Ointment "Sulfodecortem": composition, what it is used for, instructions, analogues

Ointment "Sulfodecortem": composition, what it is used for, instructions, analogues
Ointment "Sulfodecortem": composition, what it is used for, instructions, analogues

Ointment "Sulfodecortem" is an effective drug intended for external use. It reliably fights allergies, inflammatory processes, microbes and mites. Also, the cream is able to remove dead cells by exfoliation. It is worth talking about what Sulfodecortem ointment is used for.

Basically, the remedy is used for skin diseases, which include such major dermatological diseases: seborrhea, psoriasis, rosacea. In addition to these common diseases, the gel can be used for scabies complicated by inflammation (dermatitis) of the skin. What is Sulfodecortem ointment used for? Learn more about this and more later.

ointment sulfodecortem
ointment sulfodecortem


The main components included in the "Sulfodecortem" are sulfur and hydrocortisone. The drug is made on an emulsion basis, which includes the following auxiliary components: nipagin, nipazol, stearic acid, water, pentol, medical vaseline,lanolin.

sulfodecortem ointment analogues
sulfodecortem ointment analogues

Contraindications and possible consequences

According to the instructions for use of the "Sulfodecortem" ointment, it is not worth using the remedy for individual sensitivity and allergic reactions to the constituent components. Also not recommended for:

  • fungal, bacterial and viral skin infections;
  • acne;
  • tumors of the skin;
  • in violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • with dermatitis and inflammatory formations on the mucous membranes;
  • after vaccination.

It is worth noting that the drug should not be used by children and women during pregnancy and lactation. In the case when a doctor prescribes the use of "Sulfodecortem" to a woman, breastfeeding should be excluded or wait with the use of the drug.

When a patient applies too much ointment to a certain area of the skin, and there are no side and negative effects, this means that an overdose is practically impossible. However, attention should be paid to an atypical reaction of the skin in case of its occurrence. If itching or burning occurs at the site of application of the ointment, rashes or severe redness, rinse thoroughly and immediately seek the advice of a specialist, also stop using the ointment.

sulfodecortem ointment instructions for use
sulfodecortem ointment instructions for use

In case of accidental ingestion of the ointment, suchunwanted symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If you experience one of the symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital for first aid. During such situations, treatment is carried out with sorbents, the most common of which is activated carbon. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is performed with further treatment. In rare, exceptional cases, there is an allergic reaction to the "Sulfodecortem" ointment.

In the initial stages, it can manifest itself as redness, rash, itching, swelling, pain at the site of application, the formation of an allergic shock, swelling of the face. If side effects occur, stop using the product immediately. When using the drug, any other side effects are formed, you should definitely consult a doctor. In such situations, the specialist may recommend reducing the amount of ointment or increasing the time intervals between applying the gel.

Storage method

"Sulfodecortem" must be stored only in its original packaging at an air temperature of no more than 20 C. The shelf life of the ointment is 24 months from the date of manufacture. It is forbidden to use the product after the expiration date. Do not forget about the place of storage of the drug - the ointment should be out of the reach of children.

Terms of Use

The ointment is made for external use only for the treatment of skin and skin diseases. The agent is applied in a small, thin layer onproblem area, massage, rubbing movements. Often, experts prescribe the use of "Sulfodecortem" several times a day. The course of treatment ranges from several days to two weeks. If the problem has not disappeared within the prescribed period of time, then, if necessary, treatment can be resumed, but only after a week has elapsed (only upon re-appointment of the doctor). If the ointment is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, then it is necessary to use the remedy only after thoroughly washing the hair with shampoo. In the case of the treatment of rosacea, the drug is used after cleaning the skin with antiseptic solutions (medicinal origin).

What is sulfodecortem ointment used for?
What is sulfodecortem ointment used for?

Analogues of the ointment "Sulfodecortem"

The most similar remedies are:

  • "Aurobin".
  • "Hydrocorticocin".
  • "Corticocin".
  • "Occyclosol".
ointment sulfodecortem
ointment sulfodecortem

Also these funds include:

  1. "Dexamethasone" - refers to glucocorticosteroids, in pharmacology is used as one of the strongest means. The medicine is available in several forms - tablets, solutions (ophthalmic and injectable). The advantages of this tool are: reasonable cost, large output.
  2. "Prednisolone" is a glucocorticosteroid of medium strength. Available in the form of an ointment for external use, tablets, injections for injections, eye drops. Appliesin extreme cases, as it has many contraindications and side effects. Despite this, the drug is very effective. Benefits: Accessibility and efficiency.

Synthetic analogues of ointment include such gels, ointments and aerosols: Antisab, Benzyl benzoate, Bensokril, Spregal, Wilkinson's ointment. In addition, today many other analogues are produced, containing components from the rhizome of white hellebore and hellebore tincture or Hellebore water.


Ointment "Sulfodecortem" helps a lot with skin diseases. Many note the high efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the drug. It is often prescribed for rosacea on the face. The causes and treatment of this disease are established only by the doctor - you cannot independently eliminate such rashes on the skin. The product has a pleasant texture and smell, easy to apply, leaving no residue. Many people have already managed to make sure of the quick treatment on their own experience. Dermatologists recommend this remedy. The ointment is available and has many analogues of this action. When using the product, allergic reactions and unpleasant (painful) sensations do not occur. It takes several days to completely get rid of an unpleasant skin disease.
