There are a huge number of people in the world, and only a few manage to remain perfect. Modern fashion continues to dictate its stereotypes. In many women, you can notice the fact that the chest bulges a little, is disproportionate. Well, this does not mean that there is any disease and it is necessary to sound the alarm. Perhaps this is a natural feature. But in order to be sure of this for sure, it is necessary to find out the reasons. What if one rib sticks out more than the other? More on that later.
In fact, this deviation from the norm does not cause any discomfort to a person. There are only emotional experiences and excitement associated with this issue, since from the point of view of aesthetics, the chest should be elegant and not conspicuous. And if a person has a feature, then this immediately attracts the attention of the public.
The most common cause of an external defect is a manifestation of chest deformity. This situation occurs even in childhood, at a time when the bone tissue has not yet fully formed. For example, ifa certain area of the bone was constantly subjected to improper loading or an uncomfortable position - this will eventually lead to a defect in adulthood.
In childhood, this can be acquired if excessive physical activity, frequent squats are carried out, and the worst thing is that this is a consequence of spinal curvature. If a child's rib sticks out, then appropriate procedures should be carried out.

Pregnancy bulging
The second most common factor that affects this deformation of the ribs is pregnancy. Women often face this problem. This is due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the bones and they begin to gradually move.

Osteocartilaginous exostasis
This manifestation is extremely rare. In fact, it is a harmless growth on the bone. These deviations from the norm develop without any sensations, the manifestations in no way affect the performance of the internal organs. Most often this occurs as a result of an injury or an infection. Also, these consequences may appear as a result of disruption of the endocrine system.
But the most common cause of bulging ribs is scoliosis.

Incorrect table position
This is the most common reason. For example, a person constantly sits in the wrong position, is somehow bent, thusthere is a displacement of the spine, which affects the ribs. Also, the constant wearing of weight on one shoulder can lead to scoliosis, which also has a huge impact on the position of the ribs. During the formation of this disease, there is an impact not only on the spine and ribs. Internal organs also suffer. Their normal functioning is disrupted, and the organs cease to perform their full work, which leads to serious complications.

Can these abnormalities be corrected?
Everyone is well aware that the final formation of bones in humans ends at the age of 25 years. But in case the right rib sticks out, there are several tips that will help correct the bone condition even in adulthood.
It is imperative to monitor your posture. Constantly engage in therapeutic exercises, which restores a he althy state of the spine. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in order to go through a whole medical complex. It implies the use of exercise therapy, additional massage on a specific area, as well as wearing a corset that will fix the position of the back and ribs correctly, which is extremely important to restore an attractive appearance and align the back and ribs.
In order to eliminate skeletal disorders, it is necessary to regularly engage in swimming and fitness. This type of training is favorable for the condition of the back. As the muscles around the spine begin to strengthen, they help formstraight back, and therefore, the ribs are aligned.
During the period when you are recovering your he alth, and even after you have undergone a whole course of treatment with a specialist, you need to make sure that he althy foods are included in the diet. Calcium must be the main element in food. Also, experts recommend sunbathing. They contribute to the production of vitamin D, which allows calcium to be well absorbed in the human body. Leading a he althy lifestyle is extremely important. Proper nutrition should be balanced. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be consumed in a certain proportion in order for the body to receive all the necessary substances and minerals.

Among other things, it is necessary to make the right set of exercises that will strengthen the spine, will contribute to the formation of muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs in order to align them. To resolve this issue, you need to contact a specialist. Only a trainer will be able to create an individual program for you that will be suitable for the load and purpose. After performing a set of exercises, the effect will be noticeable no earlier than two weeks later. Muscles gradually begin to grow, thereby beginning the formation and improvement of the spine.
Do not overload your body too much - this can be detrimental to your he alth. Everything should be in moderation, you can’t overdo it in this matter, because it canalso lead to serious complications.
I also want to finally note the fact that there is no need to chase fashion: if now the ribs are sticking out, and this is not popular and everyone is trying to get rid of them, then perhaps in a year or two it will become the latest fashion. You can’t keep up with fashion, you need to monitor your he alth. If you are he althy, the body will be strong, and therefore, you will feel great - you will live a long happy life. Do not pay attention to minor defects, remember that there are practically no ideal people in the world. Each appearance has its own small deviations and errors. And the fashion that is dictated to us in glossy magazines is full of stereotypes, and you should not listen to them.
Self-medication is not allowed in this matter. Before starting physical activity or starting to wear a corset, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to determine the cause of the incident and prescribe the necessary and effective course of treatment.