Spine Recovery: Exercises

Spine Recovery: Exercises
Spine Recovery: Exercises

Restoration of the spine is a necessary measure during surgery. The operation performed on the spinal column is classified as one of the complex and serious. Keep in mind that recovery can take months or even years. However, a responsible approach to medical recommendations and regular gymnastic practices will help shorten this unpleasant period. Often the success of the entire operation depends on a responsible approach to the recovery phase.

restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine
restoration of cartilage tissue of the spine

The possibilities are almost unlimited

Several decades ago, medicine could not have imagined that spinal surgeries would learn to be carried out effectively, applying in a wide range of cases. Previously, this kind of intervention was associated with a very high risk. But nowadays, operations have become practically safe, microsurgery is increasingly being used. Due to this, the period of direct intervention is reduced, preparation is simplified, and the restoration of the spine requires less time.

Statistics show that the predominant percentage of transactions are with a positive result. But the patient mustremember that not everything depends on the surgeon. It is equally important to undergo rehabilitation under the supervision of a specialist doctor, to strictly follow his recommendations.

spinal fracture recovery
spinal fracture recovery

Injury is not a death sentence

Medicine has proven that recovery from a spinal fracture is absolutely real. The operation is performed not only in this case, but also with a number of other indications. Rehabilitation measures are worked out in each case individually.

Main tasks of the recovery period:

  • pain relief;
  • increased healing rate;
  • prevention of complications;
  • returning mobility to a person.

The key to success is an individual approach

It is impossible to formulate general recommendations or say which exercises for spinal recovery will suit everyone without exception. As a rule, therapy is formed individually. Specialists take into account the nature of the injury and its scale, the complexity of the situation and the individual characteristics of the body.

Rehabilitation is a period when medicine does everything possible so that a person can live comfortably. Remember: immediately after the operation, even the simplest movements bring pain. To cope with the problem, you can practice special postures, as well as sets of exercises to get rid of tension. It doesn't have to be classical gymnastics. In recent years, yoga practices, exercises that came from Buddhism, have been increasingly used.

hernia recoveryspine
hernia recoveryspine

Time heals and cripples

When visiting a medical center, you must remember that only 1-2 sessions will not give any result. Practice shows that in cases of spinal surgery, the rehabilitation period rarely lasts less than three months, often dragging on for a year or several years.

The sooner you start restoring the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, the less time it will take. If a lot of time has passed between the operation and the course of restoration of mobility, it is necessary to consult a high-class doctor with good recommendations so that he can find the set of exercises that will be effective in your case.

recovery after a spinal fracture
recovery after a spinal fracture

Therapeutic exercise

It is believed that such a set of measures is most effective when surgery has affected the spine. Treatment, recovery in this case allow you to return mobility to a person, and therefore eliminate circulatory problems. A set of classes is practiced, during which:

  • muscles return tone;
  • blood flow increases;
  • the body returns to normal in the shortest possible time.


During this therapy, the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine occurs under the influence of:

  • cold;
  • heat;
  • electric current;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic field;
  • laser.

In the process of impact on the spine, regenerative mechanisms are activated, wounds heal faster, pain walks, improvesblood circulation in organs and tissues. In recent years, in addition to traditional methods of physiotherapy, new developments are increasingly being used, showing increased efficiency.

spine treatment recovery
spine treatment recovery


The postoperative period for the patient is associated with long periods without movement, when the person is sitting or lying down. The human body is normally mobile, so such restrictions are unnatural.

Reducing the negative consequences of surgery, it is recommended to use the simulators designed for this. They help a person stay upright despite a recent injury. Recovery of the spine in such conditions is much faster.

spinal rehabilitation exercises
spinal rehabilitation exercises


Qigong exercises that came to us from the East proved to be very good in different situations, and recovery after spinal surgery was no exception. It is recommended to resort to this technique under the supervision of a doctor responsible for the patient's recovery period.

It all starts with feeling your own body. Starting position: legs are shoulder-width apart so that the feet are parallel to each other. The knees are slightly bent, lifting the pelvis, but not pushing the buttocks back. The arms hang freely, the chin is lowered and the top of the head tends to rise. This pose is the starting position for all exercises. It symbolizes the connection between physiology and consciousness.

Crane neck

In this exercise, the chin is pressed to the neck, stretchingforward. Fix the body for a couple of seconds. Then they lower their head, moving as smoothly as possible, raise it up and return to its original position.

Clean breath

If the reconstruction of the cervical spine is supposed, then this practice can be especially useful. Inhale through the nose with a full chest, then exhale, releasing air through the mouth. The abdomen is tensed and pressed into itself. Make sure that the body as a whole is relaxed. They draw analogies with a puppet that no one else controls, and it is finally left to its own will.

recovery after spinal surgery
recovery after spinal surgery

Turtle neck

With this exercise, the chin must be carefully pressed directly to the neck, then lower the head lower to the chest. In this position, the body is fixed. The head should be parallel to the ground, while the chin is gradually directed forward. Then the head is gently raised so that the eyes look at the sky. They return to their original position.

The dragon soared to the clouds

Exercise begins with the location of the hands on the sides, raising them to the shoulders. Then the hands are lowered, a lock is made, raised to the chest. The folded hands are fixed at the level of the forehead, turn, open closed palms and strive with the whole body to the sky.

The elbow is lowered, the other is raised, shifting the chest. The torso must be turned towards the elbow that is raised. When the body passes the point of greatest tension, the position of the elbows is changed by turning the torso.

Yoga and spinal hernia

The spine is formed by vertebrae, flexibly connectedbetween themselves. The mobility of such a system is guaranteed by intervertebral discs. Load every day, uncomfortable conditions, unhe althy environment become the causes of the development of various diseases. More than once, patients were diagnosed with "vertebral hernia".

Tissue degeneration, muscle weakness, bone destruction leads to pathology, the elimination of which in some cases is possible only by surgery. However, practice shows that doctors prefer to practice conservative therapy whenever possible, but this may not always be the case. In any treatment option, one of the most important stages in restoring the quality of life to a person is recovery from a spinal hernia.

As yogis are convinced, muscle effort is the best remedy to restore a person's he alth. The correct practice of physical activity allows you to cure all parts of the spine even when the pathology has been launched. Yoga for the back affects each part of the body separately, allowing a person to re-learn the joy of free and painless movement. The exercises are called asanas. It is possible to restore the spine through yoga, but to achieve a tangible result, they must be performed daily.

spine restoration
spine restoration

How does it work?

The specificity of yoga is as follows: asanas must be held for a long time. When exercising, the pressure inside the discs decreases, which has a positive effect not only on the affected areas, but also on he althy ones. With a hernia of the spine, such an effect is rightly considered one of the mostscoring.

With the practice of exercises, the joints become softer, more mobile, the tissues become elastic, the muscles become stronger. With static stress, the motor neuron apparatus is activated, due to which the functionality of the spine is restored.

The practice of yoga allows you to influence only the spine in a complex way, but also on selected organs. This is corrected by the selection of certain asanas. It is recommended to exercise under the supervision of a doctor, to practice exercises at least once a day.

spine surgery recovery
spine surgery recovery

Where do we start?

Before starting asanas, they do preparatory exercises: they bend, turn, rotate their heads. Move calmly, rhythmically, slowly, repeating each movement 10 times. Having finished, proceed directly to yoga.

The very first pose is tadasana. It involves sipping. After that, you can proceed to other exercises. Performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position.
  2. Raise hands.
  3. Elongate the spine.
  4. Bend the elbow joints, spread apart, thereby setting the shoulders parallel to the floor surface.
  5. The brushes are directed upwards, forming a shape resembling a candlestick.
  6. Turn head left and right, then toss.
  7. Repeat this several times, increasing the mobility of the vertebrae day after day.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

If you have undergone spinal surgery, yoga recovery must include the Ardha exerciseMatsyendrasana.

Simplified version: choose a place in the room at a distance of a step from the wall and stand up straight. Inhaling, they raise their right hand, turn their torso and head to the right, trying to reach the wall. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

A more difficult variation should be practiced daily once you have mastered it.

  1. Sit on the right thigh, bend the right knee, trying to touch the left buttock with fingers.
  2. Bending the right knee, move the leg over the other.
  3. The whole body turns to the left.
  4. The right hand is held under the knee on the left.
  5. The left hand is brought behind the back, trying to close the palms.
  6. The head is turned to the left.
  7. Lift the chin.

It is recommended to do the exercise in the central part of the gymnastics or as a final one.

cervical spine reconstruction
cervical spine reconstruction

Yoga Triangles

If a person has suffered a fracture of the spine, recovery is delayed for a long time. Without the right set of rehabilitation measures, it is possible to permanently lose mobility and, consequently, the quality of life. An effective measure will be the practice of yoga exercises, begun as soon as he alth permits. When you can start, the doctor will tell you exactly, assessing the patient's condition. Remember: hurrying to do yoga, you can inflict additional injury on yourself. Therefore, be extremely careful.

So, yoga triangles. Two are common: inverted and lateral. The first is called ParivritaTrikonasana, the second is Parivatrikonasana.

Parivrita Trikonasana is done as follows:

  1. Starting stance - feet shoulder width apart.
  2. The right palm is placed on the floor at the left foot with fingers towards the heel.
  3. The left hand is raised.
  4. The head is turned back.
  5. Look at fingertips.

This exercise can be done at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the set.

Parivatrikonasana is done like this:

  1. Starting pose - wide lunge to the right with the leg bent at the knee to 90°.
  2. On the left foot, the toes point upwards, on the right foot - to the side.
  3. The torso is tilted towards the bent knee.
  4. The left hand is pulled up and to the right.
  5. The right arm is bent, placed on a bent leg (you can just straighten it and hang down).
  6. The head is turned up, looking ahead.
  7. Striving to keep the chest close to the thigh. Every day they try to reduce this distance.

How to finish?

Shavasana is recommended as the final exercise. It relaxes the body, restores strength. It takes about five minutes, but you can stay in this position for two hours.

The technique is as follows: lie on your back, spreading your legs at an angle of 45 °. Muscles relax, breathe deeply, calm down and expel all thoughts from the head.
