Sweaty palms. Disease or not?

Sweaty palms. Disease or not?
Sweaty palms. Disease or not?

Sweating palms is a common problem faced by both women and men. In the traditions of modern society, a handshake is considered an indispensable attribute at a meeting. Sweaty palms at the same time cause significant inconvenience. A person tends to avoid shaking hands, and this does not always characterize him in a good way.

sweaty palms
sweaty palms

Those who suffer from this problem should remember that perspiration is a very important function of our body, which contributes to its cooling. For each of us, this process is individual. Therefore, in the case when the palms are constantly sweating, it is not worth sounding the alarm. This phenomenon may be caused by natural factors.

Sweaty palms can be the result of eating too spicy food. This phenomenon occurs during severe stress and heat, as well as during intense mental and physical stress.

sweaty palms what to do
sweaty palms what to do

If your palms sweat a lot every day, what to do in suchsituation? First of all, you need to consult a specialist. The phenomenon of excessive sweating in medical practice is called hyperhidrosis. Identification of pathology is possible only with the help of a special procedure, which is the Minor test. It is performed only in a medical institution. To obtain results, the specialist applies iodine to dry skin, and after it dries, starch powder. As a result of the procedure, sweat is stained in a dark purple color. In this case, the degree of its excessive allocation is determined by the specialist. In the case when the spot area on the skin does not exceed ten square centimeters, we can talk about a mild form of hyperhidrosis. Values not exceeding twenty centimeters indicate a moderate degree of pathology, and more - a severe one.

Sweaty palms bring a lot of anxiety. How to get rid of this phenomenon? To date, various procedures, solutions and deodorants can be used. However, modern drugs fight sweat, not the causes that cause it. With moderate to severe hyperhidrosis, many of them are simply powerless. In this case, only a specialist can help solve the problem. The intensive means needed to get rid of sweat must be selected individually for each. An important rule in the fight against excessive sweating is personal hygiene.

constantly sweaty palms
constantly sweaty palms

To reduce sweating, a doctor may recommend special herbal baths, as well as rubbingpalms with tannin, a weak solution of formalin, aluminum hexachloride or glutaraldehyde. A child can also sweat palms. Unlike an adult, the causes of a pathological phenomenon in children lie in thyroid diseases, the presence of worms in the body, rickets, or impaired heat transfer. If the palms of babies under one year old sweat, but they still have a good appetite, then you should not worry. If the pathology is observed in older children, then a specialist consultation is required. Sweaty palms can be a sign of serious ailments, the success of which depends on early diagnosis.
