What to do if the trigeminal nerve is inflamed? Treatment at home with folk remedies

What to do if the trigeminal nerve is inflamed? Treatment at home with folk remedies
What to do if the trigeminal nerve is inflamed? Treatment at home with folk remedies

The trigeminal nerve is a formation in the facial region, divided into three branches. One of them is directed to the frontal part, the second is directed to the lower jaw, the third captures the upper jaw, nasal region, and also the cheek. Each branch is divided into smaller ones that carry nerve signals to all parts of the face.

trigeminal nerve treatment at home reviews
trigeminal nerve treatment at home reviews

Trigeminal nerve: types of inflammation

Trigeminal neuralgia is an inflammatory process characterized by severe pain in the facial area and is divided into two types:

  • true. An independent disease caused by compression of the nerve or a failure in its blood supply;
  • secondary. Symptom of any underlying disease: multiple sclerosis,herpetic infection, vascular diseases, some allergic manifestations, endocrine system and metabolic disorders.

Most often, trigeminal neuritis, the treatment of which at home is a very long process, manifests itself in one of its three branches. Less commonly, two or all three nerve processes can become inflamed at the same time. Exacerbation of symptoms is observed in winter, in summer it may occur as a result of drafts.

Causes of disease

The trigeminal nerve, which is quite effective in home treatment, becomes inflamed when pressed against external and internal factors.

External factors are various inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, its sinuses and in the mouth, which occurred during the extraction of a tooth, poor-quality filling, as a result of pulpitis, gum abscess, etc.

facial trigeminal nerve treatment at home
facial trigeminal nerve treatment at home

Internal causes due to trauma causing adhesion formation. Most often, the disease occurs due to the displacement of veins and arteries located near the trigeminal nerve.

Symptoms of the disease

The trigeminal nerve, the largest of the 12 cranial nerves, is the largest of the 12 cranial nerves. Its inflammation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain. Sharp, sudden, sharp, resembling an electric shock. Lasts a few seconds (no more than 2 minutes), often manifests itself for no apparent reason. Reminiscent of a toothache, concentrated in the lower and upper jaw, can be given to the ear, neck and eye area. In rare cases, provocateurs of pain can be manipulations affecting a certain area of the face: brushing teeth, washing, shaving, applying makeup. Sometimes pain can occur while talking, laughing, or trying to smile.
  • trigeminal nerve treatment at home
    trigeminal nerve treatment at home
  • Muscle spasm causing a painful tic on the affected part of the face.
  • Loss of sensitivity on one of the front sides.
  • Twisted facial expressions (the impossibility of completely closing the eyelid, moving one of the corners of the mouth, etc.).
  • Increased anxiety in anticipation of the next wave of pain.

Most often, the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed (symptoms, home treatment of this disease are described in the article) in females who have crossed the 50-year milestone. Most inflammation is localized on the right side of the face.

Therapeutic facial massage

Treatment of the trigeminal nerve of the face at home is a set of measures, including drug therapy, massage and heating, aimed at relieving inflammation and normalizing the sensitivity of the facial apparatus. Self-therapy is required only under the supervision of a doctor after an accurate diagnosis of the disease and primary treatment in a medical institution.

Treatment of the facial trigeminal nerve at home is effective through the use of massage, which must be done verybe careful, as touching sensitive points can cause a wave of unbearable pain. It is recommended to massage the neck in a circular motion from the painful side, starting from the shoulders and moving towards the chin. With a mild and moderate form of trigeminal neuritis (that is, with not very acute symptoms), the face can be massaged from the center to the outside - along the classic massage lines. To obtain a more effective result, it is recommended to use massage oil. It can be prepared independently on the basis of a bay leaf. 100 grams of fresh or dried product is required to pour 0.5 liters of any vegetable oil, insist for a week, strain and apply as directed. If it is not possible to massage, it is recommended to lubricate the skin in the area where the trigeminal nerve is located with such a tool. Home treatment, reviews of which are positive, is possible only after consultation with a doctor, which is necessary to avoid possible complications.

Healing tea against inflammation

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the treatment of which is aimed at getting rid of the inflammatory process and maintaining a weakened immune system, is amenable to herbal therapy. It is required to mix 100 grams of lavender flowers and 150 grams of St. John's wort. The resulting mixture must be poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon per 1/2 liter of liquid), leave for 15-20 minutes, then filter. The resulting tea is taken orally in a warm form twice a day, 200 ml each, until the alarming symptoms disappear. At homechamomile tea will also help treat facial nerve disease, for the preparation of which one spoonful of dry raw materials needs to be brewed with boiling water in the amount of 1 cup.

trigeminal nerve inflammation home treatment
trigeminal nerve inflammation home treatment

The warm solution must be taken into the mouth and held for a while without swallowing.

Trigeminal nerve: treatment at home with compresses

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is effectively treated with cabbage applications. If you suddenly “stretched out” your face, you should boil 5-6 cabbage leaves, let them cool slightly, and then apply to the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Cover the vegetable compress with a cloth or terry towel on top. After cooling, the leaves are changed to warm ones. The first procedure will please you with a positive effect.

trigeminal neuralgia treatment home treatment
trigeminal neuralgia treatment home treatment

Mud compresses are no less effective. Healing clay should be diluted with water to a mushy state and applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe diseased nerve, putting a plastic film and a warm cloth over it. The procedure must be repeated twice a day until relief occurs.

In home therapy for the trigeminal nerve, you can take advantage of the beneficial properties of radish seeds. They should be brewed with boiling water and insisted for about 10 minutes. Then a tissue napkin with a medicinal mass placed on it must be carefully applied to the face and lie down for several minutes.

Healing alcohol tincture

In older people, as we have said, it often becomes inflamedtrigeminal nerve. Treatment at home, according to patients, provides a quick recovery. In particular, alcohol rubbing helps well. It is required to take 50 grams of dried plantain raw material, pour it into a glass container and pour a glass of vodka. Close the jar, insist the healing agent in a dark place for 7 days. The finished solution should be rubbed on the painful area. These actions are recommended to be performed before going to bed. Then the head should be tied with a warm downy scarf, while trying to carefully wrap the face, and sleep in it until morning. According to the feedback of patients who used this method, the facial nerve will recover in its functions after about 6-10 treatment sessions.

Ointment to restore the functions of the trigeminal nerve

According to the reviews of people who have experienced pain in the face, ointment based on lilac buds helps well. Dried raw materials should be poured into a jar and poured with lard in a ratio of 1 to 5. Place a glass container in a water bath and let the mixture boil for an hour. Healing ointment is required to be rubbed into the affected part of the face twice a day.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia at home gives a positive result when using fir oil, which must be rubbed into the affected area with a cloth or piece of cotton wool.

trigeminal nerve treatment at home
trigeminal nerve treatment at home

The procedure is recommended to be repeated 6 times a day. At first, the skin turns red and swells, but then it is restored in color and structure. The trigeminal nerve stops deliveringanxiety 3 days after starting therapy.

In the treatment of herbs, an infusion of roots, flowers, leaves of marshmallow is effective. 4 teaspoons of the dried product must be poured with cooled water and insisted for about 8 hours. From the infusion, make a compress, which before going to bed is required to be applied to the facial area for about 50-60 minutes. Then you should put on a warm scarf and go to bed. This treatment lasts about 7 days.

Home remedy treatment

In the treatment of the trigeminal nerve, buckwheat will help, which must be heated in a pan, poured into a cloth bag, applied to the affected area and kept until cool.

trigeminal nerve symptoms home treatment
trigeminal nerve symptoms home treatment

The procedure is required to be carried out three times a day. Reviews of those who have experienced inflammation of the trigeminal nerve confirm that this is the most inexpensive, affordable and effective method.

As another option for home therapy, you can grate beets, put them in a bandage folded in several layers, which is inserted into the ear canal from the inflamed side. Or, you can drip a few drops of beet juice into the ear canal. This will soothe the pain and calm the inflammatory process.

According to many patients, a hard-boiled chicken egg helps with pain in the facial area. It needs to be cleaned, cut and applied in halves to the sore spot. Repeat the procedure until the pain stops.
