Outgrowth on the eyeball: causes and symptoms of education, methods of treatment, photo

Outgrowth on the eyeball: causes and symptoms of education, methods of treatment, photo
Outgrowth on the eyeball: causes and symptoms of education, methods of treatment, photo

A growth that can occur at the corner of a human eyeball is called a pinguecula in medicine, a neoplasm in the form of a triangle on the cornea of the eye is a pterygium. Both types of growths are benign neoplasms of the organs of vision. They are most prevalent in the elderly population and are a sign of conjunctival aging.

Neoplasms in the eyes of a person can significantly affect the level of his vision and deliver unpleasant discomfort. The modern theory of the manifestation of this disease due to the regular wearing of contact lenses has not been confirmed. An excess amount of proteins and fats in the human body is the first impetus for the development of this disease.

Benign neoplasms on the mucous membranes of the eye, which have a yellowish tint, occur as a result of a person's abuse of high-fat foods. Not always the digestive system is ablecope with the amount of fat entering the body, which leads to violations of internal metabolic processes. As a result, fatty neoplasms may periodically appear on the body, among them fatty yellowish growths on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Most of the environmental factors that affect the human eye every day lead to the manifestation of this disease in various age categories of the population. Learn more about the causes and treatment of the growth on the eyeball of a transparent or white color below.

transparent growth on the eyeball
transparent growth on the eyeball


Causes for the development of growths:

  • old age;
  • weather conditions (wind);
  • effect of ultraviolet rays;
  • infrared radiation;
  • climate conditions;
  • poor environmental situation (smog, dust pollution).

Various growths on the patient's eyes can cause eye swelling, itching or redness.

transparent growth on the eyeball photo
transparent growth on the eyeball photo


Growths on the eyes can have a significant impact on the quality of human vision, cause discomfort. These growths develop at a low rate, without visible symptoms. During blinking, a person feels the presence of a foreign object, as if a mote or midge gets into the eye. The main symptom appears on the surface of the organ of vision, a yellowish or white seal forms on the conjunctiva. In fifty percent of clinical cases, this diseaseprogresses in both eyes of a person. Ninety percent of people suffering from this disease postpone their trip to a specialist. This ailment can cause pingueculitis, an inflammation of the growth of the eye.


The disease is accompanied by the following pain symptoms:

  • pain and burning when blinking;
  • dry eyes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • redness of the eyelid and eyeball;
  • teary eyes;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the eye.

It is noteworthy that this disease in children occurs quite rarely, since it is considered to be age-related. But there is an exception when children are in the sun for a long time, not following safety precautions (do not wear hats and sunglasses).

white growth on the eyeball
white growth on the eyeball

An outgrowth on the eyeball (pingvecul) is a type of benign formation that develops on the mucous surfaces of the eye shell due to excessive intake of protein compounds and fat cells in the body. The main localization of this pathology is the corneal region of the eye or the plane of the conjunctiva. Usually such growths have either a yellowish or completely transparent color. Depending on the initial shade of the pinguecula, it is possible to determine the type of growth and as a result of which it was formed. The outgrowth on the surface of the eyeball, which has a transparent color, occurs against the background of a supersaturation of the body with protein, which can be triggered by excessive consumption of protein-rich foods. In many cases, patients with a transparent pinguecula are additionally diagnosed with urolithiasis of the kidneys or bladder. Without appropriate medical manipulations, a transparent growth on the eye will not disappear on its own and will not resolve.

Good education

The outgrowth that appeared on the eyeball is one of the most common benign neoplasms, they form on the mucous membrane of the eye. Usually the growth is transparent or yellow. On the eyeball, it is formed in the conjunctiva. This phenomenon is referred to as pinguecula. For a person, the formation of such a phenomenon will not harm he alth and will not even affect the quality of vision. However, such a neoplasm still needs to be treated. After all, such growths in front of the eyes indicate that the patient is not doing well with the metabolism.

The appearance of yellow or transparent neoplasms on the organs of vision is more often manifested in elderly people due to slow metabolism and incomplete assimilation of excessively fatty meat dishes. In each case, if you identify yourself, your loved ones with an eye growth of transparent or yellowish colors, you must seek qualified specialist advice, which will help prevent a negative prognosis for the development of pathology.

growth on the human eyeball
growth on the human eyeball

Malignant growth

The most common types are:

  1. Basalioma is the most popular neoplasm of the eyelids, destroying tissues locally, most common in older patientsfifty years old, usually located in the outer corner of the eye and suggests a nodule, progresses very slowly, sprouting surrounding tissues.
  2. Progressive nevus - a pigmented neoplasm of the eyelids, can be congenital or develop during sexual maturation, is characterized by a change in color, the appearance of a halo, peeling. As a method of treatment, both classical surgery and laser surgery are effectively used.
  3. Melanoma of the eyelid is the most malignant neoplasm of the eyelids, most often it is a spot with uneven contours, less often - a node prone to bleeding. The color of melanoma can be different - from yellowish to almost black. The selection of the method of excision and subsequent treatment depends on the volume and nature of the melanoma.
eyeball growth photo
eyeball growth photo

Why does this phenomenon occur in humans?

The main reason for the appearance of a neoplasm lies in the degeneration of a certain area of the epithelial tissues of the eyeball and the formation of a seal from cells that have changed their own structure. Do not ignore the growth on the eyeball of a white, transparent or yellow color, but visit a medical facility as soon as possible.

Yellow growths

Their occurrence is associated with an excessive amount of animal fats in the body. Such substances are absorbed with food every day, and the digestive system cannot absorb too many fatty foods.

Overgrowth of transparentshade

A transparent growth on the eyeball, the photo of which is not attached for ethical reasons, is provoked by excessive consumption of protein foods. Also, often patients with a similar phenomenon have kidney or bladder stones. All of these symptoms are related and point to excess protein.

Medicated treatment

eyeball growth treatment
eyeball growth treatment

Sometimes on the conjunctiva of the eye you can observe a small yellow formation - a pinguecula. The exact cause of its appearance is not known, but frequent exposure to sunlight on the eyeball can lead to the formation of a build-up. It is also believed that the reason for the formation of build-up on the eyes is the poor absorption of fatty and protein foods. By itself, the growth does not pose a serious danger, but it should not be ignored either. It can cause eye irritation, pain, pain. If you do not treat the growth on the human eyeball, it can grow, affecting the blood vessels, in some cases, damage to the cornea is possible. An examination is necessary to properly prescribe treatment. Usually, first of all, the doctor tries to eliminate dry eyes with the help of special medicines - drops "Artificial tear" or "Oxical". They are used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Drops moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, soften it and protect the eyeball from the negative effects of the environment. The drops also help avoid allergic reactions and eye irritation.

In most cases, this is enough topinguecula treatment. But if the growth is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye, inflammatory processes, then the ophthalmologist prescribes antiseptic drugs:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Maxitrol";
  • "Tobradex".

Treatment can last from 10 days to a month, only a specialist can accurately prescribe the duration of the course of therapy, the schedule for taking medications and their dosage, after examining the patient. Here you have to take into account several factors: age, work, general condition of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

It is recommended to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light, protect your eyes from the sun, wind, dust, exposure to various fumes and chemicals.

growths on the eyeball causes treatment
growths on the eyeball causes treatment

Surgical treatment

A pinguecula of the eye is a benign change in the eye. This growth has a white or yellow color, and it is located near the conjunctiva of the eye. This is a consequence of the production of large amounts of fat and protein. It is noteworthy that this pathology does not impair vision, and, in principle, does not harm anything, but its appearance cannot be ignored! The disease accompanies itching and dry eyes, and sometimes an inflammatory process may develop in patients. In most cases, surgery is prescribed if the pinguecula begins to cause concern to a person, and if he wants to eliminate an aesthetic defect.

Remove the growth from the eye through the use of a "knife" and laser method.

With the “knife” method, the specialist fixes the eye, whichhelps to more effectively and safely instill an eye with a special anesthetic (for example, Inocaine). Further, using sterile instruments, the surgeon carefully removes the neoplasm that has appeared from the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Laser treatment is performed using an excimer laser. This method has minimal disadvantages and side effects. The positive qualities of the laser method are as follows:

  • virtually painless procedure with no bleeding;
  • high speed of operation: the surgeon needs no more than 15 minutes to remove the formation;
  • no need for hospitalization of the patient, so he can go home immediately after laser surgery, periodically visiting the attending physician to monitor the result.

Rehabilitation measures

It is noteworthy that after performing laser surgery, the patient may experience re-formation of the build-up after some time. Quite quickly, the pinguecula can form again, and sometimes it can be much larger than before the operation. To prevent this, for the first time (about a month) after the intervention, a bandage should be worn so that irritating factors do not affect the operated eye. A person may experience redness of the organs of vision, which, however, is quickly eliminated. Also, in the summer, the patient must wear glasses that protect the eyes from UV rays.

Pinguecula is a fairly common diagnosis that many doctors,however, they are considered insignificant. With effective and proper treatment, you can quickly deal with this build-up without worrying about eye he alth and visual acuity.
