Drugs for blood thinning after 40 years of age should be prescribed by a doctor, since people from forty, especially fifty years old, need to be constantly checked, even those who do not suffer from chronic diseases. The body slows down with time, and getting sick is much more dangerous than in younger years. Drugs for dissolving blood after fifty help prevent thrombosis and other dangerous diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Some medicines help strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on overall he alth. But in order for medicines to effectively help, you need to consult a doctor.
Experts are trying to pick up medicines for each person individually, after they pass the tests. What kind of blood thinners after 40 years can patients take?
Unfortunately, the aging process is common to all living beings. Over time, the human body loses itsvital energy. Modern life is filled with a lot of stress, as well as a dozen daily tasks that people try to do in time.

Blood transports nutrients through tissues. If it is thick, the functioning of the whole organism worsens. What pathological processes can develop with too thick blood:
- Thrombophlebitis (inflammatory process of the inner lining of the walls of the veins with the deposition of thrombotic masses that can clog the vessel).
- Thrombosis (a disease that is triggered by the formation of a blood clot that prevents normal microcirculation of blood throughout the body).
- Severe forms of hypertension (a serious chronic disease characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure).
- Atherosclerosis (chronic damage to the arteries, which manifests itself as a result of a violation of lipid metabolism and is accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol in the inner lining of the capillaries).
- Ischemic stroke (failure of cerebral circulation with impaired brain tissue, as well as its functions as a result of difficulty or cessation of blood flow to one or another department).
- Hemorrhagic stroke (acute violation of the microcirculation of the brain with a breakthrough of blood vessels and hemorrhage in the brain).
- Infarction (one of the forms of cardiac ischemia occurring with the occurrence of the death of a portion of the myocardium, which is due to the absolute or relative insufficiency of its microcirculation).
What to take to liquefyblood?

Most of these diseases not only worsen the state of he alth, but can also lead to death. It must be remembered that in order to maintain a stable blood viscosity, a person needs to drink 30 milliliters of pure water per 1 kilogram of weight every day.
Drug groups
Blood thinners are divided into groups. They differ in therapeutic effect, as well as indications for use. Types of medicines to reduce blood viscosity:
- Direct anticoagulants are produced only in the form of solutions for injection, therefore they are used in a medical institution.
- Indirect anticoagulants thin the blood and prevent thrombosis, affect the synthesis of a fat-soluble vitamin in the liver, which activates the blood coagulation process.
- Antiplatelet agents are drugs of the aspirin group that thin the blood.

"Hepatrin" is also produced in the form of injections. An injection is made in the abdomen to thin the blood. Such drugs are vital when the viscosity increases, because in these cases the he alth of the patient deteriorates.
This condition can lead to varicose veins, heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and other serious diseases. If the blood thickens, then pressure is built up in the vessels, and the components begin to settle on their walls.
Injections to thin the blood in the stomach are made after the same period of time. But, however, in rare situations, intravenous injections can be given to get a quick effect.
It must be remembered that disruption of the liver, hypovitaminosis, increased passion for foods with fast carbohydrates are frequent companions of blood clotting.
To determine whether the blood is viscous or not, one should resort to clinical tests, as well as various diagnostics. Situations when you need to take drugs to thin the blood viscosity after 40 years:
- People of retirement age with high blood pressure.
- Vein thrombosis (a disease characterized by the formation of a blood clot in the lumen of the capillaries that disrupts blood flow).
- With a blood disease characterized by increased clotting.
- When using birth control pills, especially when combined with smoking.
- With severe varicose veins (pathology of the veins, which is accompanied by their expansion, increase in length, the formation of "gyrus" and knot-like tangles, which leads to valve failure and impaired blood flow).
- For migraine (a headache characterized by intermittent attacks of moderate to severe intensity).
Even with what pathologies and what to drink to thin the blood?
What other indications exist?
Medicines that thin the blood are taken when:
- High cholesterol.
- Thromboembolism (acute disturbance of blood microcirculation in tissues, which is subsequently characterized by blockage of the vessel by a clot of uniformcells).
- Atrial fibrillation (heart rhythm disorder, which is accompanied by chaotic excitation and atrial contraction or twitching, contraction of individual groups of atrial muscle fibers).
- Impaired brain function associated with altered blood flow.
- Severe liver disease.
- Prolonged irregular heart rhythm.
Blood thinners after 40 years are not recommended for preventive purposes, focusing only on their own feelings. Medicines are prescribed only according to test indications and in the presence of serious illnesses.
Medicines for all ages
When using strong anticoagulants, INR levels should be monitored regularly. New generation drugs have antithrombotic effect.
They have practically no contraindications and adverse reactions. The only negative is the imported medicines, so they have a high price.

Pradaxa is a new direct anticoagulant containing dabigatran, a thrombin inhibitor. The drug reduces the likelihood of blood clots, helps to dissolve them effectively, it is recommended for strokes, as well as venous and systemic acute blockage, and atrial fibrillation.
Restrictions for use - kidney damage, the presence of artificial valves in the heart. Dosage: Need to take from 150 to 220 milligrams per day, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

"Xarelto" is a modern medicine, a direct anticoagulant, it is recommended for preventive purposes to prevent thromboembolism after orthopedic operations. They also use Xarelto to reduce the risk of stroke. Prohibitions - bleeding that relate to the gastrointestinal tract and intracranial region, liver disease, "interesting position", lactation. The drug can be taken at any time, regardless of food, 10 milligrams per day for 2-5 weeks. Safe vitamin-mineral complexes will also help to reduce blood viscosity, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and cope with arrhythmias.
List of the safest medical blood thinners:
- L-carnitine.
- Multivitamins.
- "Aescusan".
L-carnitine - this component helps the heart convert fat into energy. The drug helps people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels to increase exercise tolerance.
At retirement age, the drug prevents brain aging, improves memory and attention. Dosage: 5 milliliters of syrup or 250-500 milligrams of medicine in the form of tablets three times a day for 4-6 weeks.

"Aescusan" is a natural medicine, which includes chestnut extract. The drug helps with venous insufficiency, varicose veins, edema. The recommended concentration of the drug is onetablet three times daily with meals.
Vitamin-mineral complexes - "Centrum", "Viardo" - regulate metabolic processes in the body, reduce the likelihood of heart and vascular diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, stabilize the activity of the hematopoietic and immune systems.
After forty years
Men over 45 and women over 40 should use aspirin-type blood thinners. It is necessary to use them for more than one year, in minimal concentrations.
"Aspirin" and generics:
- "Aspirin".
- "Trombo-Ass".
- "Aspecard".
- "Aspirin Cardio".
- "Cardiomagnyl".
As a rule, these are inexpensive domestic drugs with antiplatelet effects. Acetylsalicylic acid is an effective blood thinner. As a rule, it is used as a first aid for angina pectoris, heart attack, and also to prevent thromboembolism when an atherosclerotic plaque ruptures.
Each day, take 125 milligrams of the drug before bedtime, for people over 40 years old, this will help reduce the likelihood of a stroke.
"Aspirin Cardio" is one of the safe medicines for long-term use, take from 100 to 300 milligrams a day before meals, its pharmacological action is similar to "Aspirin", but contains a minimum of acetylsalicylic acid.
"Aspecard" is used inpreventive purposes: to prevent a heart attack, 100 mg of the drug per day should be consumed, to reduce the likelihood of angina pectoris, as well as embolism, 100-300 milligrams per day. The drug should be taken thirty minutes before meals with water.
Effective "Cardiomagnyl" for blood thinning, it must be consumed at 75 mg in the evening with meals.
"Trombo-Ass" is recommended to consume from 50 to 100 milligrams before meals. The drug is well tolerated by people of all ages, it is the most harmless to the stomach, it is often prescribed to prevent a heart attack.
As mentioned above, acetylsalicylic acid is great for blood thinning, but in addition to aspirin-containing medicines, other anticoagulants are prescribed - Curantil, Phenylin, Warfarin, but these drugs must be used in courses.

After sixty years of age, products containing acetylsalicylic acid are shown to many patients for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
When Pregnant
During the "interesting position" blood viscosity increases with changes in hormonal levels. The most harmless medicine for pregnant women is "Kurantil" for blood thinning from blood clots.

The drug is recommended for preventive purposes to prevent placental insufficiency, as well as fetal malnutrition, the formationblood clots in the presence of varicose veins, gestosis. "Kurantil" strengthens blood vessels, has an immunostimulating effect. Scheme of use: 25 milligrams of medicine in the form of tablets or capsules three times a day.
It must be remembered that during an "interesting situation" to reduce blood density, only drugs without acetylsalicylic acid are prescribed, since it has a teratogenic effect and can cause severe bleeding.
For other ailments

Since the increase in blood viscosity occurs for various reasons, blood thinners after 40 years of age are included in the combined treatment for most diseases. Thinning agents for various pathological processes:
- With atrial fibrillation - "Aspecard", "Enoxaparin".
- For varicose veins, doctors recommend Curantil, Aspirin and Lyoton, which improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots.
- With thrombophlebitis, as well as thrombosis - "Warfarin", "Heparin", "Eliquis".
- In case of gastric ulcer - "Kurantil".
- In the syndrome of increased systolic blood pressure - "Cardiomagnyl", "Aspirin Cardio".
Diuretics, hormonal agents thicken the blood.
Restrictions on use
Each medicine has certain contraindications and adverse reactions, so before starting therapy, you need to study the annotation for use. Restrictions:
- Ulcer.
- Children's age.
- Intolerance to components.
- Pregnancy.
- Breastfeeding.
- Asthma
Comparison of the most famous drugs
Which medication is better to use for thick blood, should be determined by a specialist, based on age, type of disease and its severity, the presence of chronic ailments in a person.
For example, Cardiomagnyl or Curantil, which is better? Both drugs have a similar therapeutic effect, but Cardiomagnyl contains acetylsalicylic acid. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for gastric ulcers, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. "Kurantil" is a safer medicine, but it has a high cost. This drug helps better with diseases of the veins. Pills are good for the heart and blood vessels.
Which is better - "Warfarin" or "Trombo-Ass"? The first drug is the most effective, it lowers blood clotting. "Trombo-Ass" - the same acetylsalicylic acid, but with a more gentle effect on the gastric mucosa.
What is the difference between "Warfarin" and "Cardiomagnyl"? The first medicine is a strong anticoagulant that affects blood clotting. It is used in the treatment of arterial and pulmonary thrombosis, as well as thromboembolism.