Cancer is one of the most serious diseases of the present time. Now the number of sick people many times exceeds the level of past decades. Scientists associate this phenomenon with the growth of adverse factors affecting a person in the conditions of modern society. Oncology is the study of cancer cells and the development of methods to combat them.

During her research, she has accumulated rich experience in diagnosing this disease.
Problems of diagnosis and treatment
When the body is affected by cancer, metastases form in it. When the disease progresses, the localization of tumor foci in the places where they were originally found is disturbed. Cancer cells are able to separate from such foci, spread throughout the body and form new metastases. And they have amazing vitality. Only one such motile cell can cause a large cancer. The difficulty of treatment lies in the fact that, having destroyed the metastasis, it is impossible to guarantee that there are no more cancer cells left in the body. The patient in any case needs to undergo chemotherapy.

Blood test
Medicine has come close to solving this problem. Oncologists have obtained a method that allows labeling of cancer cells. The marked object is easily detectable. Such an analysis allows to detect cancer in the early stages of development. It is also used to monitor the patient's condition during treatment and helps to adjust the number of necessary procedures as accurately as possible. This significantly reduces the harm done to the body by anti-cancer therapy. In addition, the presence of tumor cells can be established by the products of their vital activity in the patient's blood. For this, an analysis is made for cancer cells. The price of such a procedure varies from 700 rubles to 2 thousand (the cost depends on the type of oncomarker).
Use of radioisotopes in diagnosis
The most advanced technologies have been used to detect signs of cancer. Radioisotope research can reveal pathology when there are no obvious symptoms yet. It is recommended for people at risk. These are patients who already had cancer in their family.
Positron emission tomography
This study refers to modern methods of accurate diagnosis. It not only makes it possible to detect cancer cells in the early stages of the disease, but also allows you to track their movement in the human body.

Based on PET, the doctor is able to predict which tissues metastases will spread to and start prophylaxis in time.
Predicting treatment outcomes
Favorable outcome of treatment directly depends on therapy. If medical intervention occurred at an early stage of cancer development, then there are great chances for a successful recovery. Among such patients, the number of those who have overcome the disease and returned to a normal lifestyle is 70-95%.