The healing properties of thuja essential oil have been known for a long time. Even the American Indians often used the plant to prepare healing decoctions. Later, thuja not only adorned parks and squares, but was also widely used in folk medicine. With the help of oil, plants cure many diseases.
What is thuja oil
The product is made from the buds of an evergreen plant native to most of North America and East Asia. It belongs to the cypress family.
Translated from the Greek language "thuja" means "tree of life". Most often, the plant is a shrub, but in some cases it can grow to a significant size.
Thuja oil is a homeopathic remedy, which is considered one of the most toxic esters. This does not detract from all his positive qualities at all.
The highest concentration of nutrients in plant sprouts is observed from May to June. The procurement of raw materials should be carried out in areas near which there are no large industrialbusinesses.

Get the product by simple steam distillation without lengthy processing. Any other method of producing thuja oil is considered unacceptable due to the toxicity of the raw materials. At the same time, individual manufacturers carefully clean the product from toxic components. True, such esters no longer fully possess all the healing properties that are characteristic of a regular product.
Thuja essential oil contains many useful substances:
- aromatic resins;
- tannins;
- flavonoids;
- saponins.
In their ratio, all components of the oil provide invaluable assistance to the human body in the treatment of many diseases.
Oil as a folk remedy
Effective thuja extract is currently used for the treatment of various diseases. This elixir is made from the needles and cones of a plant that is at least 15 years old.
Most often, thuja essential oil is used as a prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases. The tool perfectly copes with sinusitis, and also has the following properties:
- anti-inflammatory;
- toning;
- diuretic;
- antiviral;
- healing;
- expectorants;
- regenerating.

Thuja oil due to its properties can be used to treat various pathologies. Meanspairs well with other esters: eucalyptus, cassia and cedarwood.
Scope of application
The healing properties of thuja essential oil help with the following he alth problems:
- Allows to normalize the menstrual cycle and digestive processes, because it belongs to thinning agents.
- The oil quickly removes phlegm. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, and other colds.
- Means normalizes the biochemical composition of the mucous secretion of the nose, so it quickly relieves swelling, and also eliminates the negative effects of microorganisms and bacteria.
- Using thuja essential oil in the nose can reduce the symptoms of sinusitis, rhinitis and sinusitis. This tool is recommended for use in children whose adenoids have been removed to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
- Essential oil is becoming an indispensable tool for the prevention and treatment of colds. Thanks to him, you can eliminate the first symptoms of the disease.
- The remedy can get rid of a sexual disorder. At the same time, the pleasant aroma of the oil can improve concentration and increase libido.
- Thuja extract will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, enhance immunity and have a calming effect.
- Oil can improve the functioning of the diuretic system. Thus, relieving a person of cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones and more.

Means effectivelycan deal with skin problems. It is allowed to be used in the treatment of allergic dermatitis, lichen, pruritus, warts, calluses and other pathologies.
Treatment for sinusitis
The use of thuja oil is especially effective for diseases such as sinusitis. Before starting therapy, inflammation in the sinuses is eliminated.
After that, they proceed to instillation of thuja oil three times a day, 2 drops of the product in each nasal passage. Thuja oil is used daily, but the entire period of therapy should not exceed 2 weeks. After this time, a break is made, and the course of treatment is resumed after 10 days.
In addition to instillation, aromatherapy is used to increase efficiency. To do this, the lamp is placed in the patient's room. For 1 st. a spoonful of water add 2 drops of thuja ether. Such proportions will help to avoid the characteristic coniferous aroma of the oil and reveal all its healing qualities.
Adenoid Therapy
The use of thuja essential oil for adenoids is also particularly effective. However, the treatment process largely depends on the general condition of the body and the resources of immunity.
For the treatment of adenoids, homeopathic drops based on thuja oil are used and 2 drops are instilled into each nasal passage.

In addition to this procedure, inhalations can be carried out. Pour 200 ml of warm water into a glass dish and add 3 drops of oil to the liquid. It is recommended to inhale steam through the nose for 20 minutes.
Also for therapy, an aroma medallion is worn around the neck- a small glass container into which 2 drops of oil are added. In the process of natural respiration, drug vapors enter the respiratory organs.
Instructions for use in other pathologies
The fragrance contains toxic compounds, in this regard, you must strictly follow all the rules for its use, and also do not exceed the indicated dosage. During the treatment period, the recommendations of a specialist should be taken into account. So, experts advise:
- Apply a small amount of oil to the skin 2-3 times a day. This procedure is performed for fungal or bacterial diseases.
- To wash the nose, use a decoction of chamomile, sage or other herb that relieves inflammation. Add 10-12 drops of oil to it.
- When otitis occurs, turundas soaked in a remedy are inserted daily into the ear canals.
- In case of diseases of the oral cavity, after each meal and rinsing, the surface of the mucous membrane is smeared with thuja oil.
- In warm bathing water, you can add 8-10 drops of the product. This is done for peace and balance.
- To maintain emotional balance and relieve stress, especially during work or study, apply 1 drop to the wrist and inhale for several minutes.
- If you experience difficulty breathing with colds, rub one drop of thuja oil into the throat area every few hours. This is done to relieve the condition.
Despite the healing properties of thuja essential oil, andits use requires special care, therefore, it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Use the product as a protection against insects. To do this, 1-2 drops of oil are applied to the wrists or ankles.
In cosmetology
Thuja essential oil has a positive effect when used as a cosmetic product. Experts advise using it in its pure form or adding 2-3 drops to a cream suitable for the type of skin.
This enrichment of the product will make the dermis radiant and eliminate signs of fatigue. Best suited for those with oily skin.

With regular use, thuja oil will help to cope with cellulite, stretch marks during pregnancy, allergic dermatitis and chronic calluses.
In case of severe hair loss, you can add a few drops of the product to the shampoo. This will quickly get rid of negative symptoms.
Side effects and contraindications
Despite the fact that thuja oil has many useful properties, treatment should be started after full familiarization with the limitations. The plant belongs to slightly poisonous plants, and it is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage of the product.

Thujone toxin has abortive properties, so the use of thuja oil is prohibited for pregnant women, as this can provoke a miscarriage.
Also this remedy is notshould be used by young mothers during lactation. The remedy is prohibited for persons suffering from epilepsy.
Despite the toxicity, thuja oil can be successfully used to treat various pathologies and conditions. In this case, it is necessary to use the product as directed by a specialist and not exceed the indicated dosage.