Psychologists of Khabarovsk: recommendations and reviews

Psychologists of Khabarovsk: recommendations and reviews
Psychologists of Khabarovsk: recommendations and reviews

How to find a good psychologist in Khabarovsk? Residents of the city, asking such a question, sometimes do not even suspect that many mental he alth specialists in their city are international-class psychologists, have scientific degrees and the highest professional categories. The following list of the best psychologists in Khabarovsk will help you learn about them and choose the most suitable one for you.

Chernysheva I. A

Inna Chernysheva
Inna Chernysheva

Opens the list of the best psychologists of Khabarovsk Inna Aleksandrovna Chernysheva, whose qualifications make an indelible impression: candidate of psychological sciences, specialist of the highest category, certified teacher and trainer of the highest level. In addition, Inna Alexandrovna is an honorary member of the Russian Psychological Society of the Russian Federation, the International Psychological Association and the Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia. Fortunately, reviews from clients of this specialist are more thancorrespond to her level of professionalism. Patients write that the experience of working with Inna Aleksandrovna cannot be overestimated. In the course of frank conversations, interspersed with abstract conversations, she did her work so imperceptibly for a person that after treatment a huge gap is revealed between what was and what has become.

You can make an appointment with a psychologist Chernysheva at the "Little Prince" children's club on Muravyov-Amursky Street, 17.

Frolov P. A

Pavel Frolov
Pavel Frolov

Undoubtedly, one of the best psychologists in the city is Pavel Anatolyevich Frolov. This is not only a specialist of the highest category, but also a candidate of science, the owner of European and international qualification certificates. He is an associate professor at the DGGU in Khabarovsk and a lecturer at the International Academy of Positive Psychotherapy in the German city of Wiesbaden. Pavel Anatolyevich has been leading his practice with great success for 27 years, he is on the board of directors of the World Association for Psychotherapy and the Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation. Judging by the comments on the Web, his latest techniques, based on the international school of therapy, help very quickly and with a lasting effect.

The psychologist Frolov works with clients in a private office located in the business center "Khabarovsk-City" on Frunze street, 22.

Sysoeva O. V

Olga Sysoeva
Olga Sysoeva

One of the best adult and child psychologists in Khabarovsk can safely be considered Olga Vladimirovna Sysoeva. This is PhD, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Psychology, member of the Psychotherapeutic League of the Russian Federation and the Federation of Consultant Psychologists of the Russian Federation. Olga Vladimirovna's professional experience is 22 years. Quite a lot of positive words have been written about her work on the Web. Most of all, Olga Vladimirovna's ability to do her job unobtrusively, gently and without pressure is praised, in fact helping the inner personality to open up and remain herself, and not change one psychological program for another.

In the Novy Kvartal business center at 96A Karla Marksa Street, there is a private office of psychologist Sysoeva, where you can make an appointment with her or determine the time to visit with your child.

Barabash P. I

Pavel Barabash
Pavel Barabash

Pavel Ivanovich Barabash also has a worthy qualification: candidate of psychological sciences, author of 12 scientific books on relevant topics and a member of the League of Psychotherapists of the Russian Federation. This professional has over 20 years of experience. In the reviews, Pavel Ivanovich is often called a classic psychologist or an old-school specialist. This is very popular with older clients who have a hard time in the informal environment cultivated by the current generation of doctors. Pavel Ivanovich's approach is classical psychoanalysis with observance of subordination, polite treatment and simple explanations of each process.

You can ask for help from a psychologist Barabash at the "NLP Center" on Kostromskaya street, 48B.

Lyubachevskaya E. A

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Lyubachevskaya differs from all the above specialists in that she works inin the clinical field of psychology and holds a Ph. D. In addition, Ekaterina Alexandrovna has the highest medical category, despite only 10 years of experience. Judging by the comments, even the most difficult cases are not a problem for Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. She is called very sensitive, attentive and cordial to every person who turned to her for help.

Psychologist Lyubachevskaya is looking forward to seeing her patients at the Center for Family Psychotherapy and Counseling at 181B Volochaevskaya Street.


Anchukova N. I

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology at the Far Eastern State University of Education and Science and Senior Lecturer at the Far Eastern Institute of Psychology - all this is Nelli Ivanovna Anchukova, who has been working in this professional field for 10 years. Not a single negative comment could be found on the Web about the work of Nelly Ivanovna. Everyone who turned to her was delighted - both from the results and from the process itself. Patients call this specialist a very open, sincere and pleasant woman, with great natural sensitivity and love for her work.

In Khabarovsk, the educational psychologist Anchukova works and conducts a reception at the Institute of Psychology on Turgenev Street, 56.

Latypov I. V

Ilya Latypov
Ilya Latypov

Another Candidate of Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Far East State University on this list is Ilya Vladimirovich Latypov, a family psychologist in Khabarovsk, who gave the profession 16 years of his life. Judging by the comments on the Web, many families, both young,and those who have reached an age crisis, were able to maintain their marriage ties and continue to go through life more happily together solely thanks to the timely and very professional help of Ilya Vladimirovich.

For a consultation with a psychologist Latypov, you should sign up at the Megamind Intellectual Development Center on Shabadina Street, 19A.

Boyko E. L

Another specialist for adults and children with a clinical bias and the highest medical category is Elena Leonidovna Boyko, the owner of a rather significant 29-year professional experience. Based on the reviews left on the Internet, Elena Leonidovna has a very wide base of regular clients who, in the event of any trouble, have rushed to her for many years and bring their thoughts into a harmonious state in just one session.

In Khabarovsk, psychologist Boyko carries out his professional activities in the medical center "Nevrodom", located on Kalinina street, 138.

Lyubachevsky I. A

Igor Lyubachevsky
Igor Lyubachevsky

The list of clinical psychologists is continued by Igor Anatolyevich Lyubachevsky, a specialist of the highest qualification level with 10 years of experience. Reviews of his work on the Web are extremely positive and laudatory.

Clients of all ages will be welcomed by psychologist Lyubachevsky at the Center for Family Psychotherapy and Counseling at 181B Volochaevskaya Street and at the Psychiatric Hospital at 33 Serysheva Street.

Ludwik T. V

A true veteran of Khabarovskpsychology is Tatyana Vladimirovna Ludvik, a doctor of the first qualification category with an impressive 32 years of professional experience. There are a lot of grateful comments about the work of Tatyana Vladimirovna on the Web: she is called a storehouse of knowledge, a true professional in her field and a source of harmony in everything she does.

The place of work of this psychologist in Khabarovsk is the "Children's Clinic of Modern Technologies" on Sheronova Street, 8/3.

Gololobov D. N

Dmitry Gololobov
Dmitry Gololobov

Dmitry Nikolaevich Gololobov, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, has a rather serious 27-year experience. In the reviews, regular customers strongly recommend him to everyone who wants to find a specialist, as he was able to help them very effectively in a short time.

In Khabarovsk, psychologist Gololobov works at the "Clinic A" medical center on Morozov Street, 96 and at the "City Center for Psychotherapy and Clinical Narcology" on Pavel Leontyevich Morozov Street, 96.

Solomenik V. V

Valeria Solomenik
Valeria Solomenik

There are a lot of positive reviews about the psychologist of Khabarovsk Valeria Viktorovna Solomenik, an adult and children's specialist with 7 years of experience. Judging by the reviews left on the Internet, Valeria Viktorovna's clients really like that she not only helps, but also explains in detail the entire process of work, giving people the opportunity to subsequently independently and consciously manage their own psychology.

Sign up for a consultation with a psychologist Solomenik is carried out in a specializedcenter "KPD" on Yashin street, 38B.

Belikova E. Yu

Ekaterina Yurievna Belikova is a psychologist and defectologist of the highest medical category with 16 years of experience. There are not many comments about her work on the Web, but each one is written in detail, with great warmth and gratitude, as well as an active recommendation for those who have not yet decided on the choice of a specialist to contact Ekaterina Yurievna.

Psychologist Belikova will gladly accept her potential clients at the Neocortex center on Ordzhonikidze Street, 25A.

Lubimkin R. A

Roman Lyubimkin
Roman Lyubimkin

The services of a psychologist with 16 years of experience Roman Andreyevich Lyubimkin are especially suitable for those who are interested in the so-called "psychology of success". His main specialization is business training and helping people gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, identify hidden potential. Judging by the comments, thanks to regular classes with Roman Andreevich, many people have dramatically changed not only their attitude towards themselves, but also their financial situation.

You can contact the psychologist Lyubimkin in the specialized center "Step forward" on Volochaevskaya street, 15.

Borisova Ya. G

Yana Borisova
Yana Borisova

A very productive clinical psychologist in Khabarovsk is Yana Gennadievna Borisova, who for 13 years has skillfully combined in her practice the methods of medical psychology with dance and art classes of art methods. According to her regular patients, a serious scientific approach, backed byatmosphere of joy and emancipation gives excellent results in the shortest possible time.

Recording for classes with a psychologist Borisova is carried out at the Psychological Counseling Center on Lermontov Street, 35.

Kim K. A

Konstantin Kim
Konstantin Kim

The list of the best psychologists in Khabarovsk is completed by a young but already successful specialist with five years of experience Konstantin Anatolyevich Kim. He works with adults and children, dealing not only with psychology, but also with defectology. The comments are written not only by residents of Khabarovsk, but also by those who specially come to him for classes from different parts of Russia. Patients agree that the methods of Konstantin Anatolyevich are distinguished by their sensitivity and individual approach.

The place of work of Konstantin Anatolyevich is the specialized center "KPD" on Yashin street, 38B.
