Homeopathic remedies are widely used in diseases of the mammary glands. They are used as a useful addition to the main treatment. One of these drugs is Mastiol Edas 927. The reviews report that this remedy effectively eliminates chest pain. How to take the drug correctly? Are there any contraindications to homeopathic treatment? We will consider these issues in the article.
Active ingredients and their action
What components does the homeopathic remedy "Mastiol Edas 927" contain? The composition of the drug includes a whole complex of substances of mineral and vegetable origin. Each of them affects certain symptoms of breast pathologies:
- Calcium fluoride. Useful for fibrotic changes in the mammary glands, prevents the growth of connective tissue.
- Potassium iodide. Helps with painful seals in the gland, as well as with an increase in lymph nodes. Relieves swellingchest, and also relieves pain.
- Creosote. This substance is obtained from tar. It promotes the healing of cracked nipples and the resorption of small nodules in the mammary glands.
- Silicic acid (silicea). Useful for deep fibrous lesions of the glands and erosions on the nipples.
- Hemlock alkaloids. An extract from this plant reduces pain and swelling of the mammary glands during the premenstrual period and during menstruation.
- Thuja alkaloids. This component enhances the analgesic effect of hemlock.

Mastiol Edas 927 is produced in the form of granules. As an additional ingredient, they include sugar grains (based on lactose).
This homeopathic remedy is recommended for mastopathy, accompanied by fibrocystic changes in the glandular tissue. It is important to remember that the drug does not affect the cause of the pathology of the mammary glands. It is only a symptomatic remedy that reduces pain. Therefore, homeopathy can be used as an adjunct to medical treatment. In this case, in no case should you refuse to take other medicines prescribed by your doctor.

The drug also helps relieve pain and tightness in the chest during premenstrual syndrome. In addition, it eliminates mental stress, normalizes the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
In some cases, gynecologists prescribe this remedy for hormonal disorders,accompanied by insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Homeopathy is used as an adjunct to progesterone treatment.
It is also allowed to take the drug as a preventive measure to prevent mastopathy.
It should be remembered that homeopathic remedies are far from harmless. They often contain very small doses of toxic substances. Not all patients can take Mastiol Edas 927 granules. The instructions for use indicate the following contraindications:
- oncological diseases of the mammary glands;
- allergic to any of the ingredients of the drug;
- pregnancy;
- patient's age is under 18.
The composition of the granules includes sugar grains, which are obtained from lactose. This remedy should not be taken by patients with enzymatic disorders: lactase deficiency, sucrose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome.
Unwanted effects
This homeopathic remedy has few side effects. Most patients tolerated treatment well with Mastiol Edas 927. The instructions and reviews report only possible allergic reactions during treatment. As a rule, they occur in people with hypersensitivity to plant and mineral components.

Doctors also warn that in the first days of taking homeopathic remedies in patients, the symptoms of pathology may worsen. However, this is a temporary phenomenon. A few days later the statemuch improved.
Overdose cases have never been reported. Indeed, in homeopathic remedies, plant and mineral components are contained in scanty amounts.
How to take the drug
A special pencil case is attached to the package with the preparation, with the help of which a single dose of granules is measured. The drug is taken sublingually, that is, it is absorbed under the tongue until completely dissolved.
If the remedy is used to prevent mastopathy or at the initial stage of pathology, then take one dose twice a day. In advanced cases of fibrocystic changes, the frequency of administration is increased up to three times.
The course of treatment is usually about 3-6 months.

Storage, price and analogues
Packing with granules is recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. Homeopathic remedy has a shelf life of 2 years.
The cost of the drug in pharmacy chains ranges from 140 to 190 rubles. It is available without a prescription, but you should consult a mammologist before using homeopathy.
The only structural analogue of the drug are drops "Mastiol Edas 127". They have exactly the same composition, and differ from granules only in the form of release. The price of drops is from 200 to 250 rubles.

Doctors' opinion
Most doctors have a positive opinion about the homeopathic remedy "Mastiol Edas 927". In the reviews, experts notethat the drug effectively relieves pain and tension in the mammary glands. Mammologists and gynecologists prescribe this remedy for mastopathy and PMS as an addition to traditional medicines.
Doctors report that after a course of homeopathic therapy, patients not only reduced pain, but also resolved small nodules in the glands. Positive changes were confirmed by mammography and ultrasound examination.

In reviews of the drug "Mastiol Edas 927" experts emphasize that taking homeopathy should last at least 3-4 months. During treatment, experts recommend refraining from drinking strong tea, coffee and citrus fruits. This increases the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment.
Feelings from patients
Many women leave positive feedback about "Mastiol Edas 927". This remedy helped patients with mastopathy to get rid of pain and tension in the mammary glands. During treatment, patients did not experience any side effects. Women also note the pleasant taste of the granules and the convenience of dosing the drug.
Patients report the effectiveness of this remedy for fibrocystic mastopathy secondary to menopause. A course of treatment with homeopathic granules helped to get rid of not only chest pain, but also hot flashes, feelings of heat, tachycardia and other unpleasant manifestations of menopause. In many cases, this made it possible to do without taking hormones.
Negative feedback about "Mastiol Edas 927" is associated with the lack of the desired effectfrom treatment. Patients report that even a long course of homeopathic therapy did not lead to an improvement in the condition. However, most often in such cases, women took the drug without a doctor's prescription. This once again suggests that homeopathy should not be used on its own. Only a specialist can choose the most suitable remedy after all the necessary examinations.