Cream-balm "Folk healer" - the first remedy for diseases of the scalp

Cream-balm "Folk healer" - the first remedy for diseases of the scalp
Cream-balm "Folk healer" - the first remedy for diseases of the scalp

Quite a lot of people in today's world suffer from problems such as psoriasis and lichen, especially on the scalp. Before figuring out how to treat this problem, it is worth knowing what diseases such as psoriasis and lichen are.

what does it look like
what does it look like


Psoriasis is a mysterious disease, the origin of which is not easy to understand even for modern scientists. Every year there are more and more new assumptions about what can be a factor in the inflammatory reaction and excessive synthesis of skin cells on the body of patients.

Now the main hypothesis is genetic: in accordance with it, certain people have a natural tendency to accelerate the renewal of keratinocytes, which, in the event of a disease, leads to a peculiar reaction of the immune system. As a result of this process, a vicious circle arises: the more new cells are produced that create psoriatic plaques, the more actively the skin in this area becomes inflamed, since the body perceives them as somethingalien. Moreover, the more the skin is injured under the influence of immune cells, the more actively keratinocytes divide. Well, about how to treat psoriasis on the head, let's talk further.


Pixar lichen is a disease that affects the mouths of sebaceous hair follicles. The exact reasons for the formation of the pathological process are unknown. According to some assumptions, the disease is transmitted genetically; low levels of vitamin A in the body also play some role. In most cases, tinea versicolor affects infant skin. With age, the signs become barely noticeable, and by old age they may disappear altogether.

For lichen, the development of a significant number of follicular nodules, covered with horny scales, is characteristic. On palpation of the damaged area, a feeling of the surface of the grater is felt.

sea buckthorn oil
sea buckthorn oil

You can deal with the problem

As it turned out, it is possible to cope with pathology, and even quite effectively. One has only to purchase the "People's Healer" cream-balm for lichen and psoriasis.

The 10 gram package includes a wide variety of substances, namely:

  • ethanolglycerine stem extracts;
  • leaves and flowers of plants effective in psoriasis and lichen;
  • sea buckthorn oil;
  • juniper essential oil;
  • birch tar;
  • paraffin;
  • ceresin;
  • perfume oil.


Cream-balm "People's Healer" is a really effective drug for getting rid of a painful problem. Healinga component of the cream is a combination of extracts of medicinal plants.

The combination of extracts of string, stems and leaves of celandine and lovage guarantees the penetration of the drug into pathological seals and their subsequent softening.

Some components, namely, elecampane root, calendula and natural birch tar provoke soft exfoliation of dead cells, thereby giving the drug an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Juniper oil, sea buckthorn and aloe concentrate in the Folk Healer cream-balm activate the cell renewal procedure, give the skin elasticity and natural color.

juniper oil
juniper oil

How to apply?

Repeat the procedure of rubbing the cream-balm "Folk Healer" at least 1 time per day after taking a bath. Lubricate the affected areas with cream and allow it to be completely absorbed. After a couple of procedures, peeling of the scales begins, clean and elastic skin appears.
