The body of each person consists of a huge number of cells. All of them perform specific functions. Normal cells grow, divide, and die in a pattern. This process is carefully controlled by the body, but due to the influence of many negative factors, it is disturbed. The result of this is uncontrolled cell division, which can later transform into an oncological neoplasm.
General information
A cancerous tumor consists of cells that divide uncontrollably and lose the ability to recognize "their own". They can penetrate into other tissues and organs of the body, preventing their normal functioning. Cancer cells differ from he althy ones in that, instead of dying in a timely manner, they continue to divide intensively. In addition, oncological neoplasms produce various toxins that constantly poison the patient's body.
Why "cancer"?

Malignant neoplasms are characterized by excessive reproduction. Mutated cells not only actively poison the body, but also begin to penetrate layers of other tissues. Therefore, the tumor constantly becomes larger, and also gets the opportunity to grow into other organs and tissues. Affected cells, stretching through he althy ones, form rays. They look almost the same as the claws of crustacean creatures. For this reason, such neoplasms got their name. A photo of a cancerous tumor is presented later in the article.
What contributes to the development of oncology?
Chemical carcinogens are one of the most common causes of cancer. It is noteworthy that this applies to both local effects and effects on the whole organism as a whole. A striking confirmation of this is the development of lung cancer in people who abuse tobacco. Meanwhile, builders who deal with asbestos may face cancerous lesions of the pleura, chimney sweeps with a tumor of the scrotum.
In addition to chemical carcinogens, physical ones also pose a great danger. It's about radiation. They emit ionizing radiation and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. They contribute to the development of skin carcinoma.
The formation of cancerous tumors also causes a genetic predisposition. Girls whose mothers had breast cancer are three times more likely to develop the disease than those who do not have a family history. Moreover, a similar pattern can be traced in the case ofcancer of the endocrine gland and colon. Currently, scientists have been able to prove a genetic link with dozens of varieties of malignant tumors.
The geographical area in which a person is located can also be a cause of cancer. So, for example, in a population that lives in the same area, some types of tumors can appear much more often than others. This is due to a large combination of factors, which includes climate features, eating habits, environmental conditions and much, much more.
It is impossible not to note the harmful effects of oncogenic viruses. They are called so because they can provoke the formation of cancerous tumors. Hepatitis B has been found to be a frequent cause of liver cancer. There are cases when a tumor of the cervix arose due to the herpes virus of the second type.
Main manifestations
Cancer can come with a wide variety of signs and symptoms, so there is no general pattern. It all depends on where exactly the neoplasm is located, at what stage of development it is and whether it has reached a large size. However, there are general signs that may directly or indirectly indicate cancerous tumors. The most common symptoms are:
- Increased body temperature and feverish condition. These signs are manifested in almost all people with cancer. Those who are already undergoing treatment are especially susceptible to it. The latter can have a negative effect on the immune system, due to which the bodybecomes much more susceptible to various infections and viruses.
- Unreasonable weight loss. This symptom is manifested in many people who are faced with oncology. The most susceptible to it are those whose cancer has affected the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or lungs.
- Excessive fatigue. As the disease progresses, the person begins to feel more and more tired. Also, this symptom can appear even in the early stages of tumor development, especially if it causes chronic blood loss. The latter often accompanies cancer of the stomach or colon.
- Pain. Sooner or later, a person will experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations at various stages of the development of pathology. Severe pain may indicate the presence of several tumors at once. They can be located, for example, in the testicles or bones.
How fast does cancer progress?

The development of cancer is a rather lengthy process. In most cases, a cancerous tumor does not grow quickly. However, with some of the most aggressive types of pathologies, things can be different. It depends on a large number of factors, including a person's age, general he alth, and more. On average, about three to five years pass from the onset of development to the appearance of the first symptoms. In some cases, this process can take up to a decade. At the same time, there are also such varieties of cancer that can kill a person in just a matter of months. It is in connection with this that it is not possible to name specific terms for the life expectancy of patients.
Initial stages of development

Currently, oncologists classify tumors according to the stage of the disease. Initially, the neoplasm receives a clear localization. At the first stage of development, cancer is located only in a limited area. At the same time, the tumor has not yet had time to grow into other organs and tissues, so the presence of metastases is excluded.
At the second stage of development, education increases in size. Nevertheless, it does not have time to get out of the organ in which it is localized. At this stage, metastases may already begin to appear. However, they are located only in nearby lymph nodes.
Final stages of development
Achieving the third stage, the tumor grows even more in size. At this stage, the process of its disintegration begins. Cancer penetrates the walls of the organ in which it is located. Many metastases are found in nearby lymph nodes.
When a tumor grows into neighboring organs and tissues, it is assigned the fourth stage. At the same time, all malignant tumors that can give distant metastases are included in the same category. At these stages of development, the disease is extremely difficult to treat.
Stages of cancerous tumors are set for patients only once. They remain with them for the rest of their lives. The stages do not change even if the cancer does not return after treatment. Howeverthey should not be confused with the clinical groups into which patients are divided (there are 4 in total).
What are metastases?
Cancer is dangerous because it can spread throughout the body. Metastases are new foci of its development. Through the lymphatic channels, the affected cells spread and affect other tissues and organs. Metastases can literally permeate the entire body. The liver, lungs, bones, and brain are most commonly affected. It is multiple metastasis that is one of the most common causes of death from oncology.
Cancer and its external manifestations

Many people who suspect they have cancer want to know what a cancer looks like. Currently, the Internet presents a huge number of pictures illustrating oncological diseases. However, it should be noted that not all of them correspond to the real signs of a particular tumor. That is why it is strongly recommended not to diagnose yourself on the Internet and, at the first suspicions, sign up for a consultation with an oncologist. It is not possible to independently determine a cancerous tumor from a photo from the Web. However, there are also signs that you can notice yourself:
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Seals under the skin.
- Wounds or sores that appear for no reason and do not heal for a long time.
- Spots on the skin that begin to noticeably increase in size.
Tumor in the breast

Breast cancer is quite common. The incidence of this disease is increasing every year. This is partly due to the fact that modern medicine makes it possible to diagnose it at an early stage of development. However, according to statistics, it is breast cancer that is one of the most common causes of female death today. At the same time, the number of cases among patients of working age is increasing.
He alth in Russia and around the world is making progress in the fight against breast cancer in women. This is facilitated by both the increased detection of the disease and the fact that the disease is identified precisely at the initial stages of development. There was a decrease in mortality in the first 12 months after initial diagnosis. Timely detected tumors are treated much more successfully, while the life expectancy of patients increases. That is why regular preventive examinations and visits to the mammologist are shown to all women over 18.
Non-Surgical Treatment

In order to stop the development of cancerous tumors and reduce their size, various methods are used. The most commonly prescribed chemotherapy, immune and radiation therapy. They can be used either individually or all together - depending on the specific case. Such techniques are systemic and cannot save the patient from the consequences of metastasis.
Currently, chemotherapy is considered the main component ofcancer treatment. In this case, the affected cells are affected by various drugs. Often, chemotherapy is prescribed to increase the effectiveness of the upcoming surgical intervention. It may include antitumor, antibacterial, hormonal and many other agents, including cytostatics and antimetabolites.

Removal of a cancerous tumor is a radical way to treat it. Affected cells can be excised along with the organ in which they are localized. Nearby lymph nodes are also often removed. However, radical therapy cannot help if the disease has already developed to the fourth stage.
Currently, symptomatic surgery is often performed to treat oncology. This technique is aimed at eliminating the main manifestations of the disease, which pose a danger to the life of the patient. So, for example, symptomatic surgical intervention is performed when intestinal obstruction occurs. The problem is fixed, but the tumor remains in place.
If the operation is not possible due to objective reasons, then palliative therapy is prescribed. This technique is aimed at prolonging the life of the patient and increasing its comfort. In this case, the tumors are usually removed, but the lymph nodes are not subjected to surgery. The impact on them can be carried out through radiation therapy.and other techniques that help slow down the development of the tumor, but only for an indefinite time.
In closing
Even at the very beginning of the 21st century, according to statistics, the number of patients with cancerous tumors worldwide was 10,000,000 people. Scientists predict that by 2020 this figure will grow to 16,000,000. This is due to the deteriorating state of the environment and ecology in general, as well as the widespread bad habits in all segments of the population.
To reduce your chances of getting cancer, you need to lead a he althy lifestyle (eat right, stop smoking and drinking, get moderate exercise, and avoid harmful ultraviolet radiation) and always get routine screenings. The chances of early detection of malignant neoplasms increase every year. It is thanks to advanced prevention that the number of cancer patients in Europe has been reduced by 20%.