Vascular disease is a very common phenomenon, especially in women over forty. However, the age limit is very arbitrary. The first symptoms of the disease may appear much earlier, even in youth. Today we will consider the symptoms of varicose veins in women, prevention and treatment measures. It will be useful for everyone to know.

Let's get acquainted
And first of all we need to understand what is hidden under this name. Some mean by it the vascular network, clearly visible under the skin. Others believe that veins that protrude to the surface are called varicose veins. In fact, everyone is right, but we are talking about different stages of the disease. Considering the symptoms of varicose veins in women, we will show you how it develops. This will allow you not to miss the very first stage, when the disease is even best treatable. So, varicose veins are a pathological expansion of the subcutaneous veins. More often it is the lower limbs that are meant. But a similar phenomenon is characteristic of the abdomen and hands, and developing in the rectum, it is called hemorrhoids.
A littlestatistics
According to WHO, the symptoms of varicose veins in women occurs in every fifth. However, in ordinary life this percentage is even higher. The fact is that they go to the doctor only when they experience the strongest discomfort. And in the initial stages of the vein is not visible. Processes begin deep under the skin. Therefore, we are talking about the importance of preventive measures. This is the correct daily routine, adherence to the regime of work and rest, wearing comfortable shoes and good nutrition.

Development mechanism
The venous wall is very different from the arterial wall. It stretches much easier. The internal cavity is equipped with valves that alternately close, helping the blood to return back up the limbs. But this is the norm. Symptoms of varicose veins in women begin to manifest themselves when the walls become weak. In this case, the lumen of the vessels increases, and the valve leaflets stop closing. Blood, instead of rising, flows down. It is under its pressure that the lumen expands and the disease progresses.
The further, the worse
Indeed, the treatment of varicose veins in women should be started as early as possible, and always with the participation of a professional doctor. Otherwise, blood clots begin to form. Sooner or later, such a thrombus can break away from the wall and set off for free swimming in the bloodstream. This can result in pulmonary embolism and death.

Causes of disease development
There are people who already at a young age got acquainted with all the "charms" of this disease. And others live to a ripe old age, never knowing what varicose veins mean. Why is this happening? In fact, it doesn't take much to develop the disease. An important role is played by the innate characteristics of the individual. The conditions that have been created throughout life are added to them, and the pathological process is launched. Let's recap the main reasons:
- Hereditary predisposition. That is, the child receives from his parents not a disease, but the structure of blood vessels, which is conducive to its development.
- Belonging to the female gender.
Factors contributing to the progression of the disease
Two people with the same heredity, but living in different conditions, can be very different from each other. For some, the legs will be beautiful and he althy even at 50, while for others, at 30 they are covered with blue knots. Why does it depend? Loss of vascular elasticity results from:
- Professional features.
- Physical activity. Sports, pregnancy, overweight, all equally strongly affects the development of the disease.
- Changes in hormonal levels. This refers to the period of pregnancy, as well as the time of menopause.
- Eating disorders that are regular. That is, a high content in the diet of harmful fats and carbohydrates and a minimum of fiber, as well as polyunsaturated acids Omega 3.
- Pathological metabolic disorderssubstances.
- Liver disease.
- Smoking and drinking.

What varicose veins look like
In addition to the fact that the development of this disease entails serious consequences for our he alth, it is also unaesthetic.
- At the very beginning, when 1-2 wreaths have expanded, it may not be noticeable to you and others. Therefore, the treatment of varicose veins in women is most often delayed until its presence becomes apparent.
- The next step will be the development of spider veins. In this case, a real web of red or blue wreaths forms on the surface of the skin. It looks completely ugly, so women most often prefer to change into trousers without flaunting the disease.
- The disease progresses, the nodes begin to crawl out.
- In places of defeat the skin changes. It becomes dense, darkens and loses elasticity.
- Seizures are another symptom.
- Hair falls out, and there is a burning sensation in the affected areas.

Severe disease
It is better not to bring this up, however, considering the symptoms and treatment of varicose veins in women, we must tell you what this ailment threatens if it is strongly launched. As it develops, the clinical picture becomes brighter. Now the pains intensify, and as a result of stagnation of blood, eczema and dermatitis appear, skin areas become covered with ulcers. Moreover, the affected areas are very itchy,bubbles appear, which give bleeding when the integrity is violated. In parallel, there is a process of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis may develop.
Prevention and treatment
The measures that we are going to talk about now can be used by he althy people who do not yet have a hint of illness. Conservative therapy helps to reduce the manifestations, but not to remove the causes. Treatment of varicose veins in women (symptoms should decrease as a result) involves a special diet, compression and gymnastics.
- It is important to review your diet for a high source of cholesterol and unhe althy fats. In general, the diet is designed to reduce excess weight. Along with the restriction of foods containing a large amount of fat, the consumption of vegetable fiber increases. This is not a short-term diet, this diet must be followed constantly.
- Symptoms of varicose veins in women (the photos are not very aesthetic, but we will have to bring them in order for you to get a full impression) are removed quite well when wearing special knitwear. These are anti-varicose stockings and stockings. The doctor prescribes them on an individual basis, choosing a different degree of compression. The effect is based on squeezing varicose vessels and improving blood outflow.
- Gymnastics. Special exercises help keep the vein in good shape, so they need to be performed every day for prevention. Among the most effective is the "bike". Just 15-20 minutes and your veins will be better protected from disease.

Nature on guard of beauty and he alth
Everything that we described above is well suited for prevention purposes. And what to do if the symptoms of varicose veins in women have already become very noticeable? Folk remedies will come to the rescue. Herbal preparations, tinctures and ointments help in the early stages very well, so do not refuse alternative therapy.
- Kalanchoe. This plant is on the windowsill in almost every home, and many are not even aware of its properties. Cut the leaves and put in a glass jar (up to half). Pour alcohol and leave for 14 days in a dark place. Shake the jar before applying. The course of treatment is designed for a period of one to four months. But the pain goes away much sooner.
- To strengthen blood vessels from the inside, it is good to use the following remedy. In a liter of boiling water, boil 3 apples for 5 minutes and leave for 4 hours under the lid. Now mash the fruit without removing it from the water, mix and strain. Take 50g morning and evening with honey.
- Raw potatoes. If you need to relieve heaviness and pain, then just grate a few root crops and apply gruel to sore spots. After about 4 hours, unpleasant symptoms will begin to subside.
- Garlic. A therapeutic compress is made from it at night. Take a head of garlic and chop, mix with two parts of butter. Apply all night to prominent veins and wrap with a warm scarf. Follow this routine daily and you will soon feel relief.
Do not forget that only an experienced doctor will tell you how to treat varicose veins in women. Reviews confirm that phytotherapy can be effective with proper support, adequate diagnosis and the appointment of additional drugs. Of course, much depends on the severity of the course of the disease.

Pharmaceutical Achievement
Since it is not always possible to treat varicose veins in women with folk remedies, doctors use a wide range of different drugs, each of which can somewhat alleviate the situation. But even they are unable to eliminate the cause. We will look at the main groups of drugs, but the final choice should be up to the doctor.
- Venotonics. These are funds that are designed to protect the vascular wall, improve the outflow of fluid and microcirculation. Most often produced in the form of gels and ointments. An example is Troxevasin, but it has a lot of analogues. Courses of venotonics are prescribed 2-3 times a year, for 60 days. In addition, this group includes rutosides with anti-edematous action ("Troxerutin"), and preparations based on diosmin. This is Phlebodia, which increases the tone of the walls of the veins and reduces their lumen, improves blood circulation.
- Venosclerosing drugs. They are designed to eliminate painful congestion in the dilated veins, excluding them from the circulation. As a result of exposure, the lumen of the vessel closes the connective tissue. An example would be"Hepatrombin" and its analogues.
Once again I want to emphasize that only an experienced doctor decides how to treat varicose veins in women. Reviews of medicines may carry some information, but everything is very individual. Therefore, do not risk your he alth by following the advice of your friends. If drug therapy does not give a visible effect or there is ulceration of the skin near the affected vessel, then the following methods are used:
- Stripping - the damaged vein is pulled out with a special hook.
- Phlebectomy - the diseased vessel is removed through incisions.
- Miniphlebectomy - the same, only if a tiny wreath is affected.
- Laser coagulation - the damaged vein is cauterized from the inside, and it gradually resolves.
- Sclerotherapy. Drugs are injected directly into the vessel, which glue it from the inside.
The combination of treatments can be very diverse. But usually doctors choose the main one (medicinal or surgical), and in addition to it they prescribe herbal medicine, diet, as well as a set of special exercises. None of them can be ruled out. It is the interaction of different approaches that makes it possible to make therapy as effective as possible.