Causes, symptoms, treatment of pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Causes, symptoms, treatment of pseudo-erosion of the cervix
Causes, symptoms, treatment of pseudo-erosion of the cervix

The inside of the cervix is lined with cylindrical cells. The epithelium can freely move, go beyond the boundaries of the body, grow. In all cases, pseudo-erosion of the cervix is formed. This is a pathology that is not a disease, but requires competent treatment and constant monitoring. It is formed exclusively on a he althy area of \u200b\u200bthe mucosa and covers the existing true erosion.

General information

The cervix directly connects the uterus and the vagina. From the side of the latter, the neck is lined with flat cells in several layers. The cervical canal is covered with cylindrical elements. They are in one layer. When these cells go beyond the canal and displace the multilayer flat ones, they speak of ectopia, that is, pseudo-erosion of the cervix.

pseudo-erosion of the cervix
pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Most often, such a pathological process is the result of disorders at the congenital level. Sometimes it is formed due to previous true erosion. The latter is extremely rare. The erosive focus isa shallow sore on the cervical mucosa, with bleeding vessels. For its healing, it is enough to eliminate the focus of inflammation. If there is no adequate treatment, the pathology turns into pseudo-erosion.

Ectopia is diagnosed mainly in women under 30 years of age with elevated blood levels of estrogen or during pregnancy, when there are changes in the hormonal level.

Stages, types of pathology

  1. By origin, pathology can be congenital, dyshormonal or post-traumatic.
  2. Depending on the type of growth of the epithelium, glandular, papillary and with metaplasia of squamous cells are distinguished.
  3. According to the dynamics of development, there can be progressive, stationary and healing stages.

Initially, the cylindrical epithelium, gradually increasing in size, forms special erosive glands, therefore this stage is called glandular pseudo-erosion. It can last up to several years. In some cases, papillary growths are observed in the foci of pathology (glandular-papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix). Subsequently, the inflammatory processes subside, atypical cells are replaced by squamous epithelium. Such a process defines the stationary stage. In the case of a progressive pathology, the ducts of the glands are blocked by a secret, and specific formations appear on the surface of the mucosa or in the thickness of the uterus. In medical practice, this process is referred to as glandular-cystic pseudo-erosion of the cervix. Formations are prone to infection, which entails an increase in the inflammatory process.

papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix
papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Causes of ectopia

  • Early sex life. The uterine mucosa finally matures by the age of 23. If this process is interfered with ahead of time, the likelihood of ectopia increases.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Promiscuous.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Bad ecology, worsening the quality of life in general.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) affect the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Injury (abortion, childbirth).
  • Inflammatory processes, infections, vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Clinical picture

Congenital pseudo-erosion of the cervix is most often not characterized by obvious clinical signs and is detected during a gynecological examination. Doctors observe it in the form of a red spot that surrounds the external pharynx of the cervix. It differs from the vaginal mucosa in a more intense color, while its natural shade varies from pale pink to moderately red. The area of discoloration usually has ragged contours, the diameter varies between 3-13 mm.

For the acquired variant of ectopia, symptoms of the inflammatory process are characteristic. Small cysts form in the epithelium, which are subsequently rejected. On their surface, there may be mucous or whitish secretions that come from the so-called cervical canal. Papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix is characterized bythe appearance of bloody discharge after sexual intercourse, a violation of the menstrual cycle.

papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix
papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Why is ectopia dangerous?

Pseudo-erosion with timely therapy can hardly be considered a serious threat to women's he alth. However, untreated pathology can lead to serious problems, ranging from simple inflammation to the appearance of a malignant formation, infertility. In addition, pseudo-erosion is characterized by a tendency to relapse.

The main reason lies in the violation of the antibacterial function. The mucous membrane of a he althy cervix forms a kind of plug that protects the uterine cavity from the penetration of bacteria and viruses of various nature.

The membranes of the epithelial cells of this organ have special receptors that distinguish changes at the hormonal level. Pseudo-erosion of the cervix does not allow them to adequately and timely respond to the release of the necessary hormones. This situation is mainly felt during childbirth.

Ectopia and pregnancy

During the first pregnancy, pseudo-erosion does not interfere with the conception of a baby and its bearing. On the other hand, defects in the cervix do not allow it to expand normally during childbirth, causing numerous ruptures. Poorly sutured tissues subsequently, during the next pregnancy, will not be able to hold the fetus, and will also act as a gate for the penetration of bacteria.

Due to inflammatory processes and scarring, papillary pseudo-erosion of the cervix can prevent the fertilization of the egg. ATmedical practice knows cases of spontaneous miscarriages and premature births in women with this diagnosis.

If a pathology was discovered during pregnancy, this indicates that it was formed due to hormonal disorders. In this kind of situation, a change in the usual structure of the epithelium is considered an open wound. It can cause infection of the membranes of the fetus and lead to infection of the baby. It is impossible to cauterize pathology during pregnancy, so doctors choose expectant tactics. In the first trimester, a woman is recommended to have a monthly examination, and in the second and third - a weekly one. Pseudo-erosion of the cervix can be cauterized only after childbirth, or rather, after 6-8 weeks, when the release of lochia stops.

epidermis pseudo-erosion of the cervix
epidermis pseudo-erosion of the cervix

Basic examination methods

Diagnosis of pathology does not cause any particular difficulties. Physical examination of the cervix allows to determine the presence of pseudo-erosion in the form of a reddish spot on a light pink background. To confirm the final diagnosis, determine the inflammatory and exclude the pathological process (for example, cancer), patients are prescribed a number of additional examinations:

  • Pap smears.
  • Extended colposcopy.
  • Biopsy to rule out malignancy.
  • Bacteriological culture of the secret of the cervical canal.
  • PCR study.
  • A blood test for hormones.
  • cystic pseudo-erosion of the cervix
    cystic pseudo-erosion of the cervix


Treatment can be carried out both medically and non-pharmacologically. Antibiotics and antimicrobials are usually prescribed, as well as restorative and hormonal drugs, in order to eliminate the cause of such a pathology as pseudo-erosion of the cervix. Non-drug treatments include:

  • Electrocoagulation (cauterization of affected areas with electric current). A white crust forms on the surface of the cervix, under which the epithelium begins to recover after the procedure. After 10 days, this scab is torn off, thereby exposing the healing area of the mucosa. Full recovery occurs in about two months. The main disadvantage of this method of treatment is the formation of scars, which are highly undesirable for a nulliparous woman. In the case of the first birth, they can provoke a rupture of the tissues of the cervix.
  • Cryodestruction (“freezing” of problem areas with liquid nitrous oxide).
  • Laser destruction (an expensive method of therapy based on the ability of a laser beam to evaporate and simultaneously coagulate pathological cells).
  • Radio wave therapy.

The choice of a specific method of treatment is carried out by the doctor. Properly selected therapy allows you to restore the epithelium as soon as possible. It is recommended to take additional measures to prevent possible relapses. Even the acidic environment in the vagina has a traumatic effect directly on the cylindrical epithelium itself. For pregnant or nulliparous women diagnosed with epidermis pseudoerosion of the cervixuterus chemical effects on the uterus is undesirable, so cryodestruction is best done after childbirth. The main side effect of this procedure is the occurrence of tissue burns and scarring, which prevents the elastic opening of the cervix during direct delivery.

Presently, more and more doctors give preference to radio wave treatment. This method is suitable for women of all ages. Radio wave treatment is prescribed on the fifth day of the onset of menstruation. After natural childbirth or caesarean section - after the disappearance of spotting (usually after 40 days).

pseudo-erosion of the cervix treatment
pseudo-erosion of the cervix treatment

Radio wave therapy: contraindications

  • Menstruation.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage (colpitis, vulvovaginitis).
  • Oncology.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Mental illness.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage.

Advantages of radio wave treatment

  • No burn.
  • Just one procedure is enough.
  • Breastfeeding allowed.

After a course of treatment, there may be a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which most often disappears on its own without the use of drugs.

Cystic pseudo-erosion of the cervix is also subject to radio wave treatment. Dark brown, odorless vaginal discharge is allowed for 10 days after the procedure.

Lifestyle after therapy

Regardless of the chosen method of treatmentpatients are advised to radically reconsider their lifestyle after a course of therapy. Within 10 days it is undesirable to swim in pools or reservoirs. It is necessary to limit visits to the bathhouse, gym. You should refrain from serious physical exertion and sexual activity. However, short walks will benefit everyone without exception.

Pregnancy can be planned after the final healing of the damage. This usually takes one to three months.

pseudo-erosion of the cervix
pseudo-erosion of the cervix


With frequent change of sexual partners and in case of neglect of contraception, the microflora of the vagina may change, the internal genital organs become more vulnerable to infections. In order to prevent the development of pseudo-erosion of the cervix, it is recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist every six months, to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene. It is equally important to sanitize existing infectious foci in a timely manner, to regulate immunological and hormonal disorders.

As practice shows, the therapy of many inflammatory diseases (colpitis, vulvovaginitis) with untreated erosion does not achieve a lasting effect. As a result, the pathology becomes sluggish and long-term.


In this article, we talked in as much detail as possible about what constitutes pseudo-erosion of the cervix. Photos of this pathology can be found in the specialized literature.

Do not be afraid of such a diagnosis and postpone a visit to a specialist. Remember that timely detected ectopia and adequate treatment can eliminate the problem, minimize the risk of developing quite dangerous complications.

Every woman of childbearing age should take care of her he alth, regularly undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist. This article also provides material on preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of pseudo-erosion. We hope that the information presented here will be really useful for you. Stay he althy!
