Pressure 170 over 100: what to do? Doctor's advice

Pressure 170 over 100: what to do? Doctor's advice
Pressure 170 over 100: what to do? Doctor's advice

The pressure of 170/100, which is noted regularly, can already be called a mature hypertension, the first - second stage according to the classification of this diagnosis. At the same time, hypertension does not recognize either age categories or gender differences - such numbers on the tonometer screen will equally dispassionately evaluate both the condition of a 16-year-old teenager and an elderly person.

pressure 170 over 100 what to do
pressure 170 over 100 what to do

What can cause an increase in pressure

High blood pressure does not always mean a manifestation of the disease. If you measure blood pressure in a physically he althy active person immediately after sports training, climbing stairs, lifting weights, the numbers on the device can also be impressive, but they will not last long and will quickly take values that correspond to the norm.

Significantly increase blood pressure drugs "from fatigue", with which people seek to get rid of the feeling of drowsiness. These are products containing caffeine, ginseng, green tea extract, etc. If you use drops for eyes or nose, read the annotation. Mostcases, side effects will include a possible increase in blood pressure.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning the foods that you constantly use, you risk getting a clinical appearance of hypertension even in the absence of such:

  • Coffee (natural or freeze-dried).
  • Strong tea.
  • Fatty and carbohydrate foods.
  • Alcoholic, tonic drinks.
  • Food high in s alt.

The reasons for the pressure of 170 to 100 may lie in the frequent use of smoking mixtures, especially strong ones that consistently hold a high level of blood pressure.

pressure 170 over 100 reasons what to do
pressure 170 over 100 reasons what to do

Hypertension 170/100?

Inflated blood pressure is the first symptom of hypertension, which is rated as the main one. The disease, which develops rapidly, significantly "lubricates" the symptoms, complicating the definition of stages, while hypertension is dynamically consistent and allows you to track all changes.

1 stage is not stable, and the limits of the fluctuation of the mercury column can not always be fixed, but they rarely cross the boundaries of 160/90. The second stage is expressed by crises, while the pressure has been delayed for a long time at values of 170/100 or even 200/110. What to do with a pressure of 170 over 100 or higher readings, we will describe further, but it must be understood that with regularly noted figures of this magnitude, the possibility of reversing the disease is not always possible. Stage 3 is characterized by the limits of permissiblevalues up to 230 systolic and 120 diastolic pressure, and is completely irreversible.

Short conclusion: in the case of complete elimination of provoking factors from the outside, systematically noted readings above 150/90 (which means a pressure of 170 over 100) can be considered a sign of hypertension.

Hypertensive crisis

As a result of impaired stabilization of blood pressure and blood circulation, a critical state of the body occurs, called a hypertensive crisis. The disease is exacerbated by complications at any stage, but the more stable the retention of high values, the higher the risk of developing a crisis. In this case, in any case, the mechanical processes of blood circulation are disturbed, and hence the functionality of the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Classification of hypertensive crises implies three types of disorders, each time accompanied by a separate complex symptomatology:

  • hypertensive cardiac crisis;
  • cerebral angiohypotensive crisis;
  • cerebral ischemic crisis.

On the signs by which you can recognize the crisis and correctly determine its course - further.

blood pressure increased 170 over 100 what to do
blood pressure increased 170 over 100 what to do

How to recognize a hypertensive crisis

Statistics says that every third Russian has hypertension in one form or another, and only every fifteenth of those who are sick undergoes a full examination and begins treatment. And this despite the fact that the disease is not asymptomatic. We should not forget that even a regular diet cansignificantly change the course of the disease, and reverse it in the early stages, but for this it is extremely important to know how hypertension manifests itself and what threatens to ignore its individual manifestations:

  1. Hypertensive cardiac crisis is always characterized by high blood pressure from 170 to 100. What to do if such indicators appear on the tonometer, we'll talk later, but now let's look at the pain that should be focused on. This is a dull pain behind the sternum, lack of air, a sharp increase in the pulse rate. There may be a feeling that the heart is cramped in the chest - against this background, a dry cough often occurs. As a consequence of lost time and admission to the extreme, stage 3 hypertension, the risk of myocardial infarction increases.
  2. Cerebral angiohypotensive crisis groups all its negative potential around cerebral circulation, which means the practical suppression of the normal functioning of the brain through distorted psycho-emotional symptoms. The patient often begins to experience unreasonable fear (this is especially associated with the fear of sudden death), nausea, and headaches. The condition is accompanied by increased distraction and is a consequence of the cause of the pressure of 170 to 100. What to do with such frightening symptoms? The first step is to calm down.
  3. Cerebral ischemic crisis is a rare phenomenon, but full of extremely unpleasant symptoms. All the phenomena from the previous paragraph manifest themselves in a much more acute form, and they are joined by such neurological disorders as loss of sensation in the hands, feet and face,loss of spatial orientation, temporary blindness and deafness. A stroke of the GM (brain) is called a consequence of a neglected form of cerebral ischemic crisis.
pressure 170 over 100 what to do consequences
pressure 170 over 100 what to do consequences

Why does a hypertensive crisis occur

If suddenly the pressure rose 170 to 100, what should I do? Why did this happen? With an increase in blood pressure to 170 per 100, many are interested in how to lower it, but few are concerned about how to prevent such a state. Rare bursts of blood pressure, caused by high emotionality or physical effort, cannot harm the body, as blood circulation is quickly restored and the set rhythm continues to reasonably dose the load on the heart and brain.

Another situation arises when an absolutely insignificant aspect, for example, climbing stairs to the second floor, dictates to the body conditions similar to colossal stress. As a result, a strong heartbeat begins, shortness of breath occurs, pressure rises to 170 to 100. And what should I do? First of all, calm down, urgently remove the attack by conventional means, and then think over and weigh the moments that preceded the attack:

  • there is a sudden change in the weather or an unfavorable weather forecast has been announced;
  • there was a stressful situation or physical overwork;
  • drank alcohol, tonic, caffeinated liquids;
  • there was a spontaneous interruption of the therapeutic course due to hypertension.

From some of these factors are calledto protect the body prescribed by the cardiologist medicines, but in some cases they are powerless. These include: unwillingness to diet, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, depression.

How to measure pressure correctly: preliminary preparation

At home, people measure pressure as needed, which rarely meets the basic requirements for the procedure. It is possible to officially record blood pressure indicators and enter them into an anamnesis only at a doctor’s appointment, and it is these data that will become decisive for the appointment of an examination and further treatment.

24 hours before visiting a medical institution, you will have to limit the use of tea, fatty, s alty foods. You need to completely abandon coffee, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, medicines, the instructions for which contain appropriate instructions.

It is undesirable to eat food 2-3 hours before a visit to the doctor, this will artificially lower the level of mercury.

How to measure pressure correctly: procedure

The position of the subject at the time of pressure measurement should be calm, relaxed. The arm on which the doctor puts on the cuff should be completely unclothed.

The measuring sleeve is placed 2-2.5 cm above the bend of the elbow, while the patient's arm is shifted so that the level of the chest coincides with the level of the worn cuff. The patient should not feel tightness or pain from the device that tightens the hand.

The electronic device used in modern institutions can also have an error, so the pressure is mandatorymeasured after 3-5 minutes, first on the same hand, then the whole procedure is repeated on the other.

The reason for diagnosing hypertension is a three-fold measurement of blood pressure, performed on different days and at different times, if the device clearly gives increased numbers. We remind you that the topic we are talking about today - what to do with a pressure of 170 over 100 (consequences and complications), reveals the difficulties of the second degree of hypertension, and the treatment of this particular condition will be discussed in subsequent sections.

high blood pressure 170 over 100 what to do
high blood pressure 170 over 100 what to do

Official Therapy

What to take with a pressure of 170/100? Treatment of hypertension above the first degree is unthinkable without a schedule of a strict therapeutic regimen, and this should be done by a doctor after a full cycle of examinations. Therefore, we will not disclose all the nuances with indications of dosages, depending on a purely individual purpose, but will give recommendations for relieving acute situations that require immediate action.

An experienced hypertensive patient should always carry the entire emergency kit with him, which must contain: nitroglycerin and an antihypertensive agent. It is better to keep the tonometer at home in a conspicuous place. We analyzed the reasons for the pressure of 170 to 100. What should I do if the device indicated these numbers?

  • An urgent need to take an antihypertensive drug ("Enalopril", "Clonidine", "Nifedipine"). However, it is advisable to replace these drugs with nitroglycerin if the attack is complicated by pain in the sternum, shortness of breath, or a panic attack.
  • Unfasten the tight belt, the top buttons of the shirt - sit down or lie down so that the legs are in a horizontal position.
  • After 25-30 minutes, if the pressure has not decreased and the pain continues, take the drug again and call the emergency room.
pressure 170 over 100 what does it mean
pressure 170 over 100 what does it mean

Folk remedies

Often, elderly hypertensive patients, fearing complications for the liver from pharmaceutical drugs, find a partial alternative in folk remedies. It's important to understand! Any home-made medicines do not work urgently, they cannot relieve crises, and a clear understanding of how to act correctly and what to do is required! A pressure of 170 over 100 is not critical, but even with such blood pressure, treatment with folk remedies should not be neglected:

  • Mix in a ratio of 1:1:2 beetroot juice, lemon juice and natural honey and drink 0.5 cups 3 r/day. Course - 3 weeks.
  • Drink hawthorn fruit juice 20-40 minutes before meals twice a day, 2 tbsp. spoons, course 2 weeks.
  • Fresh cranberries grated with sugar are consumed 1 tbsp. spoon 3 r / day after meals.
  • Chokeberry juice should be drunk 40-50 ml half an hour before meals, three times a day for 2 weeks.

How to prevent further development of hypertension

Now you know enough to fully understand your condition and, hopefully, this will help you avoid panic and look at the situation calmly if the diagnosis confirms the diagnosis"hypertension". And, of course, the question will arise before you: what to do in the future, where to start, what to do? The pressure of 170 over 100 is well corrected by drugs, but their number can be significantly reduced if you listen to the general recommendations:

  • Get outside as often as you can – bike, walk, go to outdoor pools.
  • Limit your s alt intake. Eliminate it from your diet if possible.
  • Replace 70% of your usual food with foods containing coarse fiber, natural carbohydrates, complete protein.
  • Do not retain harmful substances in the body - monitor the regularity of the stool.
pressure 170 over 100 causes
pressure 170 over 100 causes

drawing conclusions

Hypertension, diagnosed once, passes in the anamnesis of all later life, and it is completely impossible to get rid of it. Any folk methods, as well as a recommendatory dietary and he alth-improving base, regulate blood pressure only in the initial stages of the disease. Sooner or later, measures will have to be strengthened, and then the removal of acute moments will require compliance with the full course of treatment, but how soon this happens depends only on the patient's personal initiative and composure.
