"Poslabin lactulose": drug reviews, properties and contraindications

"Poslabin lactulose": drug reviews, properties and contraindications
"Poslabin lactulose": drug reviews, properties and contraindications

Stool problems are what most people experience. Usually, only a few go to the hospital, the rest prefer to look for solutions on their own. Reviews of "Poslabin lactulose" are mostly positive, since the active substance not only makes going to the toilet easier - it activates the development of the protective intestinal flora.

If you do not normalize digestion, the complications caused by constipation can be sad, provoke a number of more serious pathologies.

Lactulose crystals
Lactulose crystals

Composition of the drug

The structure of the tablets includes 500 mg of lactulose. White crystals completely dissolve in water. It is synthesized from milk lactose. To obtain bifidogenic inclusions, cheese and curd whey are processed. It is worth noting that a synthetic disaccharide is not found in the natural environment. The powder contains residues of galactose and fructose molecules.

Lactulose enters the intestines in pristineform. During bactericidal decomposition with the help of the microflora of the large intestine, it is broken down to the following acids:

  • acetic;
  • dairy;
  • oily.

The composition of acids is optimal for the life of bifido-, lactobacilli. "Poslabin lactulose", reviews of which are justifiably good, is a prebiotic with a mild laxative effect. The active substance works locally in the organs of the digestive system. The drug creates an acidic environment in the colon, which subsequently suppresses the processes of decay, fermentation, stops the synthesis of intoxication products.

Group affiliation

"Poslabin lactulose" refers to biologically active food additives. BAA is added to food, is a source of lactulose.

Who shows the use of pills

Tablets "Poslabin lactulose", according to consumer reviews, one of the most convenient dosage forms of laxative action. It is worth noting that with constipation, one should not independently prescribe treatment for oneself. Any he alth problems are a reason to seek help from a doctor.

Who is indicated for treatment with the drug:

  • chronic constipation;
  • severe liver pathology with neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • non-generalized form of salmonellosis;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system - putrefactive processes, food intoxication.

Important! Lactulose is safe for women during gestation and lactation. It can be used to relieve symptoms in babies from 6 weeks. The drug is also prescribed afterresection of hemorrhoids.

When diagnosing hepatic encephalopathy, with coma and no response of the patient, the dosage may vary significantly. The drug is prescribed for 30-50 ml (three times a day). Volumes can be higher and reach 190 ml per day. In this case, lactulose does not always give the expected result and the addition of Neomycin therapy is required.

He alth experiments should not be done. Not all drugs are compatible and can be used for comorbidities.

stool disorder
stool disorder

How to use it correctly

According to the instructions for use "Poslabin lactulose" and reviews, tablets are used twice a day during meals (4 pcs.). Children over 5 years old are prescribed 2 tablets. The course of therapy varies from two weeks to 21 days.

If the dosage form is used as a syrup, then for adults the recommended dose is 15-45 ml. After normalization of the stool, the maintenance dosage is 10-25 ml. Children's dose (from 7 years old) is 15 ml.

The smallest (one and a half months - a year) can be given up to 5 ml of syrup, and children from 12 months to 6 years - up to 10 ml.

Important! Long-term use of the drug requires periodic monitoring of the level of potassium, chlorine, carbon dioxide in the blood plasma.

stool disorder in infants
stool disorder in infants


It is quite natural that with all the advantages and positive reviews, "Poslabin lactulose" has contraindications.

The drug is unacceptable for use:

  • with individualdrug resistance;
  • hereditary disease - galactosemia.

Before use, be sure to study the instructions. The list of contraindications, dosage and side effects cannot be ignored.

Side deviations

Usually, doctors focus on possible deviations. According to reviews of Poslabin lactulose, the first therapeutic doses of the drug can provoke abdominal cramps and excessive gas formation. Symptoms make themselves felt after a couple of months and are retained thereafter.

Side effects may occur:

  • headache;
  • nauseous;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite.

It is worth noting that such violations are observed in case of non-compliance with the dosage and with unaccounted for contraindications.

Gas formation in the intestines
Gas formation in the intestines

Special Instructions

The drug should be stored in a dry place out of sunlight and out of the reach of children. At temperatures up to 25 degrees, the properties of the drug remain for a long time. If the packaging is not broken, the shelf life of the tablets is three years.

The drug is used as prescribed by the doctor or follow the clear instructions of the instructions. Despite the positive reviews about Poslabin lactulose, you need to carefully study its instructions before taking it.
