A person who is constantly on a drinking binge does not suspect the danger of such a state. It is not only about rash acts and inappropriate behavior. Alcoholism destroys the body and causes great harm. Some believe that to get out of a drunken state, it is enough to stop drinking. But alas, even having retrained as a teetotaler, many face serious problems. For example, insomnia after alcohol is very common. Because of this, a person simply cannot return to a normal lifestyle, as he can no longer relax without a dose of alcohol.

In order to decide how to act in such a situation, you first need to understand the intricacies of the problem. Why is insomnia after alcohol common? What to do in this situation?
Features of sleep after binges
First of all, it is worth noting that insomnia after alcohol can have numerous varieties. However, everyone is confused by the fact that after the rejection ofaddiction, the body does not “rejoice” at this event, but, on the contrary, begins to malfunction.
You need to understand that alcohol-containing products, taken in large quantities for a long time, have a rather strong effect on the human brain. There is also a strong overexcitation of the nervous system, so it is not so easy to calm it down.
According to reviews of insomnia after a long binge, the first four days are the hardest. A person not only cannot fall asleep, but also faces additional problems. For example, the first time may be tormented by nightmares. A person starts having night tantrums. Former alcoholics behave very aggressively or, on the contrary, fall into apathy. There is a feeling that literally the whole world is up in arms against one person who just wants to relax. However, with all the desire to sleep, he suffers from insomnia after alcohol. Many see the reasons for this phenomenon in the “refusal of the bottle”. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are a lot of nuances to consider.
Insomnia after alcohol. Why does it occur?
When the body is excessively affected by the use of alcoholic products, the work of most vital systems is disrupted. The liver and nervous system cease to function normally. Circadian rhythms are out of whack. In order for the body of an alcoholic to fully recover, during the night he must go from slow-wave sleep to fast sleep 3-4 times. In the first period of rest, a person gradually returns the ability to normallyfunction. During the slow phase of sleep, melatonin is actively produced, cerebrospinal fluid is synthesized.

If we are talking about lovers of intoxicating products, then they have insomnia after alcohol appears primarily due to the fact that the slow phase of sleep in such people is much shorter. Accordingly, the body does not get enough time to replenish its strength and fully recover.
As a rule, in such situations, a person is able to wake up from a barely audible rustle or other sound. Against the background of intoxication and poisoning, processes begin that also interfere with proper sleep. These include frequent headaches, bouts of hypertension, hallucinations, and a constant feeling of overwork.
If against this background a person also suffers from chronic pathologies, then this only aggravates the situation. In this case, insomnia after alcohol becomes even more painful. To solve this problem, first of all, it is worth deciding on its type.
Varieties of insomnia
First of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of poisoning of the body of an alcoholic. It is customary to distinguish several types of condition when a person cannot fully rest at night:
- Problems in the process of falling asleep. This condition can be called mild insomnia. As a rule, during a long bedtime, a person begins to show signs of tachycardia, hypertension, anxiety, and myalgia. If an alcoholic suffers from such problems for a long time, thenvery soon his behavior will begin to change. Such people become too excitable and shy. If during this period the alcoholic continues to use alcohol-containing drinks, as he believes that this is the best "sleeping pill", then by doing so he only worsens the situation.
- Restless sleep. In this case, we are talking about the fact that a person begins to constantly wake up for no apparent reason. He becomes more irritable and reacts nervously to any little things.
- Complete insomnia after drinking is the most serious condition. If a person does not get enough sleep, then there is a risk that he will develop mental disorders. In this position, the alcoholic suffers from hallucinations that provoke the destruction of his emotional state. If this condition lasts for too long a period of time, then there is every chance of getting a severe disorder of the nervous system.
What to do to restore sleep
First of all, it is worth noting that it is very rare to solve a problem on your own. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist. As a rule, primary therapy does not include taking sleeping pills, as many believe, but a complete cleansing of the human body from the toxins of alcoholic products that have accumulated in it. This usually takes up to several days. Sleeping pills are used only in extreme cases, and only under the supervision of the attending physician.

You can try to normalize sleep on your own. However, you should not listen to the advice of "experienced" who claim that there is nothing better fornight rest than a small amount of alcoholic products. This can cause even more damage. Therefore, you will have to overpower yourself.
When insomnia appears after giving up alcohol, many people find it helpful to take a contrast shower before bed. Also, experts recommend drinking as much water as possible. It will speed up the process of removing toxins and cleansing the body. Kvass and dairy products are also suitable. You can add a small amount of honey or freshly squeezed lemon juice to the water. To relieve the symptoms of poisoning, it is worth drinking about 8-10 (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight) tablets of activated charcoal. It also speeds up the detoxification process.

What medicines can be used
To fall asleep, you need to relieve not the symptoms of insomnia, but the hangover itself. In this case, no specific medications are required. For example, if a person has a severe headache, then he can take Aspirin, Zorex or Mexidol. To get rid of a hangover syndrome, you should not drink "Citramon" or "Paracetamol". These drugs have a rather strong negative effect on the liver, which is already forced to cope with heavy loads due to a hangover.
You need to understand that the choice of medicine should be approached very carefully. If we are talking about a sedative or sleeping pill, then in no case should you choose the remedy yourself.
Medication tips
First of all, it is worth remembering that under no circumstancestake sedatives and sleeping pills at the same time. In this case, there is a high risk of poisoning or more serious consequences.
It is important to follow the exact dosage of the drug. Therefore, you should carefully study the instructions or calculate the dose together with your doctor.

If a person takes activated charcoal, then you should not assume that this remedy is completely harmless. This drug is able to remove not only toxins, but also useful substances.
What drugs should not be taken
If a person suffers from insomnia due to prolonged use of alcohol-containing products, then in no case should he take:
- "Phenazepam". This tool is a fairly powerful tranquilizer. Even if a person is he althy, such a drug can cause psychosis, prolonged depression, problems with intelligence and memory. If an alcoholic already has similar conditions, then taking this remedy can lead to dangerous consequences. This also applies to other drugs that belong to the group of tranquilizers.
- "Corvalol" and other drugs of this type, which include phenobarbital. If you take such funds after a long binge, then there is a high risk of causing serious damage to the nervous system. This can lead to coma and death.
Some choose to overcome insomnia with this method. In some situations, hypnosis really becomes the least dangerous measure. However, this treatment should not be considered.carelessly. Even before conducting a session of light hypnosis for insomnia, a psychotherapist must definitely talk to the patient. You need to understand that even with a completely identical diagnosis, each person can react to manipulations with his consciousness in different ways.
According to many years of history, this method really helps to overcome sleep problems. Nevertheless, this does not prevent many from believing that after such procedures, the consciousness of a person completely changes. In reality, this does not happen.
Also, many fear that if you perform a sleep hypnosis procedure (for insomnia and problems with falling asleep), then there is a big risk of not waking up after the specialist's manipulations. In fact, there is no evidence for such an assumption. It must be understood that even in a state of hypnosis, the patient independently decides whether he will allow the doctor to his consciousness or not. If at this moment the specialist asks him to execute this or that command, then the person will not necessarily follow the instructions. Even under the condition of the deepest trance, it is impossible to completely control the patient. Therefore, even the most powerful hypnotist cannot bring him into a lethargic sleep. However, this does not mean that this procedure is completely harmless.
Harm of hypnosis
Not every person is recommended to participate in such procedures. First of all, the specialist must assess whether the patient's psychological state is stable.

In addition, there are statistics according to which every 15ththe hypnotist's patient is exacerbated by serious pathologies. It also depends on what is going on in the person's head. Accordingly, after a long binge, almost everyone has a confused mind. In such a borderline state, it is dangerous to perform such procedures.
Traditional medicine
Natural herbs and other ingredients will help get rid of sleep problems. For example, instead of tea (especially in the evening), it is worth preparing decoctions from plants that have a calming effect. For example, chamomile or motherwort is suitable. Melissa and mint have the same effect. You can use these herbs both individually and in collections.
If you make a drink with this vegetable, you can fall asleep quickly. To do this, grind the pumpkin and boil it. After that, the product is ground and passed through a sieve. It is enough to add a small amount of warm water and honey to the resulting liquid. This drink perfectly normalizes sleep.

Hops cones and oats
To prepare a medicinal composition, pour two tablespoons of inflorescences with water. It is necessary to drink the resulting infusion three times a day some time before meals.
Also, decoction of oats has excellent properties. For cooking, you need to prepare a large saucepan and pour 100 g of unpeeled grains into it (you can buy them at any pet store). After that, the oats are poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for about 20 minutes. The liquid is taken twice a day.
In closing
Now you know thatto do with insomnia after alcohol. In order not to lead to problems with sleep, you should drink more carefully, in small quantities. After a stormy party, it is recommended to drink 0.5 liters of warm milk. It helps to calm down and sleep. You can also prepare a glass of kefir and add a spoonful of honey to it. If nothing helps, then it is better not to delay and visit a doctor. The specialist will quickly identify the problem and help you choose the best treatment. Do not take drugs on your own.