Man has to spend the lion's share of his life in a dream. The way our body works is that it needs rest to recuperate. According to doctors, a person needs to sleep for about eight hours a day for normal life. But, basically, our sleep duration depends on the individual needs of the body and the ability to sleep exactly when our body needs it. But, if there is no opportunity to sleep for a long time, then the question arises of how to get enough sleep under the existing conditions.
Discomfort of lack of sleep

When a person sleeps less than eight hours, and his body requires even more than this established norm, this causes a lot of inconvenience. How to get enough sleep if you can’t sleep the prescribed eight hours, due to the ensuing circumstances. For example, as happens in most cases, getting up early for work. It is impossible to be late for work even for a minute, and the body has not yet had time to restore the expended forces and stubbornly pulls a person into sleep. As a rule, people who do not get enough sleep at night, very often with the words: “I can’t sleep,” go to sleep during the day. Before that, they are so sleepy all the first half of the day that everything literally falls out of hand. You can safely write it off for the specifics

organism and call such people sleepyheads, or you can ask about possible reasons. With normal observance of the daily routine, a person goes to bed on time and in most cases gets enough sleep. Therefore, it may be that the eternally sleepy person nearby actually goes to bed very late and at the same time thinks about how to get enough sleep, not realizing that it is necessary, at least, to go to bed early.
Ways to sleep
There are many ways to get quality sleep, and they are pretty simple. First of all, you need to investigate how much time you need to sleep for full recovery and just go to bed earlier to sleep this number of hours. If you do not want to spend time sleeping in the evening, then you should think about the possible causes of poor sleep. The reason may be an uncomfortable bed or mattress. The place to sleep should be of medium hardness so that the body does not sink deep into the mattress, but at the same time it follows the contours of the body. The head should rest on a large and soft pillow, and the blanket should be pleasant to the touch. This ensures a comfortable sleep and the ability to sleep in a shorter time.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the aeration of the room, since for sound sleep it is necessary to constantly ventilate the bedroom with fresh air. Therefore, it is best to sleep with an open window in the summer. You can also make a sound sleep by drinking a glass of warm milk in front of him, but this method can be attributed to traditional medicine and no one gives guarantees for such a method. Butno one forbids you to independently check this method and drink a glass of milk before going to bed, because milk is harmless. These are just a few tips on how to get enough sleep, but there are actually a lot of them. For those who are especially limited in time for sleep, there is a way to get enough sleep in 4 hours. Surprisingly, all you need to do is go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 1 am. Scientists have already proven that the strongest and most high-quality sleep is during this period of time. True, it is necessary to adhere to some technique for such a short sleep. Basically, it consists in not going to bed with a full stomach, with thoughts about everyday problems, and it is desirable to take a warm shower. So there are plenty of options for he althy sleep, you just need to choose the best one and always get enough sleep.