The main effect of "Tramadol" on the human body in oncology is an anesthetic. The drug belongs to the class of opioid analgesics, it has a combined effect. It has a central efficiency mechanism. The tool gives a pronounced analgesic effect, due to which its use is widespread among cancer patients with inoperable forms of pathology.
General information
Tramadol (tablets, injections) prescribed for oncology is recommended if the pain syndrome is assessed as moderate and severe in intensity. The drug can be used not only in case of pain associated with malignant processes, but also with pain of a different etiology. Often, the remedy is prescribed to people who are worried about the pain syndrome against the background of an injury or surgery. If a therapeutic manipulation or diagnosis is expected that brings the patient severe discomfort, the drugcan be used as a means to relieve sensations during the process.
About how often to take Tramadol injections in oncology, how many tablets to take per day and at what time, the doctor who prescribes this remedy will tell you at the appointment. The dosage is always selected strictly individually. It is necessary to consider what the pains are, how strong they are.

About dosage
When prescribing Tramadol for oncology, the doctor takes into account the age group and the characteristics of the patient's he alth. If a person is older than 14 years of age, the pain syndrome is assessed as moderate, 1 ml of the drug is administered in one procedure, which corresponds to 50 mg of the hydrochloride of the active substance. If after half an hour or an hour the pain does not subside, the reception is repeated.
If the pain is severe, you can use the medication with four-hour intervals between doses. A single dosage reaches 0.5 g. If this dosage option is chosen, it is necessary to control the patient's condition, preferably with the help of modern equipment.
Features of action
Tramadol, widely used in therapeutic practice for oncology and metastases, is prescribed to alleviate the pain caused by the pathological process. Tests have shown that the analgesic effect is observed within 4-8 hours. In general, it is recommended to use no more than 0.4 g of the drug per day, but a malignant neoplasm and surgery on the patient allow an increase in doses at the discretion of the doctor.
If needed to achievea pronounced analgesic effect in the case when the patient's age is older than one year old, but less than 14 years old, a single dosage is selected based on the weight of the patient. It is recommended to take 1-2 mg of the substance for each kilogram. It is desirable to use the agent in the form for injective administration. To dilute the contents, purified water prepared for injections is used.

Rules of application
Produced in ampoules "Tramadol" in oncology is prescribed to relieve pain caused by the malignant process and the selected treatment methods. In order for the drug to show the desired effect, it must be administered correctly. If the medicine is injected into a vein, slow administration is required. It is allowed to inject the analgesic into muscle tissue and subcutaneously.
It is possible to prescribe "Tramadol" if the patient has kidney or liver failure. This condition requires a specialized dosage. The approach is similar in the case of old age. If the pain is severe, Tramadol is used once a day or less. In chronic pain syndrome, the intervals between doses should be made as long as possible, since the half-life of the drug increases, there is a risk of a cumulative effect.
If the patient is older than 75 years of age, even with normal functioning of the liver and kidneys, it is necessary to prescribe Tramadol with the longest possible intervals between doses.
Helps or not?
About use whenoncology and metastases "Tramadol" reviews from patients are almost impossible to find. As a rule, with such a diagnosis, the remedy is prescribed at the fourth stage, when the patient's condition is already quite bad. You can meet the responses of people who cared for such patients. Many recognize that "Tramadol" at first has a strong, pronounced effect, but its duration is rather short, so you have to use the remedy often. Doctors note that in the case of a severe oncological process, Tramadol should be used in such dosages and with such frequency that it alleviates pain - that is, choose individually, controlling the patient's condition.
As can be seen from the reviews, injections of "Tramadol" in oncology can improve the quality of life of the patient, make the last stage of an incurable disease less painful. When the medication stops showing the desired result, it is combined with other painkillers. "Tramadol" is considered the penultimate method of pain relief in cancer patients. Only "Promedol" has an even stronger effect, which is prescribed if "Tramadol" ceases to act, the pain becomes too intense.

Unwanted consequences
As can be concluded from the reviews, with oncology "Tramadol" (tablets, injections) can cause unwanted side reactions from the patient's body. Many note that the head hurts and is spinning, the stool is disturbed and nauseous. Sometimes patients vomit. There is a possibility of itching lesions on the skin, asthenia anddyspepsia. Some have symptoms of psychostimulation, excessive activity of sweat glands, diarrhea. There may be a sensation of dry mucous membranes in the mouth.
In 5% of patients, blood pressure decreases, weight decreases, tachycardia develops. Approximately the same frequency of cases of paresthesia, tremor, abdominal pain, visual impairment. There is a risk of hallucinations and decreased diuresis. The likelihood of any side effect becomes higher if you use Tramadol for a long course, at a high dosage. At high doses, there is a possibility of getting used to the remedy.
Safety First
If Tramadol has caused adverse reactions in oncology that are not described in the instructions for use accompanying the drug, you should consult your doctor. This probably indicates a poor tolerance of the agent by the body. The doctor will select an analogue or advise you to completely abandon the drug.
It is forbidden to use "Tramadol" if the patient uses MAOIs, and also within a couple of weeks after stopping such treatment. The drug is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. In the case of lactation, an exception is possible if the patient's vital signs require it. The medicine is not used for children under one year of age.
As can be seen from the reviews, in oncology, Tramadol is prescribed to relieve pain, while the therapeutic program is fraught with the risk of developing a hypersensitivity reaction. Such manifestations are a categorical contraindication to continuing treatment. Alsorestrictions are conditions in which the activity of the central nervous system, the respiratory center is depressed. This is possible with alcohol poisoning, excessive use of sleeping pills, psychotropic, narcotic analgesic medicinal composition.

Security issues
According to the reviews, with oncology, "Tramadol" is sometimes necessary to appoint people who have liver or kidney failure, as well as people who have had a head injury, patients with epilepsy. Sometimes it becomes necessary to prescribe an analgesic to people who have increased intracranial pressure, as well as people who are inherently dependent on opioid formulations. All these cases require the use of painkillers strictly under the supervision of a doctor, carefully and with regular checks on the body's performance.
Extremely carefully, only if it is possible to constantly monitor the patient's condition, "Tramadol" is prescribed against the background of anesthetics, psychotropic and hypnotic compounds. Combination with narcotic painkillers should be avoided as this practice carries an increased risk of unpredictable drug interactions.
About combinations and risks
As can be seen from the reviews, in oncology, Tramadol is sometimes prescribed to people who need drugs containing carbamazepine. With such complex treatment, the effectiveness of the painkiller may decrease.
Alcohol should be avoided while using analgesics.
While using painkillersit is necessary to refrain from driving machines, units, devices that require an increased reaction rate and special attention. Work under these conditions should be avoided.

Isn't that too much?
As evidenced by the reviews, in oncology, "Tramadol" is used to relieve pain of medium and high strength, and it is recommended to choose the frequency of use individually, taking into account the characteristics of the case. For this reason, there is a risk of drug overdose. Such a condition can be suspected by the patient's convulsions and depression of the respiratory center.
To provide first aid to the patient, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the pulmonary system. Urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit was recommended with connection to specialized equipment and the appointment of funds for the relief of symptoms inherent in a particular case. Blood dialysis does not give the desired result. With convulsions, you can prescribe "Diazepam". The use of "Naloxone" is practically ineffective, as it does not allow to stop the symptoms of the toxic effects of the drug, in addition, it increases the risk of convulsions.
Mutual influence
If the patient is shown drugs that depress the central nervous system, the combination of these drugs with "Tramadol" can cause mutual activation of the central effects. The same process is observed when drinking alcohol. The likelihood of inhibition of the respiratory function of the body increases. It is known that in rare cases in patients who used neuroleptics against the background ofanesthesia with Tramadol, epileptic seizures developed. Under the influence of carbamazepine, the period of effectiveness of the analgesic in question is reduced, its analgesic effect weakens.
Combination with MAOIs is accompanied by an increased risk of developing CNS conditions that threaten the life of the patient. Possible inhibition of respiratory activity and impaired blood flow.
All variants of the combined influence of drugs on each other can develop both with prolonged use, and in the case of a short-term, single dose.

Use: wisely and in moderation
In medicine, there are many cases of dependence on opioid drugs. Among other drugs that can provoke addiction, Tramadol poses a certain danger. Although it is usually prescribed for cancer patients, and people who have used the analgesic for a long period admit that there is no dependence, the unjustified use of the drug turns it into a drug. This applies to non-medical uses.
Abuse of "Tramadol" is accompanied by a violation of behavioral reactions and the formation of mental abnormalities. Officially, this medication does not belong to the list of narcotic drugs, but is classified as a potent drug formulation. Overuse is classified in the legal sciences as substance abuse.
Curious to know
Previously, Tramadol belonged to the class of narcotic painkillers. The revision of ownership was carried out onon the basis of numerous scientific papers showing that among opiate addicts, people with Tramadol addiction are very rare. In addition, tolerance to the active compound of the drug is formed only with a small degree of probability.

Currently, "Tramadol" is one of the fairly affordable drugs. In pharmacies, the medication is dispensed strictly with a prescription from the attending physician. One package costs a little over a hundred rubles, which makes the analgesic available to the general population - as you know, oncology does not distinguish between patients with different income levels.