Anti-nicotine patch: application, principle of action, reviews

Anti-nicotine patch: application, principle of action, reviews
Anti-nicotine patch: application, principle of action, reviews

Every person is well aware that the habit of smoking is really harmful and carries enormous harm to the whole organism. Starting to puff on a cigarette while still a teenager for the sake of popularity among peers and the desire to appear older, young people do not even suspect what kind of trap they are dragging themselves into with their own hands.

A little about the patch

Every long-term smoker naively assumes that he will be able to give up a bad habit at any moment he wants. And now the time comes when he still thinks about the state of his he alth and decides to stop smoking. But in reality it is not so simple! Many people spend a lot of time trying to finally give up cigarettes and say goodbye to the harmful nicotine addiction forever.

Smokers often make not one, but many attempts to give up a bad habit, but many of them are unsuccessful. Those who have many years of experience behind them often talk about the emerging feeling of doom, the inability to give up nicotine. But pharmaceutic althe industry does not stand still and regularly develops new anti-nicotine products that can help everyone get rid of addiction. For example, one of the most effective ways to quit smoking is deservedly considered the use of special patches. They are often recommended by doctors as part of complex treatment and as an independent therapy.

Operation principle

Today, all kinds of addictions and unhe althy lifestyles in general have faded into the background, giving way to sports and he althy lifestyles. That is why every day more and more people want to get rid of hated smoking in order to be in the right trend. In addition, many smokers are pushed to such an important step by the shaken state of he alth and all sorts of pathologies that arose precisely against the background of nicotine addiction.

Today, there are many methods to help ease the painful process of quitting cigarettes. One of these is the anti-nicotine patch. It is a layer of nicotine on a medical sticker. The patch is oval, round, square. At the same time, its size depends on the dosage of the contained nicotine.

How the nicotine patch works
How the nicotine patch works

But the principle of operation of the anti-nicotine patch is similar for all manufacturers. It consists in the fact that after applying the product to the skin, therapeutic nicotine enters the bloodstream and is maximally concentrated in it after 6 hours of continuous use. A distinctive feature of this method of giving up cigarettes is considered to beno negative effect on the body. By obtaining the necessary nicotine in this way, the smoker gradually weans from harmful smoke, while not experiencing severe discomfort.

Over time, reducing the dosage of the anti-nicotine patch, a person completely refuses cigarettes. On average, it takes about 2 months to get rid of tobacco addiction using this method.

Some companies produce patches with similar nicotine substitutes, which contain substances that have a positive effect on the body. It is advisable to attach a sticker to the arm or thigh. It is in these places that the largest number of small vessels are located, through which nicotine can penetrate into the bloodstream.

Pros and cons

The main benefits of the anti-nicotine patch are:

  • in ease of use - just stick it on the selected area of the skin;
  • in the possibility of choosing a nicotine dosage individually for each person, depending on his experience and deficiency symptoms;
  • in the speed of elimination in the event of such a need;
  • in no effect on the digestive tract;
  • in the ability to hide the product under clothes.
Advantages and disadvantages of the anti-nicotine patch
Advantages and disadvantages of the anti-nicotine patch

True, despite the many advantages of this method of quitting smoking, it also has some disadvantages. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • probability of resuming a bad habit after drug withdrawal;
  • reducing the effectiveness of the patch bybackground of too long use.

Unwanted manifestations

As for adverse reactions, the risk of their occurrence is low. But it's still worth talking about them:

  • appearance of an allergy in the form of itching or a rash on the skin;
  • the wrong dosage can provoke insomnia and nervous overexcitability;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • memory deterioration.
Side effects of the anti-nicotine patch
Side effects of the anti-nicotine patch


In addition to adverse reactions, there are certain cases in which it is worth abandoning the use of a nicotine patch. Contraindications to its use are:

  • lactation;
  • bearing time;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart defects;
  • teenage years;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and digestive tract;
  • presence of tumors in the adrenal glands;
  • too high thyroid activity.
Contraindications to the use of the anti-nicotine patch
Contraindications to the use of the anti-nicotine patch

How to choose

Before you buy a patch you like, you should always consult a doctor. On the shelves of pharmacies you can see a lot of varieties of these products. But do not rush and buy the first tool that comes across. It is very important to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the drug, study the reviews available about it, and only then choose the best option.

If in doubt, use the suggested criteriapatch selection.

  • Proven performance. So, legally registered means with proven effectiveness are Nicorette and Nikvitin. But Chinese patches for smoking are not so effective, due to which they are in low demand.
  • Accessibility. In this regard, these drugs are also in a more advantageous position - they can easily be bought at any pharmacy. But other means, most likely, will have to be ordered online.
  • Cost. Stop smoking is considered the cheapest anti-nicotine patch. Pretty budgetary is the treatment with the use of "Nikvitin".
  • User responses. Be sure to read the reviews of smokers who tested the effectiveness of the selected patch for themselves.
Reviews about the nicotine patch "Nicorette"
Reviews about the nicotine patch "Nicorette"


Those who have decided to get rid of their addiction, of course, are concerned about the question of whether the anti-nicotine patch will help stop smoking. In fact, it all depends on the correct choice of funds. And to choose the best option, you should take into account several important criteria.

  • Active ingredient. Some patches contain therapeutic nicotine, while others contain a synthetic substitute called sonicotinel. Both products have similar properties. But still, the second option is more preferable, since it additionally affects nicotine-consuming receptors.
  • Shape. There are several types of funds. It is worth trying different options to choose the most comfortable one.
  • Use time. Anti-nicotine patches can work for 16 hours and a whole day. The first option is considered preferable in this regard, since nicotine should not penetrate the blood at night.
  • Size. The amount of active substance in the patch depends on this parameter. The optimal dosage should be selected, taking into account the number of cigarettes smoked throughout the day. The bigger it is, the more imposing it should be.

Overview of drugs

Today on the pharmacy shelves you can meet a lot of different tools that promise to get rid of a bad habit. The most demanded funds deserve special attention.

  • Reviews of the patch for smoking "Nicorette" speak for themselves. This tool has been a leader in the domestic market for many years. The manufacturer of this drug has a specific system for getting rid of addiction. The tool has several nicotine dosages: 10, 15 and 25 mg. The effectiveness of this drug is scientifically proven and is approximately 90%.
  • No less popular is the anti-nicotine patch "Nikitin". Silver stickers are produced in dosages of 7, 14, 21 mg. Each patch must be glued for a day, each time to a new place. Patient reviews speak of the high effectiveness of this remedy.
  • "Nicotinell" helps to quickly and painlessly get rid of nicotine addiction. Produced in the samedosages, as well as "Nikvitin".
  • Among Chinese funds, the Patch anti-nicotine patch is considered to be very popular. It also has three dosage levels and has a minimal list of contraindications. True, reviews of the Chinese-made anti-nicotine patch vary significantly. Some talk about its high efficiency and low cost, while others talk about the impossibility of using it against the backdrop of many adverse reactions.
Reviews of the anti-nicotine patch
Reviews of the anti-nicotine patch

Rules of application

Before you stock up on the remedy you like, be sure to consult a therapist or narcologist. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage. In addition, the doctor will tell you about unwanted signs that should be avoided.

  • Before sticking the patch, you should determine the most convenient place. After all, you need to wear it for almost a day.
  • The place where the sticker is attached must be dry and clean. In addition, there should be no damage to this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Fix each new patch should be, shifting it a few centimeters.
  • After removing the sticker, the skin should be gently rinsed and dried well.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use several identical means in parallel. In addition, at the time of treatment should give up cigarettes. Otherwise, you risk getting very undesirable consequences.
  • If you experience any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately remove the patch and go to a doctor.
  • AlsoIt is forbidden to combine several types of treatment. For example, the patch cannot be combined with nicotine gums and tablets.
  • Manufacturers do not recommend using the product during pregnancy.

Anti-nicotine patch smoking reviews

According to narcologists, this tool is a fairly effective way to help in the fight against nicotine addiction. This is also confirmed by numerous reviews of the anti-nicotine patch. Of course, many patients talk about the uselessness of such drugs, calling them a waste of money. But still, there are much more positive responses on the network. According to doctors, such contradictions are explained by the psychological mood of smokers. After all, without the help of the patient himself, the anti-nicotine patch is not capable, as if by a wave of a magic wand, to completely get rid of the desire to smoke. But he excels in complex therapy.

Does the anti-nicotine patch help you quit smoking?
Does the anti-nicotine patch help you quit smoking?


Multiple responses testify to the high performance of nicotine patches. This tool is a really effective drug that allows you to permanently get rid of cravings for cigarettes. But in order to achieve a truly good result, you should consult a doctor and approach the choice of remedy with all responsibility. A well-chosen anti-nicotine patch can completely eliminate or significantly reduce the level of manifestation of painful tobacco withdrawal syndrome.
