Cholesterol plaques in the vessels: causes of formation, symptoms, consequences. How to clean the vessels from plaques?

Cholesterol plaques in the vessels: causes of formation, symptoms, consequences. How to clean the vessels from plaques?
Cholesterol plaques in the vessels: causes of formation, symptoms, consequences. How to clean the vessels from plaques?

Very often the cause of some diseases of the cardiovascular system are plaques in the vessels. They are formed in the blood stream, and then settle on the vessels and pose a serious danger to human he alth. The most common complication in the presence of plaques is a violation of the normal blood flow in the body. In advanced cases, blood clots begin to form.

Why do cholesterol plaques appear in blood vessels?

Atherosclerotic plaques tend to form in people with high blood cholesterol levels. When viewed, they look like deposits made up of calcium, fat, and tissue. Of course, plaques in the vessels do not form immediately. At first, their rudiments look like fatty streaks on the walls.

Plaques in vessels
Plaques in vessels

Plaques are very dangerous for the human body. They have a non-uniform density, which is why there is a high probability of their separation and blockage of blood vessels. The separated partcalled a thrombus. A stuck clot grows over time and completely blocks the blood flow.

Also, those people who often drink alcohol or eat fatty and fried foods should also monitor the presence of plaques in the body. There is a high probability of cholesterol deposits in older people, as well as those who suffer from diabetes and overweight.

Signs of atherosclerosis

The groups of people potentially suffering from atherosclerosis were listed above. It is important for them to pass all tests on time, monitor their he alth and control cholesterol. Plaques in the vessels at first do not pose any danger, and the disease develops asymptomatically.

A small deposit may not develop for years, but begin to grow only when the body is exposed to stress, great physical exertion and high pressure. After the plaque has grown to a certain size, it begins to put pressure on the walls of the vessels, and the bodies burst. There is an active formation of blood clots that clog the blood vessels, and they narrow. The person already feels this symptom very well.

Most often, plaques appear in the cervical region, in the vessels of the brain and legs.

Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels
Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels

Plaques in the vessels of the cervical region

The vessels in the neck are the most vulnerable. They are thin and constantly pinched when turning the head. Such a weak point is especially prone to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

As in all other vessels, plaques in the cervical region gradually begin to increase. Indeed, because of themsubtleties, a person feels the symptoms of the disease earlier. Plaque formation in blood vessels thins them, making them brittle and hard.

After the deposits have almost completely filled the vessel, it begins to suffocate from lack of oxygen.

Symptoms of cerebral vasoconstriction

If a person's plaque formation is out of control, and most of the deposits are in the brain, then the symptoms will not be long in coming. A patient who has plaques in the vessels of the brain often suffers from migraines, dizziness, and insomnia. It is likely the development of mental disorders.

Plaques on the walls of blood vessels
Plaques on the walls of blood vessels

If this stage is started, the situation will worsen. There will be hyper-anxiety. The patient will behave inappropriately and become very suspicious.

In the most severe cases, a person is not able to take care of himself, does not remember well and perceives new information, and also requires additional care. In such conditions, treatment has little or no effect.

Symptoms of vasoconstriction of the legs

A person who constantly suffers from disease in the calf muscles, suffers from heaviness in the legs and cramps may suspect the presence of plaques. Cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the legs also cause a change in skin color. Limbs are constantly cold.

If the situation is strongly triggered, then the legs begin to hurt even at rest. In a horizontal position, the limbs hurt even more. Relief, on the contrary, comes when lowering the legs down.

Disease is considered veryneglected, if tissues begin to die due to blood clots and plaques. The patient develops trophic ulcers. They are difficult to treat, and drugs provide only temporary relief.

Symptoms of cervical vasoconstriction

Needless to say, the vessels in the cervical region are the only source of oxygen for the brain. Their blockage is the most striking symptomatology. Interestingly, in this case, the human brain itself is first affected.

plaque cholesterol in blood vessels
plaque cholesterol in blood vessels

Atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the neck cause the following symptoms:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • heaviness in the head and neck;
  • failure and weakness;
  • memory loss.

It is worth noting the danger of this disease. Symptoms in plaques in the cervical region are often mild. A person only pays attention to pain at first, and then gets used to it and does not go to the doctor for a long time.

Plaques and blood clots are not dangerous for their symptoms, but for the ability to completely block blood vessels. Sometimes a blood clot enters a very important vessel, and then a person's life will be in great danger.

Experienced doctors note that in recent years most strokes are provoked by plaques. A stroke, in turn, is very dangerous for its consequences. If a person was not provided with timely medical assistance, then his recovery may take a long time, and there can be no talk of a full recovery.

Methods for diagnosing cervical plaques

How to clean the vesselsfrom plaques
How to clean the vesselsfrom plaques

Of course, prevention is better than cure, but it is very easy to miss the development of plaques in the body. As mentioned above, the disease does not manifest itself for a long time and the person does not feel any symptoms.

To understand that a person really suffers from such an ailment as plaques on the walls of the vessels of the neck, the doctor must prescribe an appropriate diagnosis for him. Now almost all polyclinics are equipped with the necessary modern equipment, so the examination should not complicate either the doctor or the patient, however, many procedures are provided only on a paid basis.

The most informative ways that detect the presence of plaques in the cervical region are MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), as well as ultrasound of the vessels. But even here there are nuances. The fact is that in half of the cases it is possible to detect blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques only if the lumen was completely closed and the disease has already passed into a neglected state.

Because of this, doctors strongly recommend that you monitor your diet, lifestyle and give up bad habits as soon as possible, because sometimes doctors simply cannot provide proper assistance on time.

How does the presence of plaques affect the patient's face?

A person can understand that he has plaque in the vessels by looking at his face. Most often they can be seen on the eyes. These plaques are called xanthelasma, and they are usually located on the inner corner of the upper eyelid. If you do not pay attention to them, then the plaque may increase, and next to itanother xanthelasma will appear.

A person who has xanthelasma should remember that this defect is a direct symptom of the presence of plaques in the body. Some doctors suggest removing this bump, but without treating the body and cleaning the vessels, this procedure does not bring any benefit. Xanthelasma appears again, and a small scar forms at the site of its removal.

Treatment of plaques in vessels

Certain medications will help fight plaque. However, only medicines can help to cope with this disease? How to clean the vessels of plaques, minimally reducing the intake of chemical drugs?

Actually, there is a way. But it is impossible to completely overcome plaques without medications. After the doctor has established their presence, the patient should consume vegetables and fruits in large quantities daily.

At the initial stages of the manifestation of cholesterol plaques, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy to the patient. They perfectly stop the symptoms of the disease and do not allow them to increase.

Reduce the number of plaques in the vessels will help and special diets. As a rule, s alt is almost completely excluded in them. Foods such as garlic, walnut, lemon and olive oil actively dissolve deposits.

Plaques in the vessels of the cervical region
Plaques in the vessels of the cervical region

In addition, there are more modern methods of treatment. The procedure is called cryoapheresis. It not only removes all deposits, but also perfectly cleanses the blood. A special cleansing diet will also help to clean the vessels even prescribes.

If the patient was admitted to the hospital in an already neglected state and his vessels are almost completely clogged with plaques, then the doctor can refer him to the prompt removal of deposits. Basically, the operation is indicated for the vessels of the brain.

If the vessels in the legs are also almost completely clogged, the doctor may also refer the patient for surgical removal of plaques.

Prevention methods

Is it possible to prevent the development of plaques and how to clean the vessels from plaques in the initial stages of the disease? The preventive recommendations of doctors for those people who monitor their he alth will help answer this question.

How to clean blood vessels from plaques
How to clean blood vessels from plaques

So, in order to protect yourself from the development of plaques in the vessels, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition all your life. Here are the basic principles of he althy eating for adults:

  1. A person should cut down on animal fats as much as possible.
  2. Eat protein-rich foods every day.
  3. Eat often, but keep portions small.
  4. You need to consume dairy products every day.
  5. Most of the diet should consist of plant foods.

However, some people are too fanatical about the diet and begin to eliminate all fatty foods. This is not recommended, because in addition to bad cholesterol, there is also good cholesterol. Good cholesterol is found in vegetable oils as well as fatty fish.

What drugs are prescribed whenatherosclerotic plaques?

This disease also has periods when treatment would not make sense without drug therapy. In this case, the doctor may prescribe pills. Usually they contribute to the destruction of plaques, as well as to the strengthening of the blood vessels themselves. These can be statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid. Multivitamins and fish oil are prescribed as needed.

People suffering from cholesterol plaques have a poor blood condition. To improve it, certain drugs are also prescribed, for example, Cardiomagnyl. If the vessels of the brain are affected, then tranquilizers or antidepressants will be added to the list of drugs.

All medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the order in which he recommended to take it. Treatment for this ailment, as a rule, takes a long time, so you need to be patient. Subject to all the recommendations, a person will not only get rid of plaques, but also improve the condition of the blood and blood vessels. They will become stronger, more elastic. The mood of a person will increase, cheerfulness and clarity of mind will appear.
