PSA indicators for prostate adenoma: testing, interpretation of results, norm and pathology

PSA indicators for prostate adenoma: testing, interpretation of results, norm and pathology
PSA indicators for prostate adenoma: testing, interpretation of results, norm and pathology

The article will discuss PSA indicators in prostate adenoma. Such a blood test is performed in order to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor. If cancer cells are present in a man's prostate, then it begins to synthesize a large amount of a glycoprotein, which is a prostate-specific antigen.

PSA values in prostate adenoma depend on the age of the patient. It should be understood that it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on the results of only one study. Deviation from the norm only indicates the need for other diagnostic procedures: biopsy, MRI, CT.

The importance of PSA in the diagnosis of pathology

Firstly, why you need to donate blood for PSA with prostate adenoma.

indicators of a dog with prostate adenoma
indicators of a dog with prostate adenoma

Cancer, inflammation, BPH are characterized by similar signs, so it is impossible to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe therapy without a thorough diagnosis. With adenomaprostate, oncology, prostatitis in men, the following clinical symptoms are noted:

  1. Deterioration of general condition (insomnia, poor appetite, depression, weakness).
  2. Discharge from the penis, streaked with blood, purulent or mucus.
  3. Deterioration of potency (delayed ejaculation, premature ejaculation, insufficient arousal, weakened libido).
  4. Difficulty urinating with a constant feeling of being full.
  5. Pain in the groin, lower abdomen, aggravated by erection and going to the toilet.

An enlarged prostate can be detected by a urologist during a rectal examination. However, it is impossible to determine what character the tumor has (benign or malignant) by probing. Therefore, the patient is recommended to donate a blood sample for testing for PSA levels in prostate adenoma.

Why are there small deviations?

Small deviations from normal values are not a cause for concern. Often this happens under the influence of external factors: physical activity, excitement, massage, recent sexual contact. Repeated examination, if the excess is not provoked by the disease, will show a normal result.

elevated psa with prostate adenoma
elevated psa with prostate adenoma

Hyperplasia, exacerbation of prostatitis or cancer?

If the deviation is large and is 20-40% above the norm, then hyperplasia or exacerbation of prostatitis can be assumed. Too much excess (several times) indicates the likelihoodcancer development.

PSA level is analyzed in parallel with other research data: biopsy, CT scan, ultrasound, biochemical study of urine and blood samples. The specialist can make the final diagnosis only on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination.

Cancer, prostatitis, adenoma in the initial stages of their development, as a rule, are asymptomatic, so men are recommended to be examined by a urologist and take PSA tests every year for prevention. If a person is at risk (after irradiation, with irregular sexual activity, sedentary work), then a preventive examination should be carried out every six months. Even more often, men over 50 need to be tested.

prostate adenoma dog level
prostate adenoma dog level

Preparing for the study

To determine the exact level of PSA for a man, prior preparation is required before taking the biomaterial. Distortion of the results can occur if a digital examination of the prostate, rectal massage was performed the day before. Therefore, biomaterial should be donated at least a day after these procedures. Also note:

  1. Before the PSA test, you should not take antibiotic medicines, hormonal drugs against tumors, drugs that can suppress androgen synthesis for two weeks.
  2. It is impossible to conduct a study if infectious pathologies (in particular, the genitourinary tract) are in the acute phase.
  3. The increased level of antigen after a biopsy persists for 20 days. During this period, examine the blood forprostate-specific antigen makes no sense.

One day before the delivery of the biomaterial, a man is recommended to give up sex and sports training. In addition, anxiety and stress must be avoided. Food during the day before taking a blood sample should be eaten non-spicy and low-fat. It is equally important to give up alcohol (even weak) and smoking. During the 8 hours before the blood sample is taken, only plain water without gas is allowed.

Biomaterial donation

To determine the level of PSA, you will need to donate venous blood. This procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. The nurse first applies a tourniquet to the area above the elbow, then treats the skin at the puncture site with alcohol.

Blood is taken in the amount of 3-5 ml. The study in the laboratory is carried out on the day of biomaterial sampling. The next morning, the patient can receive the results of the study. If the clinic is private, then for a fee, the result can be obtained within a few hours.

Now about what should be the PSA values for prostate adenoma is normal.

Deviations from the norm

This antigen is constantly produced by the prostate. It accumulates in the blood and seminal fluid. The PSA norm for prostate adenoma depends on age.

How does PSA get into the blood?
How does PSA get into the blood?

If a man has any pathology, the amount of synthesized antigen increases significantly. In laboratories, for the purpose of diagnosis, the biomaterial is subjected to certain manipulations, which allow not only to calculate the PSA level, but alsodetermine in what proportions its fractions are present. This makes it possible to identify the risk levels separately for cancer, adenoma, prostatitis.

An important indicator is the proportion of free and specific PSA in the blood. Such names have antigen states. It may be bound to alpha-1 antichymotrypsin or another plasma protein, or may remain free. With a moderate excess, a benign tumor of the prostate is most often diagnosed. If a very high PSA level is found in prostate adenoma, then the likelihood of a cancerous neoplasm increases. Given the ratio of fractions to the general level, the diagnostician can determine the percentage probability of developing an adenoma or oncology.

PSA values for BPH by age

In the process of deciphering the results, the specialist, first of all, takes into account two main indicators: the ratio of each PSA fraction to its general level, as well as comparison with age norms. To determine the latter, the established indicators of the total PSA for men are used:

  1. 19-40 years - 1.4 ng/mL;
  2. 40-59 - 2.5 ng/mL;
  3. 60-69 years - 3.5 ng/mL;
  4. from 70 years old - 6.5 ng/ml.
  5. how to reduce the dog with prostate adenoma
    how to reduce the dog with prostate adenoma

The likelihood of cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia can be excluded if the concentration of free PSA exceeds the level of total PSA by 26%. If the specified parameter is in the range of 10-26%, then the probability of adenoma or prostatitis is quite high. Atoncological pathologies, this figure is less than 10%.

Increased PSA in prostate adenoma by 0, 2-1 points from the norm may indicate the likelihood of developing prostate pathologies, but this probability is only 8%. If the indicator is exceeded by 3-4 points, then the patient almost certainly has a urological disease (70% - that this is hyperplasia or prostatitis, 30% - oncology). An excess of more than 4 points (this is 80%) indicates that cancer is most likely present. The worst indicator is a PSA result greater than 30 ng / ml - the probability of having cancer is 94% or more.

Clarifying studies

In order to determine the exact reasons for the increase in the concentration of the antigen in the blood, the patient is prescribed clarifying studies. It is possible to differentiate cancer and adenoma using TRUS, CT, MRI, biopsy of prostate tissue. After receiving the results of all diagnostic procedures, the doctor analyzes the dependence of PSA on the size and condition of the prostate, determines the exact diagnosis and prescribes the necessary therapy: preventive monitoring, drug treatment, physiotherapy, surgery.

Post prostatectomy

If a patient has had prostate surgery (particularly a prostatectomy), they should have regular blood samples for testing. This is required for the timely detection of the recurrence of pathology (approximately 40% of patients who underwent RP relapse, and in 95% of cases - within the next 5 years after surgical therapy).

Patients after surgery have normalPSA values differ significantly from PSA values in he althy men. It is necessary to take an analysis at least one and a half months after surgery (it makes no sense to conduct a study earlier than this period - the result will be distorted). After prostatectomy, the optimal volume of antigen synthesis should be no more than 0.2 ng / ml if the man is less than 60 years old, and 0.5-0.7 ng / ml if the patient is over 60 years old.

dog norm for prostate adenoma
dog norm for prostate adenoma

With complete removal of the prostate

When a man's prostate has been completely removed (radical prostatectomy), the PSA value should always be at 0 ng/ml. Any deviation from the indicated concentration indicates the likelihood of developing cancer: more than 0.2 ng / ml - the probability is 25%, more than 0.5 ng / ml - 78%.

How to lower PSA in prostate adenoma will be discussed below.

Ways to lower PSA levels

There are several ways to reduce the concentration of antigen in the blood. However, it should be borne in mind that these methods allow you to get only a short-term result that lasts for several days. After that, the PSA concentration returns to its previous value.

You can lower the antigen by eating only certain foods during the day: green tea, broccoli, tomatoes, pomegranate. In this case, the PSA concentration will decrease by 0.2-0.4 points. In addition, antigen levels can be lowered by using thiazide diuretics and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

The described methods should not be taken as a means of therapy. This is due to the fact that for a stable decrease in the level of PSA, the removal of prostate adenoma is necessary. This antigen is only an indicator of pathology. Its elimination also leads to the normalization of glycoprotein levels.

So, how to lower PSA in prostate adenoma? The best way to treat adenoma is surgery.

how to lower your PSA
how to lower your PSA

Medications can only stop the growth of the prostate. For this purpose, drugs that inhibit 5-alpha reductase, androgenic drugs, for example, Testosterone Propionate, Raveron, Methyltestosterone, can be used. Some folk remedies can also prevent the development of adenoma, the use of which must be agreed with the doctor:

  1. Asparagus and pumpkin seeds. The chance of developing BPH drops by 20% if you eat these foods at least 3-4 times a week.
  2. Infusion made with lemon peels and garlic. To make the product, pour half a liter of water with the zest of 1 lemon and 10 cloves of garlic. You need to drink the remedy once a day for 20 ml.
  3. Gush of walnuts and honey. You should eat 2 tablespoons of the product daily.


It is important to understand that self-treatment of the disease can not only be useless, but also provoke complications. In this regard, you should periodically undergo preventive examinations with a urologist and take the necessary tests in a timely manner. The only wayit will be possible to maintain the required level of PSA in a man of any age with prostate adenoma.
