Many people are faced with domestic alcoholism and drunkenness of their relatives. Drunkenness is represented by a specific way of life of citizens who are addicted to bad habits and erroneous attitudes related to the use of alcoholic beverages. It is not a disease, but is represented by a bad habit that can turn into ordinary chronic alcoholism, which is quite difficult to get rid of.
Domestic drunkenness is a complex of bad habits that are inherent in a particular person. Doctors do not consider it to be a disease, but if these habits are not eradicated, then in the future a person may become a chronic alcoholic.
This concept is based on different traditions that exist in Russian society. For example, people are accustomed to drinking a certain amount of alcoholic beverages during meetings with relatives, colleagues or friends. This leads tothat alcohol accompanies a person throughout his life. Domestic drunkenness and alcoholism are different concepts, since in the first case a person can easily get rid of the habit, and in the second case, high-quality and long-term treatment is required.
Therefore, if a person realizes that he drinks too often with his acquaintances or friends, then it is advisable to give up such a bad habit in order to prevent other serious consequences of such behavior.

Causes of occurrence
Domestic drunkenness can develop in any person for various reasons. It affects not only men, but also women, so this problem does not concern only one sex. It usually occurs due to the fact that:
- a person has too much free time, which he prefers to spend with a glass of wine or other alcoholic drink, so this way of organizing leisure time becomes regular, and a person can freely find company;
- in many families it is customary to drink on different holidays, so people simply learn from childhood that a feast is organized at various festive events, at which alcohol is always present;
- drink for the company, and often if a person refuses to drink alcohol, then the rest of the company members begin to treat him with disdain;
- followed by psychological problems, as many people who face any difficulties in their lives often calm downonly after taking alcohol;
- the environment was chosen incorrectly, therefore, if a person lives in a family of alcoholics, it is quite difficult for him to refuse strong drinks.
People themselves can choose the lifestyle that suits them, without relying on the opinions of friends and relatives. Therefore, they can get rid of the bad habit of regularly drinking alcoholic beverages, otherwise they will have to deal with domestic alcoholism.
Nuances for teenagers
Adolescents usually have a large amount of free time, so they are the ones who are prone to domestic drunkenness. They drink alcohol while their parents are at work or doing other things.
Therefore, parents should make sure that their children simply do not have time for such a bad habit. To do this, you need to independently organize their leisure time by sending them to different sports sections.

The difference between alcoholism and domestic drunkenness is that alcoholics cannot live without drinking. They spend all their money on the purchase of alcoholic beverages, and also often go on a binge. Domestic drunkenness is due to the fact that people periodically drink for various reasons, but at the same time they do not have an addiction to strong drinks.
Domestic alcoholics can be divided into several types:
- moderate drinkers who drink alcohol maximum once a month and only on any holidays, and they drink only weak drinksin small quantities;
- occasional drinkers can drink alcohol up to three times a month;
- systematic drinkers are represented by people who consume strong alcoholic beverages several times a week.
All of the above people have a bad habit, which is sometimes quite difficult to give up. The next group is already represented by chronic alcoholics who drink exclusively strong drinks, and also get drunk almost every day. Household alcoholism can be distinguished by medications or coding. It is quite difficult to deal with the problem on your own.

Signs of domestic drunkenness are the same for both men and women. With their help, you can understand whether a person really has a bad habit, with which it is desirable to start fighting as soon as possible.
Signs of domestic alcoholism in men are usually more pronounced than in women. This is due to the fact that men usually prefer strong drinks, and also drink much more often.
The main signs of everyday drunkenness include the following:
- a person does not have a painful addiction to strong drinks, so he can refuse to use them at any time;
- alcohol is taken on some significant event, for example, a citizen meets friends, celebrates a birthday or is in the circle of relatives, therefore, if there is no significant reason, then alcohol is not bought;
- notthe level of aggression increases, so usually the adoption of strong drinks only leads to an improvement in the mood and fun of the interlocutors, but if a person becomes angry and gloomy, then it is advisable for him to start giving up such a bad habit as soon as possible, since it can quickly develop into chronic alcoholism;
- after heavy drinking, a person has a feeling of shame and remorse, as people almost always overdo it with alcoholic beverages.
In the presence of the above signs, we can talk about the presence of domestic drunkenness, and not a full-fledged and difficult to treat alcoholism. Signs of domestic alcoholism include the difficulty of quitting drinking, changes in the internal organs and the rejection of a fulfilling life.

Features for women
Signs of domestic alcoholism in women are easy to identify, but signs of drunkenness are more difficult, since in most cases girls are either moderate drinkers or do not drink at all.
But sometimes even women become chronic alcoholics. This is due to heredity, the presence of numerous problems in life, or other good reasons.
What is the difference between alcoholism and domestic drinking?
There are several significant differences between these states that all people who periodically drink alcoholic beverages should be aware of. The main differences between domestic drunkenness and alcoholism are as follows:
- domestic drunkenness is not a serious disease, so if necessarya person can quite easily get rid of this bad habit;
- chronic alcoholism requires serious treatment, which uses different drugs, coding and the work of an experienced psychologist;
- an alcoholic can rarely get rid of an existing problem on his own, so he has to resort to the help of professionals;
- during excessive alcohol consumption, serious changes occur in the human body, therefore, if a citizen refuses strong drinks, he becomes very ill;
- domestic drunkenness does not lead to any problems when refusing alcohol;
- an alcoholic after drinking does not even remember what actions he performed during unconsciousness, but a person who drinks quite rarely controls his words and actions well;
- alcoholism is represented by a progressive disease that constantly develops, which leads to the degradation of the personality;
- household drunkenness remains at the same level for a long period of time, so a person consumes alcohol without exceeding a certain amount.
An ordinary person can hardly tell the difference between these concepts. Therefore, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis of alcoholism or domestic drunkenness. The boundaries between these two states are considered very complex. Any person who only drinks a small amount of wine on holidays can become a chronic alcoholic with various difficulties in life.

Howtransition going on?
The transition to alcoholism from domestic drinking is quite simple, so people should responsibly approach exactly when and how much alcoholic beverages they consume. According to the principle of its action, alcohol is similar to various narcotic substances, since after its use there is a feeling of pleasure and well-being. A person feels good and liberated, and also forgets about various problems in life.
Alcoholic drinks can be addictive, so a person begins to consume more and more alcohol. Craving for alcohol becomes the first stage of alcoholism. A person still controls his desire to drink, but at the same time, in almost any free time, he wants to meet friends for drinking. A person begins to experience true pleasure from the state of intoxication. A doctor can easily notice such changes in a patient, so immediately when such signs are detected, you should contact a specialist.
If a person does not notice such changes in himself, then he will easily become a chronic alcoholic. It is quite difficult to recover from this disease.

How to fight?
Even everyday drinking is not considered a good habit, so people who care about their he alth and want to lead a he althy lifestyle should strive to get rid of it. To do this, you can use different recommendations of doctors:
- first you need to take all the available free time with some useful activities;
- allthe family must decide to get rid of the habit of drinking alcohol regularly, so there should be no alcoholic drinks at various family activities;
- leading an active social life, for which you should take up various new hobbies or hobbies;
- you need to start paying attention to sports, because if a person receives physical and mental relaxation, he will easily give up the pleasure that alcohol brings.
Many people are sure that everyday drinking is not considered a bad habit, but some citizens became chronic alcoholics in record time precisely because they were used to regularly receiving a certain dose of alcohol. Therefore, if a person wants to be he althy and vigorous, then one should strive to get rid of all bad habits.

How is alcoholism treated?
If a person could not get rid of domestic drunkenness, then in the future he may become an alcoholic. The problem is usually revealed by his relatives, who try to help a loved one. Treatment is considered difficult and lengthy, and is also implemented in several stages:
- originally, doctors use drugs to get a person out of binge;
- signs of intoxication are eliminated;
- diagnosed internal organs, which makes it clear how much the human body has changed under the influence of alcohol;
- if there are additional diseases, treatment is prescribed;
- work is underway to challenge the aversion to alcoholic beverages, towhat encoding is commonly used;
- offering the psychological support a person needs in the recovery process;
- applied psychotherapeutic impact, involving the use of various proven techniques.
Even using all the above methods does not always allow you to get rid of the addiction. Therefore, each person must responsibly approach situations when he takes alcohol.
Domestic drunkenness has many differences from domestic alcoholism, but the transition from one state to another is considered quick and imperceptible. Each condition has its own signs and consequences. Therefore, any person should carefully take alcoholic beverages in order not to become a chronic alcoholic.
Getting rid of a bad habit or illness is a complex process that must be done with the support of relatives and friends.