Nootropics are widely used to eliminate brain microcirculation disorders, their consequences, as well as to neutralize the symptoms of other organic pathological processes of the central nervous system. Medicines that contain citicoline as an active ingredient. In most cases, they are prescribed by neurologists, since they are safe for the body and cause a minimum of side effects.
Vascular pathologies are the cause of most neurological diseases, which are manifested not only by cognitive impairment, but can also lead to serious consequences. For prophylactic purposes, to prevent strokes, as well as to eliminate residual effects after past diseases, "Citicoline" can be used. This is a medication that affects the metabolic processes in the central nervous system.

What is included in the structure of the drug
Shaperelease of "Citicoline" - a solution for parenteral administration. Also for oral use.
According to the annotation for use, it is known that "Citicoline" is a nootropic drug that is produced in the form of a solution for parenteral use. Citicoline tablets and capsules do not exist.
What are the ingredients? What is included in the preparation? "Citicoline" contains the following substances:
- Citicoline sodium.
- Hydrochloric acid.
- Caustic soda.
- Water.

When medication is prescribed
According to the annotation for use, it is known that the drug "Citicoline" is recommended for use in the presence of certain pathological conditions. Indications for the use of the drug "Citicoline":
- Acute stage of ischemic stroke (impaired microcirculation of blood in the brain with impaired tissue, as well as its functions).
- Cerebral infarction (a serious disease characterized by the death of brain tissue).
- Hemorrhagic stroke (impaired blood microcirculation in the brain with rupture of blood vessels, as well as cerebral hemorrhage).
- Cognitive and behavioral impairments.
- Tranio-cerebral injury.
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a disease accompanied by the death of central or peripheral motor neurons).
- Chorea (a pathological condition characterized by involuntary and chaotic movements of the legs and arms).
- Alzheimer's disease (complex lesions of the nervous system, which are characterized by loss of memory and logical thinking, as well as speech inhibition).
- Parkinsonism (a neurological disease characterized by a number of symptoms: tremor, resistant increase in muscle tone, uniform muscle resistance, equally pronounced in flexion and extension, as well as postural instability and slow movement).
- Dyscirculatory encephalopathy (a brain disease that occurs as a result of chronic progressive disorders of the brain microcirculation of various origins).

Does the drug have prohibitions
According to the instructions for use, it is known that "Citicoline" is contraindicated in the presence of certain conditions. This is:
- Severe vagotomy (a complex condition caused by increased tone of the vagus nerve, which regulates the functioning of internal organs, as well as endocrine glands, capillaries).
- Breastfeeding.
- Under 18 years old.
- Increased sensitivity to any component of the drug.
With extreme caution, it is necessary to apply the drug to a woman during pregnancy. And only in situations where the probable benefit of therapy for the mother greatly outweighs the threat to the fetus.

How to use the drug correctly
According to application noteit is known that the solution for parenteral administration is used in a dosage depending on the indications. Intravenous injections are carried out for at least three minutes, it is better to infuse the drug drip at a rate of forty to sixty drops per minute. The intramuscular method is used less frequently. With such injections, "Citicoline" must be injected each time in a new place.
For traumatic brain injury or ischemic stroke, one gram of the drug is administered every twelve hours immediately after the diagnosis has been made. Therapy should be carried out for at least one and a half months. If the patient has retained normal swallowing function, it is necessary to switch to the oral form of the drug within three to five days after the start of treatment.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that during recovery it is recommended to use from 0.5 to 2 grams of medication per day. Dosage regimen and duration of therapy are determined individually by a specialist.
There is no need to adjust the dose for people of retirement age. After opening the ampoule, its contents should be used immediately. "Citicoline" can be mixed in one syringe or infusion system with all types of isotonic solutions.
Oral solution
Citicoline sachets can be diluted in water. It is necessary to use the solution before meals or during it. As a rule, it is recommended to use from 200 to 300 milligrams of the drug three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by a medical specialist.
Adverse reactions
According toannotations for use it is known that "Citicoline" very rarely provokes negative actions. But still they sometimes happen:
- Excitement.
- Hyperstimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
- Insomnia (a sleep disorder characterized by superficial sleep, as well as a delay in its onset or early awakening).
- Hallucinations (an image that appears in the mind without an external stimulus).
- Vertigo (a condition more commonly known as vertigo, a condition associated with ear problems or, less commonly, brain damage).
- Headache.
- Numbness in paralyzed limbs.
- Hypotension (more than twenty percent drop in blood pressure).
- Hypertension (a disease whose main symptom is an increase in blood pressure due to nervous and functional disorders).

What other adverse reactions does the drug cause
There are other side effects. They are somewhat less common. This is:
- Itchy skin.
- Rashes.
- Hyperemia (a pathological process characterized by a local increase in the amount of blood in any tissue or organ).
- Purpura (a disease characterized by small-spotted hemorrhages under the skin, in the epidermis or mucous membranes).
- Urticaria (a disease of allergic or toxic origin, which manifests itself in the form of pinpoint spots -the main symptom is an unpleasant itch).
- Anaphylactic shock (acute and severe allergic manifestations that occur as a result of repeated penetration of the allergen into the body).
- Shortness of breath.
- Nausea.
- Loss of appetite.
- Gagging.
- Diarrhea.
- Changes in liver enzyme activity.
- Chills.
If poisoning occurs, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe symptomatic therapy.
With intracranial bleeding, do not use the drug in a dosage exceeding 1000 milligrams per day. It is necessary to infuse the solution intravenously slowly, at a rate of thirty drops per minute.
According to reviews of Citicoline, it is known that people who drive vehicles need to be extremely careful during treatment. The drug may cause drowsiness, loss of coordination.
There is no exact information regarding the use of "Citicoline" in women during pregnancy. Despite the fact that studies have not shown the negative effect of the drug, as mentioned above, during pregnancy it should be used only in situations where the likely benefit of therapy for the mother outweighs the risk to the unborn baby.
If necessary, treatment with "Citicoline" during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped. Since there is no information about the safety of the drug.
Patients under eighteen years of age should not be treated with the drug. Also, due to the lack of sufficientinformation that confirms the safety and effectiveness of treatment in children.
Patients of retirement age do not need an individual selection of dosing. "Citicoline" can be combined with all types of intravenous isotonic solutions. Do not use immediately with drugs that contain meclofenoxate in the structure. "Citicoline" leads to an increase in the action of levodopa.

Can something replace the drug? Can. Analogues of "Citicoline":
- "Ceresil Canon".
- "Neipilept".
- "Neurocholine".
- "Proneiro".
- "Ceraxon".
- "Recognan".
- "Noocil".
- "Ronocyte".
- "Quinel".

Before replacing the drug with one for another, you should seek the advice of a doctor. In order not to harm he alth.
How to store medication
According to the annotation for use, it is known that it is necessary to keep the drug "Citicoline" away from children, in a place protected from the sun's rays, at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. Shelf life - 36 months. A prescription drug is dispensed. The cost of the drug varies from 900 to 1300 rubles.
Opinions of patients and doctors
Reviews of "Citicoline" (1000 mg), as a rule, are positive. People report improved performancefrom drug therapy during recovery from stroke and traumatic brain injury, as well as disorders that are associated with vascular lesions of the brain.
But there are also responses with complaints about the occurrence of adverse reactions. In many situations such as dizziness, insomnia, migraine, agitation.
Most medical professionals leave good reviews about Citicoline. Noting the remarkable combination of a level of increased efficiency and a very rare development of negative effects.
In the rehabilitation of people who have suffered a stroke, it is necessary to choose the right drug to restore brain functions. In their practice, doctors often use Citicoline. In a medical institution, the drug is used in the form of injections, which allows you to quickly eliminate ischemia at the source of the lesion and neurological signs.
In addition, there are reviews of "Citicoline" (1000 mg), in which doctors say that patients with alcohol and drug addictions need the use of nootropic drugs as an additional treatment. "Citicoline" helps to restore cognitive functions, as well as memory and concentration.