What should I do if my ears are stuffed up with a runny nose?

What should I do if my ears are stuffed up with a runny nose?
What should I do if my ears are stuffed up with a runny nose?

Any catarrhal disease can be accompanied by a number of complications. Not everyone knows how to evaluate and treat this or that symptom that appeared after a banal rhinitis or laryngitis. For example, what should I do if my ears are stuffed up with a runny nose?

Why stuff up your ears

Plugged up ears with a cold
Plugged up ears with a cold

It is not surprising that there is an ENT doctor who treats the ear, throat, nose at once, because all these organs are closely interconnected. The feeling of congestion after a runny nose is easy to explain by the physiological structure of the inner ear. The pressure in the inner ear is maintained by a special element - the Eustachian tube. If this passage is narrowed or blocked, a kind of vacuum with constant pressure is created in the inner ear. The problem with this condition is that the pressure in the inner ear is in no way consistent with the external pressure. In this case, the eardrum is pressed. There is a feeling that we call only "stuffy ears with a cold." Similarly, ears can be laid after otitis media. If such sensations appeared during a cold or a viral infection, the most important thing is to understand what we are dealing with. Is it ban althis is a physiological complication or a separate ear disease.

What to do if your ears are blocked

If your ears are blocked
If your ears are blocked

A runny nose has not yet passed to the end? Then it is necessary to remove the mucus from the nasal passages, drip any drops that narrow the vessels. After that, it is recommended to sit quietly or lie down for a few minutes - wait for the action of the drug. Did not help? Then you can try to do a simple exercise. All you need is to hold your nose well with your hands and forcefully make an exhalation movement. Don't be surprised if it doesn't work the first time. It is allowed to repeat several times. You should feel something like a pop, after which you will hear sounds again. There is another physical manipulation that helps if you have stuffy ears with a runny nose. Press the palm of your hand firmly against the affected ear, and then remove it sharply. Other breathing movements that may be effective include blowing through a drinking straw or inflating a balloon.

Treatment of ear blocked for physical reasons

Ear treatment
Ear treatment

If the feeling of congestion appeared after a rapid rise in the elevator or riding the rides, it is enough to yawn or make a strong swallowing movement to relieve it. Often lays his ears after bathing. This is due to the ingress of water. You can solve this problem by blotting your ear with a corner of a clean towel or a cotton swab. If only one ear is stuffed up, it is enough to vigorously shake your head to the side several times. You can also just wait until the water flows outnatural way. This will take 7-10 minutes, but definitely not more than 20. Another way to get rid of an unpleasant feeling, no matter if your ears are stuffed up with a runny nose or for physical reasons, is to rinse your nose with s alt water. Of course, it is advisable to use sea s alt for this procedure, but if it is not available, ordinary table s alt will do. Dilute a couple of pinches in warm water, suck up the water through your nose so that it comes out through your mouth, spit it out.
