The drug "Inosine Pranobex", or in other words "Isoprinosine", is an immunostimulating agent with a pronounced antiviral effect. This drug is highly active against a large number of different pathogenic microorganisms. For example, it is very effective against cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex and measles, influenza A and B, ECHO-, polioviruses, equine encephalitis and encephalomyocarditis. The basis of the pharmacological action of the drug "Inosine Pranobex" is the inhibition of the enzyme and RNA dihydropteroate synthetase, which is involved in the process of replication of some pathogenic microorganisms. After administration, this immunostimulating agent is absorbed rather quickly, reaching the highest concentration of the active substance in one to two hours. Two days later, in the form of metabolites, along with urine, the drug "Inosine Pranobex" is completely excreted from the body. The price of this drug is about forty to fifty rubles per package.
List of medical indications for prescription

Take an immune boosterthe drug "Inosine Pranobex" is recommended mainly for the treatment of diseases such as influenza, labial or genital herpes, infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus, SARS, shingles, chickenpox and herpetic keratitis. In addition, this drug is actively prescribed for the treatment of severe measles and molluscum contagiosum. For the treatment of infectious mononucleosis provoked by the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and papillomavirus infections, the drug "Inosine Pranobex" can also be used. Analogues of this immunostimulating agent - the means "Isoprinosine" and "Groprinosin" - have a similar effect and are also used to treat all of the listed diseases.
Features of use and dosage
Take the medicine "Inosine Pranobex" should be after meals at the rate of fifty milligrams of the drug per kilogram of weight. Taking pills three to four times a day.

In severe forms of the disease, the dosage can be increased to one hundred milligrams per kilogram of weight. In this case, the norm of the drug "Inosine Pranobex" should be divided into four to six doses. The maximum dosage is about three grams per day. The duration of therapy varies between five and fourteen days. If necessary, treatment can also be extended. Therapy should be continued until the complete disappearance of painful symptoms and for another two days afterthis.
Main medical contraindications
It is not recommended to take the drug "Inosine Pranobex" for patients suffering from urolithiasis, gout, renal failure, arrhythmia, as well as individual sensitivity to its components. Children (up to three years of age), breastfeeding and pregnancy are also reasons to stop this immunostimulant.