What is the difference between monocular vision and binocular vision?

What is the difference between monocular vision and binocular vision?
What is the difference between monocular vision and binocular vision?

The eyes are one of the main sense organs. Thanks to them, all living beings have the ability to perceive the world around them. It is believed that vision provides us with about 90% of the incoming information. As you know, in order to see objects normally, the combined work of both eyes is necessary. Thanks to binocular vision, we have the ability to perceive not only the size and shape of the image, but also its location in space. Unlike people, some living beings (birds, reptiles, horses) see objects with each eye separately. In other words, they are characterized by monocular vision. In some cases, this is also observed in humans. Since this ability is not characteristic of a person, this type of vision is considered pathological and requires treatment.

monocular vision
monocular vision

What does monocular vision mean?

The science that deals with problems of vision is called ophthalmology. It covers not only diseases of the eyes, but also studies the development, different types of vision in humans and other living beings. For example, you can find out aboutbird features like monocular vision. This type of vision allows some animals to distinguish objects with each eye separately. It is known that the eyesight of birds is several times better than that of humans. Due to the fact that their eyes are located on the sides, they see most of the space around them. The field of view of birds is about 300 degrees. This gives them the opportunity to see images not only in front and to the side of themselves, but also from behind. Based on this, monocular vision refers to the ability to perceive objects with one eye. Normally, it occurs in all birds with the exception of owls, as well as in many animals.

monocular and binocular vision
monocular and binocular vision

Difference between monocular and binocular vision

Thanks to ophthalmology, it is possible to answer the question of how monocular vision differs from binocular vision. Each of these types of vision has its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocular vision allows you to get information only about the shape and size of the image. Nevertheless, this type of vision is necessary for animals, because thanks to this they can view objects from two sides at the same time. As a result, their field of view increases. This is necessary for hunting and protection in the animal world.

The structure of the organ of vision in humans is different from birds and animals. The center of vision is located in the cerebral cortex. Thanks to the intersection of the nerves, the information received from each eye is converted into a single image. That is, a person has binocular vision. In addition to the fact that this type of vision is distinguished by the ability to consider an objectwith two eyes at once, he has other features. Binocular vision is characterized by the perception of an image in space. This means the ability to distinguish how far an object is from the eyes, whether it is voluminous or flat.

What is the difference between monocular vision and binocular vision
What is the difference between monocular vision and binocular vision

Pathologies in which monocular vision is observed

As you know, both monocular and binocular vision occur in humans. Nevertheless, the disunity between vision, which is considered the norm for animals, is a pathology for humans. There are two types of monocular vision in humans. In the first case, the ability to see with only one eye all the time (right or left) is implied. This can be observed with unilateral blindness. Another type of monocular vision refers to alternate vision with the right and left eyes. This type is found in diplopia. The cause may be congenital disorders of the eye or trauma.

binocular vision for strabismus treatment
binocular vision for strabismus treatment

Diagnosis of types of vision

It is important to diagnose in time not only monocular vision itself, but also its cause. Often, eye injuries, vascular disorders, and congenital anomalies become the source of the problem. Therefore, in addition to instrumental methods, it is necessary to ask the patient in detail about when the ability to see changed. The type of vision can be established during a four-point color test. Thanks to this method, the presence of mono-, binocular or simultaneous vision is determined.

Before each eyea person set a different color filter (red and green). At some distance from the organs of vision there is a screen with 4 circles. Each of them has a color (white, red and 2 green). Depending on how many circles the patient sees, the ophthalmologist draws a conclusion about the type of vision. Normally, a person distinguishes all 4 figures. In this case, the white circle for him acquires a red or green color. With monocular vision, the subject sees only 2 or 3 figures on the screen. In some cases, the patient notes 5 circles. This is rare and is characteristic of the simultaneous (both mono- and binocular) type of vision. This abnormality does not require treatment.

binocular vision treatment methods
binocular vision treatment methods

Why does strabismus develop with binocular vision?

It is known that in the neonatal period, a child does not have binocular vision. Its formation begins at the age of 1.5-2 months. At this time, disconnected vision is considered the norm. At 3-4 months, the baby is forming a reflex, according to which the images received by both eyes are perceived as one. Nevertheless, the process of formation of binocular vision ends only at the age of 12. Based on this, a disease such as strabismus refers to childhood pathologies. In this case, the child cannot focus on a certain object. The movements of the organs of vision may not occur simultaneously, one eye squints and mows in bright light. The reason for this pathology is the incorrect or belated formation of binocular vision. This is observed whenmyopia, astigmatism or farsightedness.

way to restore binocular vision
way to restore binocular vision

Binocular vision in strabismus: treatment of pathology

In order to form binocular vision in a child, it is necessary to diagnose strabismus in time and start treatment. First of all, you need to identify the cause of the pathology. This is required to choose a way to restore binocular vision. Treatment of strabismus begins with a set of exercises necessary to strengthen the eye muscles. In order for the child to perform exercises for vision correctly, parental or doctoral control is needed. In some cases, wearing special glasses is indicated. If a child has developed amblyopia, then it is necessary to increase the load on one of the organs of vision. To do this, one of the glasses (on the side of a he althy eye) is sealed.

Methods for restoring binocular vision

Binocular vision treatment methods can be divided into physical and surgical. In the first case, it means doing exercises for the eye muscles. They need to be done regularly, several times a day. In some cases, this method is sufficient. Most often, in addition to charging for the eyes, wearing glasses is required. They help to get rid of the cause of strabismus (myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness). Another method of binocular treatment is surgery. It is used in cases where strabismus cannot be corrected by other means.
