Effective injections for prostatitis

Effective injections for prostatitis
Effective injections for prostatitis

What are effective injections for prostatitis? Prostatitis is a serious disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to men. In the process of development of pathology, the prostate gland becomes very inflamed. Under such conditions, it is important to carry out complex therapy. It is not recommended to self-medicate without prior consultation. This can only provoke the development of serious complications. If chronic prostatitis worsens or bacterial inflammation of the prostate occurs, the specialist recommends administering drugs intramuscularly. Injections from prostatitis have antibacterial, analgesic, immunostimulating effects.

For what purpose is it prescribed?

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

Why are injections prescribed for prostatitis? The doctor prescribes injections to the patient if oral drug therapy is ineffective and there are acute symptoms of the disease. Thanks to intramuscular injection, the drug quickly stops the inflammatory process and eliminates pain. In the process of treatment, doctors use the following groups of medicines:

  • antibiotic or fluorochenol;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for injection;
  • immunostimulant.

Do I need to take injections for chronic prostatitis? Depending on the severity of the pathology, the doctor determines the duration of treatment and dosage. As medical practice shows, injections for prostatitis are prescribed by a doctor in case of an acute form of inflammation, which has arisen due to the introduction of pathogenic microflora or infection into the body of a man. Chronic sluggish inflammation is not a direct indication for treatment with injections.

Use of immunostimulants

During the treatment of prostatitis, the doctor prescribes immunostimulants to the patient. If the drug is administered intramuscularly, then the maximum rapid effect of the treatment can be achieved. With the help of the introduction of immunostimulants, the effectiveness of treatment with tablets increases and the process of recovery of the patient is accelerated, since the protective function of the body of a man is activated. Under such conditions, the inflammatory process gradually disappears.

Treatment with "Timalin" and "Taktivin"

The drug "Timalin"
The drug "Timalin"

What injections for prostatitis will quickly improve well-being? "Timalin" is one of the most effective medicines. The drug is an immunostimulant. The composition of the drug contains proteins of animal origin. After treatment with the drug, side effects rarely occur, so Timalin is recommended for the treatment of prostatitis. The treatment regimen will be determined by the doctor depending on the form of the disease andseverity of symptoms. It is necessary to use one ampoule of the medicine for the treatment of prostatitis every day for 10 days. Apply for any inflammation of the prostate, which is due to a decrease in the protective function of the body. It is permissible to carry out therapy for prostatitis (chronic). In addition, the medication is recommended if the symptoms of this disease have worsened due to exposure to a negative environmental factor - hypothermia or a recent cold.

"Taktivin" is an analogue of the drug "Timalin", which is administered intramuscularly to treat prostatitis.

"Pyrogenal" for inflammation of the prostate

Which injections for prostatitis are inexpensive and effective? "Pyrogenal" is one of the most common medications that urologists prescribe to men with an exacerbation of chronic congestive prostatitis. Thanks to the drug, you can:

  • reduce prostate swelling;
  • improve the effect of the antibacterial drug;
  • stimulate local immunity to fight infectious diseases.

Duration of therapy 20-30 days. The drug often causes side effects, so self-medication is not recommended. This can lead to the development of serious he alth problems. If a man has a pathology of the heart, then the drug is not recommended for use. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient, the doctor selects the dosage.

Effective drug

"Levamisole" isa popular and effective immunostimulant, which doctors prescribe for an infectious form of prostatitis. Thanks to the drug, the function of T-lymphocytes is stimulated and the inflammatory process is stopped by activating the protective function of the body. The drug has a number of contraindications and can cause side effects, so experts prescribe Levamisole with caution. If you choose the wrong dosage, then an immunosuppressive state may occur. With improper use of Levamisole, side effects appear as:

  • allergic reaction;
  • headache and nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • disorientation.

Medicinal liquid must be administered intramuscularly. The duration of therapy should not exceed 11 days. Depending on the form of the disease, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the urologist selects an individual therapy regimen.

Injections with aloe

Aloe is a well-known plant that has antiseptic properties. In addition, it strengthens the human immune system well. Aloe with inflammation of the prostate must be administered intramuscularly. The medication is not prepared at home, but purchased in pharmacies. There are a sufficient number of injectable medicinal products containing this plant.

It is forbidden to intramuscularly inject a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs that a person has prepared independently at home. This can lead to death.

Thanks to effective prostatitis injections withaloe:

  • immunity increases;
  • improves trophism of prostate cells;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • plant restores damaged cells and eliminates swelling.

Before you treat prostatitis, it is important to visit a urologist. The doctor carefully examines the patient and will conduct a digital examination of the prostate. By determining the shape and size of the gland, the specialist will determine the presence or absence of the disease.

We eliminate the inflammatory process

medicinal product
medicinal product

Prostatitis treatment should be complex, so urologists often prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Thanks to this medication, you can:

  • normalize body temperature;
  • stop pain;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • improve the well-being of the patient.

Which injections for prostatitis are inexpensive and effective? With the help of "Ibuprofen" and "Diclofenac" treatment of prostatitis is carried out. In frequent cases, such medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets, but according to the doctor's indications, such drugs are used for intramuscular injection.

Therapy "Diclofenac" in ampoules should last no more than 6 days. Depending on the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the doctor will select the appropriate dosage for the patient. Inexpensive and effective injections for prostatitis will be recommended by a urologist, depending on the specific clinical picture.

Famousprostate protectors

Image"Prostatilen" injections
Image"Prostatilen" injections

"Prostakor" and "Prostatilen" are auxiliary medicines that have a prostate-protective effect. Medicine:

  • normalizes tissue trophism;
  • prevents thickening of prostate secretions;
  • has an antiandrogenic effect;
  • blocks the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone.

Medicine therapy should be performed for adenoma and prostatitis. Treatment with "Prostacor" is carried out for a long time - one injection per day. Thanks to the drugs, acute symptoms of prostatitis can be eliminated. Medicines normalize the physiological processes that occur in the pelvic area. After therapy, the functioning of the prostate gland and the tone of the bladder improve. Prostate protectors protect the prostate from the inevitable age-related tissue changes.

Antibacterial therapy

Image"Levofloxacin" drug
Image"Levofloxacin" drug

The process of treating prostatitis with injections, the administration of antibacterial drugs should be regulated by the attending physician. Depending on the nature of the inflammation of the prostate, the doctor will prescribe a specific drug. Often, specialists prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic and fluoroquinolones.

What injections does a urologist prescribe for prostatitis? With the help of Levofloxacin, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, prostatitis in men is treated. "Levofloxacin" is not included in the group of antibiotics, is an antimicrobial drug. Maybeprovoke the development of side effects. Eliminates inflammation and pain in the shortest possible time. Treatment with Cefotaxime should be carried out for 9 days. The dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the specific clinical picture. The daily dose should not exceed 500 mg.

Recommendations from urologists

Doctor's recommendations
Doctor's recommendations

Prostatitis is a common and dangerous disease among men. If one of the symptoms of the disease appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Urologists often prescribe injections for prostatitis. Patient reviews confirm the fact that intramuscular administration of the drug helps to quickly relieve inflammation. Since the disease tends to progress and move into more complex forms of the course, it is impossible to delay going to the hospital. The following signs should be cause for concern:

  • problems in the process of emptying the bladder;
  • recurrent premature ejaculation;
  • presence of pulling or cutting sensations in the lower abdomen, scrotum or perineum;
  • burning sensation in the urethra.

When one of the symptoms appears, you should undergo a thorough medical examination and pass all the necessary laboratory tests. Ultrasound can detect the presence of diseases. If the prostate gland is too inflamed, then a digital examination by a urologist is not performed, as the patient may experience unbearable pain during the procedure.

Popular products

During the treatment of prostatitis, doctors prescribe"Longidase" is a powder that is used to prepare a solution for injection. Doctors prescribe medication and when:

  • burns;
  • injuries;
  • operations;
  • pyoderma;
  • non-healing wound;
  • tuberculosis;
  • arthrosis and hematoma;
  • prostatitis (chronic).

How to use Longidase injections for prostatitis? Before carrying out treatment, you should consult a doctor, since the dosage is determined by a specialist depending on the specific clinical picture. The drug is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intradermally, intravenously - is prohibited. In the chronic form of prostatitis, doctors prescribe 3000 IU intramuscularly - once every 6 days. The duration of therapy is 1-2 months. If you choose the wrong dosage, then an allergic reaction and other complications may occur, which manifest themselves as:

  • edema;
  • hyperemia;
  • burning skin.

It is not recommended to use the medication to treat people who have serious diseases of the internal organs, especially the kidneys. Longidaza is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Note to men

Note to the patient
Note to the patient

Prostatitis is a serious disease that requires timely treatment. If one of the signs of the disease appears, it is important to immediately undergo a thorough medical examination. Based on the results of the study, the urologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. When are injections prescribed for prostatitis inmen? If after the drug therapy the patient's he alth has not improved, then the treatment is carried out with the help of injections.

Injections quickly and effectively eliminate the inflammatory process. To avoid serious he alth problems, it is important not to self-medicate. This will only exacerbate the problem. In the process of therapy, it is necessary to eat right, lead a he althy and moderately active lifestyle. This will help speed up the patient's recovery.

How to prevent illness?

As medical practice shows, the prostate is most often inflamed in smoking men, since nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the gland. Men over the age of 40 are recommended to visit a urologist every six months. Due to age-related changes in the body, a strong half of humanity may experience prostate adenoma. To prevent the development of pathology, it is important to visit the doctor regularly. Injections for chronic prostatitis are prescribed the least often - only if there is severe inflammation that cannot be eliminated with pills and suppositories.
