Neo-penotran is a local antibacterial and antifungal medicine actively used in gynecological practice.
Pharmacological properties

The active components of the drug - miconazole nitrate and metronidazole - determine its antiprotozoal, antibacterial action. Metronidazole inhibits the reproduction of nucleic acids of microorganisms, which leads to the destruction of their DNA and death. Miconazole disrupts the synthesis of fungal cell membrane elements, which causes their destruction.
The product is active against anaerobic bacteria, trichomonads, pathogenic fungi, including the genus Candida, garganella, anaerobic streptococci. As the review indicates, "Neo-penotran" effectively fights some gram-positive bacteria.
Release form and analogues
A product is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, inwhich contain from 100 to 200 mg of miconazole nitrate, as well as from 500 to 750 mg of metronidazole. The analogue of "Neo-Penotran Forte-L" in addition to the listed substances contains 100 mg of lidocaine. There are no drugs that exactly copy the Neo-penotran formula. The closest is Klion-D 100, which contains the same active ingredients, but in different volumes.

Indications for use
Suppositories are prescribed for local treatment of vaginal mixed infections, bacterial vaginosis. The drug is used for vaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vulvovaginitis.
As the review shows, "Neo-penotran" can not be used for severe abnormalities in the liver, porphyria, diseases of the nervous system, disorders of hematopoiesis. Candles are not prescribed for hypersensitivity to active elements, in early pregnancy, children and adolescents under 14 years of age. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the drug is used strictly according to indications. During lactation, if treatment is necessary, breastfeeding of the baby should be stopped.
Neo-penotran candles: instructions, price
The drug is administered once a day in the evening. The course of treatment is a week. With recurrent vaginitis, the remedy must be used twice - in the morning and in the evening. Therapy is carried out for two weeks. With longer use, as the review indicates, "Neo-penotran" may cause signs of an overdose. These symptoms are manifested by epigastric pain, stomatitis, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, itching. You can buy neo-penotran candles, the price of which is 678 rubles, at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Side effects
The drug can provoke negative reactions of the body, which are similar to signs of an overdose. As evidenced by the review, "Neo-penotran" can cause itching, burning or irritation of the vaginal mucosa. In addition, dry mouth, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, metallic taste are observed. These symptoms disappear after the end of therapy. In rare cases, psycho-emotional disorders, headache, ataxia occur from the nervous system.