Increased content of monocytes in the blood: interpretation of the results, the norm, the causes of the pathology and the opinions of doctors

Increased content of monocytes in the blood: interpretation of the results, the norm, the causes of the pathology and the opinions of doctors
Increased content of monocytes in the blood: interpretation of the results, the norm, the causes of the pathology and the opinions of doctors

Monocytes are blood cells of the leukocyte series. They are one of the largest. A blood test shows their number. An increased content of monocytes in the blood may indicate the development of pathology. Based on a clinical blood test, the doctor determines whether the number of blood cells is normal. Monocytes are also counted.

What is this?

Monocytes are the largest cells among white blood cells. Inside, they do not contain granules characteristic of other leukocytes. Monocytes are responsible for the body's immune response, supply antigen to lymphocytes and are a source of biologically active substances.

monocyte structure
monocyte structure

The main function of monocytes is phagocytosis - the absorption of pathogenic bacteria and dead cells. In the blood, a monocyte lives no more than 30 hours. During this time, it grows and passes into the tissues of the body, where it matures. A mature monocyte becomes a microphage, continues to kill harmfulbacteria and unwanted substances. The lifespan of a macrophage is 1.5-2 months.

The number of cells changes with various diseases that pass in an erased form. In children, a doctor may diagnose infectious mononucleosis, which means an increased number of monocytes in the blood. Thus, the cells fight off the infectious agent.

Monocytes make up 3-9% of all leukocytes. Macrophages absorb up to 100 pathogenic bacteria. If inflammation has developed, then macrophages cleanse the cell, eat microbes, and prepare the damaged cell for regeneration. Macrophages are most active in an acidic environment, in which neutrophils can no longer cope. For this, monocytes were nicknamed the “wipers of the body.”


To determine the number of leukocytes, it is necessary to take a clinical blood test. The increased content of monocytes is determined by the results of the leukogram. The test result is recorded as a leukocyte formula. Among doctors, you can hear that there has been a shift in the leukocyte formula to the right or left. An increase in monocytes occurs when the formula is shifted to the right.

blood monocytosis
blood monocytosis

The total number of monocytes can be measured in absolute and relative terms. The rate depends on age. For adults, the absolute value within the normal range is in the range of 0-0.08 × 10⁹ / l. In children, the rate is slightly higher than 0.05–1.1×10⁹/L.

In percentage terms, the limit of 9% is considered the norm. An increased content of monocytes in the blood of a child in the first two weeks of life is the norm, it canreach 15%. Consider a table.

Age Monocytes, %
newborns 3 - 12
<2 weeks 5 - 15
2 weeks - 1 year 4 - 10
1 – 2 years 3 - 10
2 – 5 years 3 - 9
6-7 years old 3 - 9
8 years 3 - 9
9-11 years old 3 - 9
12-15 years old 3 - 9
> 16 years old 3 - 9

Physiological increase in monocytes

An increase in the number of studied cells is called monocytosis and does not always indicate the occurrence of an infection. Sometimes the absolute content of monocytes in the blood is increased for a number of physiological reasons and does not pose any danger. The doctor evaluates the entire blood test before making a diagnosis. The difference in analyzes is not related to the patient's gender, but may change with age.

Main causes of increased monocytes in the blood:

  • changing the phase of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • taking certain medications;
  • prolonged emotional overload and stress;
  • when digesting heavy food, overeating, additional stress on internal organs;
  • testing after eating;
  • individual human biorhythms.
child's illness
child's illness

In these cases, the increase does not deviate much from the norm. Restblood counts remain at the level of a he althy person. In this case, you can donate blood a little later, to exclude the development of pathology at the initial stage.

Pathological increase in monocytes. When to sound the alarm?

The increased content of monocytes in the blood in men and women is most often associated with the development of diseases in which the body directs all its forces to fight infection. The reasons for the increase are as follows:

  • infections due to the appearance of a virus or fungus in the body;
  • recovery period after a severe infectious disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • brucellosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • diseases of the autoimmune system;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • periarteritis nodosa;
  • acute leukemia;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • myeloproliferative diseases;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • poisoning with phosphorus or tetrachloroethane;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • worm infestation;
  • during the recovery period after surgery;
  • chronic inflammation.
monocytes in the blood
monocytes in the blood

Monocytes come to the aid of other leukocytes, which take the first blow of the disease. Macrophages are a powerful army, coping with many human diseases.

Why the level is lowered

The causes of increased monocytes in the blood are different from the reasons for the decrease (monocytopenia). Decreasing readings indicate a failure inwork of the hematopoietic system and a decrease in the body's defenses. The decrease in monocytes, and as a consequence of macrophages, leads to an improvement in the conditions for the development of infectious and bacterial diseases. The number of protective bodies in the blood decreases, the brain does not receive a signal about the disease. In such conditions, viruses and bacteria multiply freely.

Causes of monocytopenia:

  • postpartum recovery;
  • prolonged stress;
  • hard physical work;
  • long-term diet, nutritional deficiency, starvation;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • prolonged infections (typhoid and typhoid fever);
  • fever lasting over a week;
  • use of hormones, immunosuppressants, other medications;
  • chemotherapy;
  • blood loss, aplastic anemia;
  • sepsis;
  • severe injuries (burns, frostbite);
  • hairy cell leukemia;
  • gangrene.
monocytosis in humans
monocytosis in humans

Change in the indicator during pregnancy

Increased levels of monocytes in the blood of women during pregnancy occurs for physiological and infectious reasons. Normally, the indicator cannot differ much from the norm of an adult. A slight increase occurs in the second and third trimester. A significant increase may indicate the development of an infection in the body, autoimmune diseases or oncology. In this case, the pregnant woman should be examined to exclude the disease.

In some cases, changes in monocytes duringpregnancy occurs due to severe stress, hormonal imbalance.

Diagnostic findings of monocytosis

Doctors at diagnosis are of the opinion that an increase in monocytes leads to a decrease in other types of leukocytes. The therapist should consider a complete blood count.

An increase in monocytes and lymphocytes indicates the development of a viral disease. An indirect indicator of a viral infection, according to therapists, is a decrease in neutrophils.

blood wipers
blood wipers

Basophiles are responsible for the body's immune response. Doctors believe that the simultaneous growth of the studied cells and basophils occurs as a result of taking hormonal drugs.

The increased content of monocytes in the blood and eosinophils indicates an allergic reaction from the body. An increase in these indicators is possible when infected with parasites, chlamydia or mycoplasma.

A simultaneous increase in monocytes and neutrophils, according to doctors, indicates the development of a bacterial infection. This reduces the number of lymphocytes. A bacterial infection is characterized by external manifestations of the disease: fever, weakness, possible cough, runny nose, wheezing in the lungs.

How to donate blood for monocytes

The number of monocytes is determined by the general (clinical) blood test. The KLA does not require additional preparation, but the patient should pay attention to the following points:

  • it is better to donate blood on an empty stomach, a heavy breakfast can provoke an increase in monocytes;
  • blood requiredcapillary, which surrenders from the finger;
  • if several tests are done during an illness, then they should be taken under the same conditions (best in the morning on an empty stomach);
  • fat and spicy food should not be eaten the day before the test;
  • do not change the composition and diet a few days before the donation - this can lead to a short-term change in the blood;
  • the norms indicated on the form apply to adults, they should not be taken as a basis for analysis in a child.

Some drugs can change blood counts, you should warn your doctor about this before donating. Stopping medications without a doctor's recommendation is unacceptable.

monocytes and erythrocytes
monocytes and erythrocytes


Monocytosis is not an independent disease - it is an indicator that some kind of failure has occurred in the body. The leukocyte formula fully explains the cause of the disease.

To reduce monocytes, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. After recovery, the number of large white blood cells will decrease on its own. With prolonged monocytosis, the patient is prescribed an additional examination to exclude diseases in which the number of monocytes increases.

Treatment tactics are selected in accordance with the clinical picture and the diagnosis. A blood test, a change in the main indicators allow you to control the healing process.

Regular walks, physical activity, airing the room and proper nutrition can keep the immune system normal.
