Growth hormone for women: a review of drugs, instructions for use, side effects

Growth hormone for women: a review of drugs, instructions for use, side effects
Growth hormone for women: a review of drugs, instructions for use, side effects

Growth hormone is popular among athletes. It allows you to quickly gain muscle mass, reduces the number of injuries and burns body fat. This drug is used by representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. Growth hormone for women allows you to quickly change the figure during sports.

What is this

Growth hormone is called somatotropin. It allows the body to grow, and not only the muscles, but also the skeleton increase. The hormone is an important link during the training of athletes, stimulates growth. The increase effect is due to insulin-like growth factors.

hormones for women
hormones for women

Every day the body itself produces the hormone somatotropin, but its concentration is minimal. The greatest amount is produced in childhood during sleep and immediately after waking up. With a lack of sleep, growth hormone is produced insignificantly, so athletes are recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Children, depending on age, - 9-10 hours each.

Somatotropin allows:

  • usefat reserves as an energy source;
  • increases daily insulin production;
  • speeds up recovery from minor injuries;
  • slows down the development of osteoporosis;
  • increases collagen production;
  • increases baby's height;
  • tones the heart muscle.

Why a woman needs a hormone

Growth hormone for women has the same effect as for men. Somatropin is native to the body and can improve he alth.

This substance can be used for weight loss. Thanks to him, the body consumes fat reserves for energy. The hormone provokes increased fat burning. Muscles become more expressive, their tone increases.

Somatropin slows down the aging process, improves general condition, puts muscles, skin, organs in order. The hormone consists of 191 amino acids that restore the body. The drug normalizes sleep.

female hormone
female hormone

Beneficial effects of HGH:

  • increases fat burning without losing muscle mass;
  • creates a rejuvenating effect, improves the general condition of the body;
  • accelerates the recovery process after injuries;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • beautiful sexy body.

Effect on weight loss

There is an opinion that growth hormone for women allows you to painlessly lose weight. This is partly true. Somatropin increases the need for fatty acids, the body breaks down fat cells and converts them into energy.

At the same timethe hormone stops or slows down the process of the appearance of body fat on the body. The breakdown of existing fats increases significantly. Muscle mass increases, protein is fully absorbed, which increases the number of calories that the body needs to maintain life.

The hormone does not solve the problem of excess weight alone. This is not a magic shot that will quickly and safely allow you to lose weight. To achieve the result, you should increase physical activity and reduce the calorie content of food. In this case, somatotropin will speed up metabolism and allow you to achieve results in a short time.

sports hormone
sports hormone

How to buy a quality drug

Muscle growth hormones for women are given by injection. Preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy, in sports facilities and in online stores. But in all cases, there remains a risk of stumbling upon a fake, from which, at best, there will be no result, and at worst, harm. To avoid unpleasant situations, before buying, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The most popular drugs are "Jintropin" and "Ansomon". the production of these funds is under strict control. When passing through customs, a certificate and a license are provided.
  2. The originals on each package have a sticker, under which there is a digital code. With its help, on the manufacturer's website, you can clarify the data on a specific product sample. If there is no information, then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  3. Product packed carefully, boxdense, labels are glued evenly. Inside the package, the product lies correctly, each vial has a tight aluminum cap.

The price of growth hormone in a pharmacy cannot be too low. The average cost for ampoules is 7 thousand rubles. A price 2 times lower should alert, especially if the sale occurs without a receipt.

Horm course for mass

Beginner athletes should understand before training that growth hormone will be effective with intense training and diet changes.

Before use, read the instructions for use of somatotropin. It states that the drug will require insulin syringes and water for injection. As a rule, the solvent already comes with the hormone, then you will need to purchase syringes.

Water for injection and the main drug should be mixed and gently rotate the ampoule to mix the finished solution. The course involves the introduction of 4 to 8 IU of the hormone. For women, as a rule, 4 units are enough. A large dose is used during intense training and under the supervision of a specialist. Increase the dose gradually.

The course scheme for increasing muscle mass is as follows:

  • 1-4 weeks - 2 units;
  • 5 week - 2.5 units;
  • 6 week - 3 units;
  • 7 week - 3.5 units;
  • from 8 weeks - 4 units

During the introduction of growth hormone, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body. If you experience pain in the joints or head - reduce the dose.

Injections are placed in the stomach in the morning on an empty stomach and during training. If trainingis carried out in the evening, then the injection is administered 30 minutes before lunch.

sports for women
sports for women

Course of the hormone for drying

If drying is performed while taking growth hormone, women should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Make a meal plan to keep blood glucose low.
  2. Take a break for 3 weeks every three months.
  3. The first week, the dosage is administered 2.5 IU, starting from the second week - 5 IU. A larger amount is administered only under the supervision of a specialist.
  4. Morning injection is given on an empty stomach, the second just before training.
  5. In the absence of training, somatotropin is administered during the day 60 minutes before meals.

To prevent growth hormone from harming the body, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Periodically promote the production of insulin in the blood so that the pancreas works as usual. Somatotropin has a depressant effect on the pancreas.
  2. Do cardio and low-intensity workouts.
  3. After 2 months from the start of taking the growth preparation, add thyroxine, in the amount of 100-200 mcg per day. This will help support the pancreas.
  4. Add fat burners if drying is too slow.

Overview of drugs

The active substance is the hormone somatotropin. The price in the pharmacy is approximately the same for all manufacturers. But the most popular manufacturers increase the price for a promoted brand and a guaranteed result.

Most popular drugsgrowth hormone:

  1. "Jintropin" is made in China and contains 91 amino acids. Due to its reasonable cost, availability and quality, this product is the most popular among athletes. The average price of "Jintropin" is 6500 rubles for 10 units.
  2. "Higetropin" comes from China. Often used among bodybuilders.
  3. "Ansomon" has been produced since 2005 in China. It is delivered to Russia and enjoys well-deserved popularity. Contains 192 amino acids. The average price of somatropin in a pharmacy is 8,500 rubles.
  4. Saizen is made in the USA.
  5. "Norditropin" is produced in the USA, contains 191 amino acids and is famous for its high purity.
female hormones
female hormones

Instructions for use

Next, instructions for the use of "Jintropin" will be given. It is an artificial hormone that stimulates skeletal and somatic growth and accelerates metabolic processes. Normalizes body structure by increasing muscle mass and bone density. Stimulates the transfer of amino acids into cells, accelerates protein synthesis.

Somatropin reaches its maximum concentration after 3-6 hours. It penetrates well into internal organs. The elimination half-life is 3-5 hours.

Indications for the use of the hormone:

  • stunting in children due to insufficient hormone secretion;
  • gonadal dysgenesis;
  • confirmed growth hormone deficiency in adults.

Contraindications for somatropin administration:

  • individual reaction;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

"Jintropin" is injected subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. The vial with the substance is combined with the solvent. It is unacceptable to shake the bottle. The prepared solution is stored for 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

hormone samamatotropin
hormone samamatotropin

The dose is selected by a specialist, taking into account the severity of growth hormone deficiency, weight and the planned result. The recommended pediatric dose is 25-35 micrograms per kg per day. In an adult, the dose is 0.15-0.3 mg per kg.

Side effects

Growth hormones for women are used for a long time, which can adversely affect some organs:

  • change in the muscles of the heart;
  • development of an endocrine disease in which the natural synthesis of somatotropin in the pituitary gland increases;
  • high blood sugar;
  • decrease in thyroid hormone levels;
  • pain in upper and lower limbs;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • progression of cancerous tumors.

To prevent the development of side effects when using growth hormone, women should be tested for thyroid function, monitor blood pressure and check blood for glucose and tumor markers.

a growth hormone
a growth hormone

How to Naturally Increase Growth Hormone Production

Somatotropin is an artificial chemical hormone that, with prolonged use, can cause serioushormonal disorders in women. What should be done to activate the natural ways of producing growth hormone? Here are the recommendations:

  1. Proper nutrition. On the table should be a sufficient amount of proteins and a moderate amount of carbohydrates. Pickles, marinades, sauces, pastries and animal fats should be excluded from the diet.
  2. Observe drinking regimen.
  3. Include enough seafood in your diet.
  4. Increase physical activity, including active walking.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. Sports should be at least 2-3 hours a week.
  7. During training, combine strength and aerobic exercise.
  8. Sleep at least 8 hours a night. At this time, the hormone is produced most actively. You should go to bed before 23-00.

With a stable level of growth hormone, you will lose weight faster.