Not all children's teeth grow evenly. But today it is not an unsolvable problem. There are various techniques that allow you to correct the position of the teeth from an early period. Dental veneers are the best solution. The types and installation are described in the article.
Plastics for straightening teeth are also called retainers or braces. They are designed to correct malocclusion in a child when he has just begun to develop. They are advised to use for single pathologies, as well as after the use of braces to consolidate their effect. As you can see from the photo, the plates for the teeth may differ in appearance. But their main function is the same.
Some types of dental plates for children have differences in structure, but each orthodontic appliance has the same main parts - a plate, a wire and a mount. For the plate, soft or medium-hard plastic is used, which can have a different color. It curves to the shape of a child's palate. The main function of the plastic is to hold the arc, created from a titanium-nickel alloy.
It is with the help of the arc that the leveling action is ensured, since it has a "memory" - the initially created shape of the wire is not able to change under load during chewing. The plates act on improperly located crowns of the teeth and lead to their displacement. And since the impact force is not very large, the arc cannot harm the root system of the teeth. Wire thickness varies.
Tooth plates solve the problem of improperly growing teeth during bite formation. The mount is a special mechanism at the base, in which there is a small screwdriver. Some attachments have additional features such as built-in activators that can be twisted to keep the wire tight.

Advantages and disadvantages
Dental plates have the following advantages:
- Increased comfort and aesthetics. Habituation occurs in a few days. The product is almost not felt in the mouth, it is removed during meals, sports, hygiene procedures.
- Fast production. Usually the mechanism is created within a week after impressions are taken.
- Easy to install. Mounting occurs within 10 minutes. The procedure is absolutely painless.
- Easy maintenance. Elementary school students can also keep the plate clean.
- A rare visit to the dentist. For correction, you need to go to the doctor less often compared to wearing braces.
But there are also noticeable drawbacks:
- Can't fix seriousdefects.
- Practically not applicable to adults.
- Because the design is easy to remove, it is necessary to control that the child himself does not pull it together.
- There is a risk of developing an allergy to plastic or metal.
- If there is insufficient oral hygiene, then inflammation of the gums appears, turning into gingivitis and periodontitis.
Children should not be allowed to play with the mechanism. Children can quickly take off and put on records with their tongue.

There are dental plates for children:
- Removable. This is a sought-after look that is fixed on the teeth with hooks. They can be worn every day, as well as periodically removed. The main advantage of the products is ease of use and affordable cost. But it is possible to use removable devices only during the alignment of one tooth, if it is slightly displaced. According to the structure and purpose, such plates are single-jawed, with an arm-shaped process, with an active spring-loaded pusher, with a retraction arch.
- Non-removable. It is desirable to use such plates on the teeth for the correction of several teeth, which is necessary for a long-term effect. The design may have locks with which an arc is passed. They are required to periodically tighten the plate so that the crowns have the right pressure. Since these devices have locks, they cost more.
Given the photo, dental plates for children are beautiful. At the same time, they are also comfortable. The main thing is to choosea device prescribed by a doctor.
Tooth plates are needed in the following cases:
- displacement of 1 tooth;
- misalignment of several teeth;
- rare crown arrangement;
- problems of jaw bone development;
- slowing down or activating jaw growth;
- narrowed sky;
- protection against displacement after braces.
Devices must be prescribed by a dentist. You should not engage in self-alignment of teeth, as this can lead to negative consequences.

When not to use?
Tooth alignment plates cannot be used for:
- development of periodontitis;
- allergies to device components;
- respiratory diseases;
- presence of caries-affected teeth.
In these cases, you must consult a dentist. The specialist will prescribe effective measures to solve the problem.
Bite correction
Often the plates are needed for incorrect milk or mixed dentition. This appointment is necessary, because with such a bite, the placement of the teeth is very easily corrected and a strong load is not needed. If the device is installed under high pressure, there is a risk of losing a milk tooth. Therefore, the dentist needs to supervise the placement of the plates.
As you can see from the photo, dental plates for children are about the same. In this case, the doctor must decide whether they need to be installed. Becausethe root system of temporary teeth is not so strong, there is a risk of losing them with strong pressure on the teeth.

Both dental plates for both adults and children need quality care. Failure to do so may result in equipment failure. Care is as follows:
- The braces are cleaned every day with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. A special gel can also be used for this.
- Every week the staples should be cleaned with a disinfectant solution. They are placed in liquid overnight.
- The staples are removed before eating.
- Before installation, it is washed with boiled water.
- Store records in a special container.
- If a record breaks, take it to a doctor.
- To protect the pivot screw from jamming, it must be lubricated with a drop of oil.

Which to choose - plates or braces?
At an early age, orthodontists recommend the installation of plates, and braces are used to correct teeth for children from 12-14 years old. The second version of the devices should not be worn by children under 12-14 years old, otherwise it may adversely affect the development of the bones of the skull.
Installation of plates will be cheaper compared to braces. Many factors are taken into account to determine the price. The cost is determined by the design features, materials, the level of the clinic where the staples are installed.
The average price of a regular plastic record of medium hardness is up to10 thousand rubles. There will be no additional details on such a device. When colored or softer plastic is chosen, the cost increases by 2,000 rubles or more.
Devices with 1 screw cost about 9 thousand rubles, and for each additional screw the price increases by 1-2 thousand rubles. If a flap for the tongue is installed on the bracket, then this increases the price by 500-1500 rubles. Devices that allow you to correct the position of chewing teeth cost about 14 thousand rubles.

How to put a record on a child's teeth? Installation details are as follows:
- The staples must be individual. The child should be examined by an orthodontist to identify problems, and then an x-ray is performed. According to the examination, the doctor selects the type of device. The specialist must tell the child and parents about the rules of the record.
- Then a wax cast is taken of the teeth, which will be used to create the plaster model. Based on it, a plate is created. At the second visit, the structure will be installed and adjusted, which will take 10 minutes.
- Then the doctor talks about care, archwire adjustment, duration of use. He should also clarify how to twist the plate for the teeth. On average, the device is worn for about 2 years. If it is removable, then it is recommended to wear it for more than 21 hours a day, removing it only for brushing your teeth and eating.
Like with other orthodontic products, you need to get used to the plates. ATduring the first days, discomfort and pain may appear. Sometimes there is a violation of speech and increased salivation. Usually adaptation is completed after 3-7 days.

Because removable plates are considered foreign devices, children tend to remove them, so parents need to control this. It is necessary to explain to the child that for better alignment, wear products for a long time.
Constant removal slows down results, so you will need to wear the device longer. It is important to pay attention to oral care. it is necessary to brush your teeth 2 times a day, removing the plate for this time, and also regularly process the structure itself.
For adults
Should adults install them? It depends on the person himself. There are no identical treatments. Even with one defect, two different people get different results. It is more effective to correct the bite in adolescent children. At this age, treatment will be fast and results will appear sooner.
Removable plates should not be chosen by adults to align teeth. With a serious defect, it is advisable to install braces. For minor imperfections, non-removable braces can help. Plates are used after braces. Although the devices are recommended for children and adults, it is still better to consult a dentist before using them.