in the retina, or between the retina and lens. The causes of hemorrhage in the eyes can be different. Consider the main ones.
What's the problem?
Diabetes, high blood pressure and eye strain are causes of bleeding in the eyes. However, there is often no obvious cause, and sometimes it can come from everyday incidents such as sneezing, coughing, or rubbing. Sometimes bleeding in the eye can be caused by bleeding or infection.

The most common hemorrhages occur in the sclera - the white part of the eye under the transparent membrane. The numerous tiny blood vessels under this membrane, called the conjunctiva, are so fragile that they break easily under slight pressure. Analysis of bleeding in the sclera under the conjunctiva is called subconjunctival hemorrhage in the eye. These hemorrhages are usually harmless and resolve without treatment in a day or two.
When the retina suffers
Bleeding into the retina, between it and the lens, occurs in a part known as the vitreous chamber. This phenomenon occurs when blood vessels near the detached retina shed blood and let it into the transparent gel-like atmosphere of the chamber.
Vitreous bleeding is considered minor. However, some people seek medical attention to remove blood or a clot from the vitreous if it does not dissolve on its own. This type of hemorrhage, often associated with diabetes, can temporarily interfere with vision. In addition to diabetes, sickle cell anemia and macular degeneration can cause vitreous hemorrhage.

The third type of eye hemorrhage - abnormal vitreous hemorrhage of the eye - is the most serious. It is caused by simple retinal tears that can lead to vitreous bleeding.
When the retina - the membrane at the back of the eye - fills with blood due to fractures in the retinal artery and the network of capillaries that supply nutrients to the back of the eye, the condition is usually caused by a serious injury to the eye, such as a fall or heavy blow by the eyes. Some doctors use retinal hemorrhages to identify victims of violence or assault.
However, retinal bleeding can also be caused by disease. Extreme high blood pressure and uncontrolled diabetes are often the cause of the disease. And it is clear that the hemorrhage in the eye and the pressure are closelytied.
This kind of bleeding can lead to blistering behind the retina, reducing vision as the retina sends nerve signals to the brain for vision. Laser surgery can remove blood clots and blisters. She can quite often restore any lost vision, but not always.

When discomfort exists, it is described as prickly, itchy, bothering the eye, and the like. But there is no sensation of pain in the conjunctiva, cornea, iris, uveal tract and sclera.
What are the causes of hemorrhage in the eyes? What causes the disease?
Overview of the causes of red eyes
Problem may occur if diagnosed:
- Viral conjunctivitis.
- Allergic conjunctivitis (seasonal allergy).
- Inflamed pterygium.
- Bleeding.
Not so common:
- Bacterial conjunctivitis.
- Allergic conjunctivitis (contact allergy).
- Episcleritis.
- Conjunctival foreign body.
Rarely detected:
- Gonorrheal conjunctivitis.
- Chlamydial conjunctivitis.
- Corneal abrasion.
- Corneal ulcer/keratitis.
- Sclerite.
- Iritis/uveitis.
- Optical neuritis.
- Acute narrow-angle glaucoma.
- Repetitive corneal abrasion.

Viral conjunctivitis
This is the most common cause of conjunctivitis. Diagnose it firstexcluding other possibilities, that is, treating it as a diagnosis of exclusion. However, the main options include:
- Bilateral, but often begins unilaterally.
- Clear reset (yellow crusts in the morning are not considered "purulent", associated bacteria may show up over time).
- Sometimes palpable preauricular knot (feels like a kernel of rice right in front of the trail).
Bacterial infections are quite rare. They are diagnosed if the patient complains of constant pain. The eye with such a disease may be green, yellow or milky white if rubbed for several minutes. Also, yellow crusts appear on the eye when a person wakes up in the morning. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually unilateral, but can sometimes be bilateral, causing bleeding in the eyes.
Gonorrheal infections are rare but painful: a huge amount of rapidly progressing purulent discharge with chemosis (very edematous conjunctiva). The patient is also suspected of having genital symptoms (autoinoculation). There are painful sensations if it is associated with the cornea. Then there is a hemorrhage in the retina.
This diagnosis also applies to the organs of vision. Hemorrhage in the eye, the treatment of which should be prescribed by a specialist, can be caused by seasonal respiratory allergies, that is, hay fever. A very common diagnosis. How to distinguish it from viral conjunctivitis?
To do this, you need to turnattention to such features:
- Nasal symptoms, if present, include a lot of sneezing.
- If the duration is more than three weeks, it is not a viral allergy.
- If there is a history of relapses, and especially if the last episode lasted more than three weeks or was accompanied by a lot of sneezing.
The initial stage is difficult to distinguish. But the treatment for an eye hemorrhage is almost the same:
- time must pass;
- cold compresses;
- taking antihistamines;
- antibiotics.
The only difference is that when allergic conjunctivitis is suspected, the drugs are oral antihistamines. If the eyes are really itchy with viral conjunctivitis, these drugs will be the best treatment option.

Contact allergy
Injury to the eye can occur from facial cosmetics, but most often from the eye drops the patient used. Especially when it is antibacterial drops such as sulfonamides, neomycin.
Presence of a splinter
A splinter causes a sensation of a foreign body. It is usually acute, disturbing for a day or two. It is necessary to rinse the eye, lift the upper part of the eyelid to make sure that nothing is stuck there.
Unlike scleritis, which is rare and painful, episcleritis is usually idiopathic. It may be associated with concomitant diseases - vascular orinfectious diseases. Treatment can be systemic or local.
Overview of possible consequences
What is dangerous hemorrhage in the eye? When small, thin blood vessels break under the tissue that covers the white of the eye (the conjunctiva), the resulting redness of the eyes can cause subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage is usually benign and does not cause any visual problems or significant eye discomfort despite its noticeable appearance. But eye redness can also be a sign of other types of potentially serious eye conditions.
The patient should see an eye doctor as soon as possible for an eye examination to rule out infection caused by bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms.
You should also seek immediate medical attention if you experience unusual and persistent redness of the eye accompanied by a sudden change in vision, pain, or severe photosensitivity. This type of eye redness can be a sign of other eye problems, such as the sudden onset of glaucoma.
If there is a hemorrhage in the eye, what should I do? Lubricating artificial tears can soothe the eyes, although eye drops cannot help repair damaged blood vessels. If you are taking aspirin or blood thinners, keep taking them unless your doctor tells you not to.
Try not to rub your eyes with your hands as this can increase the risk of re-bleeding.
How long does the subconjunctivalbleeding?
In most cases, eye bleeding takes 7-10 days to stop. As the blood gradually disappears over time, the affected area may change and bruise.
The consequences of an eye hemorrhage (a very common disease that everyone has experienced at least once in their life) can be fraught with complications. There are varieties of eye drops and ointments available for purchase at pharmacies to treat this disease. But natural remedies are more reliable, affordable and convenient. As you know, the eyes are important organs of the human body responsible for vision. They are subject to ailments, like other organs. Diseases can affect either one or both eyes. Although hemorrhage is not a very serious and completely curable disease, but it needs to be cured in time.
The disease causes itching, burning and irritation in the eyes. Sometimes the eyes turn red like blood. Before the condition becomes unbearable, you need to see a doctor.
This disease destroys tissue in the eye due to inflammation of the layer between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer of the eye. The problem causes inflammation, swelling, infections and even tumors on the visual organs. As a result, the eyes will turn red. You may experience pain, sensitivity to light, along with decreased vision.
How to treat the disease
Drops in eye hemorrhage can be replaced by natural remedies - traditional herbal medicines that have come to us from time immemorial. They have the power to change disease. However, before themuse, consult your doctor.
These medicines are infusions made from herbs, shrubs or natural oils. They were used by our ancestors to get relief from all kinds of eye ailments, including bleeding eyes. There are practically no side effects from using these natural remedies.

Home remedies for red eyes without eye drops:
- Curcumin, which is full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It fights free radicals caused by the oxidative process in the eyes. Turmeric as a cure for bleeding eyes has been suggested by both traditional and modern researchers. Add 1 tablespoon chopped raw turmeric to 1/3 cup boiling water. Strain the mixture in a sterilized container. Let her cool down. Use two to three drops of this solution as an eye drop three times a day. Another option is sterilized gauze or bandage soaked in this solution. Wipe your eyes several times a day. You will get rid of the sensation of burning and itching and redness of the eyes.
- Coconut water is otherwise known as the "liquid of life". This remedy helps to get rid of red eyes caused by glaucoma. The antioxidants present in coconut water destroy free radicals. It also helps relieve pressure in your eyes. To cure bloodshot eyes, it is recommended to drink fresh coconut water several times a day and the result will be visible within a fewdays.
- Take a fresh aloe leaf. Cut it with a sterilized knife in the middle lengthwise. Remove the clear juice with a sterilized spoon. Apply one to two drops of fresh juice to both eyes. Repeat the procedure twice or thrice a day. Cooling and soothing effect will help get rid of redness on the eyeballs.
- Spirulina for the eyes. Blue green algae are rich in beta-carotene. It cures bleeding eyes. Spirulina is available in both tablet and powder form at pharmacies. Add a small spoonful of powdered substance to a glass of water or any juice. It will turn into dark green. It is recommended to drink the solution within two to three days. It is effective for the treatment of itching, burning and inflammation of the eyes, perfectly restores damaged tissues.

Injury to the eye is one of the reasons for the presence of blood on the retina. The problem needs to be fixed. While all the natural remedies provided here are simple and beneficial ways to treat bleeding eyes, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor before using them.
It is strictly forbidden to use any of the above remedies for patients who suffer from other chronic diseases. In any critical situation, consult a doctor immediately. Drops for hemorrhage in the eye are also prescribed by a specialist. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!