Lower lip cancer: development factors, first signs, treatment methods

Lower lip cancer: development factors, first signs, treatment methods
Lower lip cancer: development factors, first signs, treatment methods

Cancer of the lower lip is not very common. Basically, it is observed in older people who are prone to various neoplasms.

Among all cancer patients, men aged 60-70 predominate. With age, the body's defenses decrease, resulting in an increased likelihood of malignant neoplasms.

Features of the disease

ICD code 10 for malignant melanoma of the lower lip - C43.0. In this classification, there is a division of the disease according to the place of occurrence on the lip (surface, red border, etc.). So, ICD code 10 for cancer of the lower lip C00.1 - the outer surface, border, and code C00.4 - the inner surface, frenulum, mucous membrane, buccal surface. The disease is characterized by slow growth and the formation of metastases.

According to its structure, a malignant neoplasm is a squamous cell carcinoma, for which very slow growth and the formation of metastases are typical. The main danger of the disease isthe spread of cancer cells through the lymphatic system.

Initially, metastases affect the sublingual and submandibular lymph nodes. The subsequent progression of cancer is accompanied by the formation of metastases in the lungs, liver and bones. Such processes often end in the death of the patient.

Cancer first signs
Cancer first signs


Lower lip cancer can be squamous or basal cell. The latter form is quite rare. In addition, the tumor can be non-keratinized and keratinized. The first type is characterized by the fact that the neoplasm grows rapidly. Metastasis can occur even in the initial stages. The keratinized form is characterized by slow growth, ulcers and metastases rarely appear.

In addition, doctors distinguish the following main forms of lip cancer:

  • Papillary.
  • Ulcerative.
  • Warty.

The stages of cancer of the lower lip are determined according to the classification indicating the spread of oncology, the appearance of metastases, the presence of affected lymph nodes. At stage 1, the tumor spreads only to the tissues of the lip, metastasis has not yet occurred. In addition, the lymphatic system is not yet affected.

At stage 2, the tumor may increase in size, but it is still localized only in the tissues of the lip. Lymph nodes are not affected, but there are no metastases. The third stage is characterized by the fact that the tumor is localized only in the tissues of the lips. Lymph nodes are not affected or only one of them is affected, there are no metastases at this stage.

At stage 4, the tumor grows in a nearbylocated tissues, lymph nodes are not affected or only one of them is affected. Metastases may or may not exist, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Depending on the stage of the malignant process, the method of therapy is selected.

Causes of occurrence

A malignant tumor almost never forms in he althy tissues. There are some factors in the development of cancer, which include various kinds of external influences that can lead to disruption of the process of division and full maturation of epithelial cells. Inflammatory processes and many other changes can provoke the development of the disease. Cancer of the lower lip appears for the following reasons:

  • Severe meteorological conditions.
  • Bad habits.
Stages of lower lip cancer
Stages of lower lip cancer
  • Damage due to diseases of the teeth, inflammation, trauma.
  • Presence of a fungal and/or viral infection.
  • Birth defects of the lip.

Smoking leads to various tumors. When smoke is inhaled, not only does the mucous membrane come into contact with carcinogens, but also the damaging effects of high temperature.

Cancer of the lower lip is less aggressive than the upper lip, so metastases appear much later. Tumors that form in young people tend to be much more aggressive than in older people, despite the fact that they are quite rare.

What a malignant tumor looks like

Doctors identify several types of lip cancer. When classifyingvarious characteristics of the course of the pathological process are taken into account. The localization of the tumor is taken into account. The neoplasm itself can have a different structure and developmental features. The tumor may be:

  • Squamous cornified.
  • Squamous nonkeratinized.
  • Warty.
  • Papillary.
  • Ulcerative.
  • Ulcer-infiltrative.

Squamous cell keratinized cancer is characterized by the fact that it grows very slowly in size and rises above the surface of the lip. This form has a better prognosis, since it rarely metastasizes and does not spread to adjacent tissues for a long time. It becomes covered with sores only in the later stages.

Squamous cell nonkeratinizing cancer is characterized by spread to neighboring tissues. The tumor grows inside the lip, is prone to the formation of metastases and is covered with sores already at the initial stages.

Warty cancer appears as small warts. The shade of neoplasms can be different, from the natural color of the border of the lips to dark red.

If the lower lip is swollen, it may be a papillary type of cancer. It is distinguished by the presence of a fairly dense growth of irregular shape, which does not cause any discomfort at all. Such a neoplasm has no clearly defined boundaries. Near the tumor, you can feel the thickening of the tissue.

Ulcerative cancer is characterized by the fact that the tumor has jagged edges. Nearby tissues are quite strongly hyperemic. Inside the tumor there is an ulcer, the bottomlined with dead cells. Exudate is released from it.

Ulcer-infiltrative cancer is characterized by the fact that a large wound with convex uneven edges forms on the lip. Its surface is covered with small sores. In addition, there may be a slight degree of damage to nearby tissues.

Swollen lower lip
Swollen lower lip

Main symptoms

Usually the very first sign of lip cancer is the formation of a small lump. To the touch, it is slightly denser than adjacent fabrics. When the existing crust is removed, a red border of the lower lip is found under it. After some time, a new crust forms on the seal, which is much larger.

Sometimes the first sign of lip cancer is discomfort in the mouth. In addition, you should definitely consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • Slight soreness.
  • Formation of ulcers, roughness and cracks.
  • Discomfort when eating.
  • Itching and burning feeling in the lip area.

At the initial stage of cancer of the lower lip, the following signs are observed:

  • Swelling.
  • Discomfort or pain when eating.
  • Increase in size.
  • Blue mucus.

With a prolonged course of the malignant process, additional signs of intoxication appear, which include:

  • General weakness.
  • Deterioration of appetite.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Headache.
  • Irritable.
  • Weight loss.

Sometimes part of the tumor undergoes necrotic changes, and the lesion takes the form of an ulceration with a small depression in the very center. Often, secondary infection and the development of purulent processes join it. With cancer, the lower lip hurts quite badly, as significant tissue damage occurs.

The duration of the pathological process leads to an even greater spread of the tumor to the lymph nodes (at the last stage). At the same time, hoarseness of the voice is observed, the lymph nodes become inflamed, and the mobility of the jaw also deteriorates significantly. In complex and advanced cases, metastases affect large areas and turn into extensive infiltrates. What cancer of the lower lip looks like can be seen in the photos posted in our article. In order to be able to recognize the course of the malignant process in a timely manner, it is important to know the symptoms and signs of the disease.


It is important to diagnose a malignant tumor on the lip in a timely manner, as this is considered the key to successful treatment and an absolutely complete recovery. If the first signs of illness occur, you should definitely contact an oncologist.

Tumor on the lip
Tumor on the lip

Initially, he conducts a detailed survey to determine when and how minor changes in the lip appeared, whether treatment was carried out, what was the result. Then the doctor examines the affected area with a magnifying glass. Mandatory is palpation of the area of tumor growth,cheeks, jaw, chin and adjacent lymph nodes. After that, a cytological examination or biopsy is prescribed, followed by a histological analysis of tissues.

Examination of sick people also involves the analysis of urine, blood, X-ray of the lungs, ECG. All this is necessary to exclude the fact that metastases have already formed. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes is performed to clarify the diagnosis. To accurately confirm the presence of a malignant tumor, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination, by which it is possible to determine the type of cancer, its degree of malignancy and prognosis.

Features of treatment

If the lower lip is swollen, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis, as this may be a sign of a malignant neoplasm. The tactics of therapy largely depend on what stage the pathology is at, as well as how far it has spread throughout the body. At the initial stage, the disease is cured almost completely.

Topical therapies will only work if:

  • Only the lower lip is affected.
  • No lymph nodes affected.
  • Metastases have not spread to other organs.

In the presence of metastases, chemotherapy is used in combination with other methods, since this is the only way to get the best possible result.


Squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip is successfully treated by surgical excision of tumor tissue and radiotherapy. This issignificantly increases the likelihood of a full recovery. After routine excision of the tumor, the chance of a recurrence of the disease remains, and radiation will help to destroy any remaining affected cells. If it is necessary to restore the shape of the lips and to eliminate the existing cosmetic defect, plastic surgery on the lips is indicated.

lower lip cancer early stage
lower lip cancer early stage

The need for such an intervention arises in the case of removal of the lower lip for cancer or excision of a large area. Cryosurgery refers to a newer and more modern method of treatment, which significantly increases the chances of a successful cure and reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease. Initially, the area near the focus of a malignant neoplasm is treated with cold, and then its tissues are excised. For this, various modifications of the scalpel or coagulator are used.

Freezing tissues not only completely destroys all existing cancer cells, but also allows the surgeon to perform the operation with much higher accuracy, as it creates a kind of limiting roller.

Photodynamic therapy is a modern method of cancer treatment and is characterized by its safety and high degree of effectiveness. For treatment you will need:

  • Photosensitizer drug.
  • UV source.
  • Access of oxygen to tissues.

Before starting the procedure, the patient is injected with a photosensitizing drug that increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation. After thatpoint irradiation with ultraviolet is carried out.

This method of treatment does not provoke side effects and significantly reduces the likelihood of recurrence of tumor formation. The downside is the high cost of the procedure.

Brachytherapy is used in the treatment of recurrent lip cancer. This technique involves the introduction of radioactive pellets.

Post-operative period

At the end of treatment, the patient must be registered with an oncologist for several years. It is necessary to regularly undergo examinations with a specialist and conduct an examination for the appearance of a recurrence of a malignant tumor.

For cancer of the lower lip, the clinical guidelines are mainly about seeing a doctor, as well as following all his prescriptions. At control visits to a specialist, an examination of the lips, palpation of the lymph nodes, ultrasound and chest x-ray are performed. Timely detection of metastases and relapses allows for a radical intervention with good results.

Cancer development factors
Cancer development factors


When a malignant tumor spreads to adjacent tissues and regional lymph nodes, as well as when metastases form in other organs, chemotherapy is prescribed, which complements local treatment. Cytostatic drugs are selected individually. For lip cancer, the following remedies can be used:

  • "Bleomycin".
  • Methotrexate.
  • Preparations with fluorouracil.
  • Platinum drugs.

Chemotherapy canalso complemented by a variety of methods of radiotherapy. Such treatment can be used at any stage of the lip cancer, both before and after surgery. Often, high-level X-ray radiation is used as a preoperative method of preparing the patient. Ionizing radiation stabilizes the growth, and sometimes even reduces the size of a malignant neoplasm.

Nearby lymph nodes are also exposed to radiation. At the very last stage of the course of the disease, radiation exposure becomes the basis of palliative treatment. It is aimed at alleviating the suffering of the patient and prolonging his life.

Radiation therapy is carried out using a near-focus device. A single dose of radiation is 4-5 Gy, and the total dose is 60 Gy. The duration and intensity of such a treatment course is determined strictly individually and depends on the size of the affected area.

Folk remedies

Often, patients, along with the main therapy, use traditional methods of treatment. The following are considered the most effective means:

  • Beet juice.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Burdock ointment.
  • Compress of celandine juice and carrots.

Take a raw beetroot, grate it, squeeze the juice out of it and refrigerate for several hours to cool. Drink the medicine on an empty stomach 100 ml 5 times daily. You can eat medicine with a piece of bread.

Lower lip removal for cancer
Lower lip removal for cancer

Another effective remedy is St. John's wort decoction. Pour 20 g of dry plant with 500 ml of boiling water andput on a small fire. Boil until half of the available liquid has evaporated. Filter and drink 15 ml 3 times daily.

The affected area can be smeared with burdock ointment. Boil until ready 100 g of the root of the plant, chop and add 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Then put the mixture on the fire and boil for another 90 minutes. Cool the finished product and you can use it.

In the absence of defects on the lip, you can apply a compress of celandine juice and carrots. Grind this vegetable and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Then mix it all in equal proportions and apply to the affected area for 2 hours. Repeat the treatment procedure 3 times a day.

It is worth remembering that folk remedies can only be used in combination with the main methods of therapy and after consulting a doctor.


Favorable prognosis largely depends on the timeliness of the therapy started and the stage of the disease. In the treatment of stages 1-2, the curability of patients is very high, approximately 97-100%. At stage 4 or with relapses, remission can be achieved only in 30% of cases.

Timely detection and initiation of therapy significantly increases the patient's chances for a full recovery. That is why if any diseases of the lips, seals, sores and cracks occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. It must be remembered that the detection of a tumor in the initial stages allows you to completely cure this oncological disease.


It is worth noting that the development of lip cancer is not related to heredity. Therefore, each of us has a chance to prevent the occurrence of the disease. To this end, you must follow a few rules:

  • Prevent lip microtrauma.
  • Do not expose to prolonged sun exposure.
  • Timely get rid of diseases of the oral sex, teeth, internal organs.
  • Observe the rules of oral hygiene.
  • Give up bad habits.

Following simple rules will help protect against unpleasant and serious consequences.

Cancer of the lip can develop in a person of any age, therefore, you should carefully monitor your he alth. If there are any changes on the lips, you should immediately contact a specialist who can accurately diagnose the disease and choose a treatment regimen.
