Why is urine red in men: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Why is urine red in men: causes, possible diseases, treatment
Why is urine red in men: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Some people have experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as changes in the color of urine. Such signs may indicate disorders in the urinary system and serious diseases of the internal organs. In a he althy person, urine has a yellow color and a characteristic odor. Why is urine red in men? What causes this symptom? It is worth remembering that if an alarming symptom appears, you should consult a doctor. Never attempt to take medication on your own without consulting a qualified he althcare professional.

Nature of the phenomenon

diseases of the urinary system
diseases of the urinary system

The normal color of adult urine is clear or deep yellow. The color of urine is affected by a substance such as urochrome. It is a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. What factors can affect the color of urine? First, it is the age of the person. Many probably noticed that children have urinehas a lighter shade. The amount of liquid consumed is also of great importance. People who drink a lot of water have almost clear urine. In the event of disturbances in the body's water balance, urine may take on an amber hue.

As a rule, changing the color of urine attracts the attention of a person. Why is urine red in men? Sometimes such manifestations can occur when changing the diet or taking potent medications. In any case, if you notice a reddish tint to urine or the appearance of blood clots in the discharge, this is a serious reason to see a doctor.

Causes of discoloration of urine

why does urine color change
why does urine color change

Let's take a closer look at this. So why do men have red urine? The most common cause is internal bleeding. It causes erythrocytes to appear in the urine. The problem may be localized in the bladder, kidneys, ureters, or urethra. Only a doctor can determine the specific cause of the pathological condition. He will definitely find out the nature of the discharge, the patient's history and the presence of concomitant symptoms.

Sometimes a change in the color of urine in men can be caused by an infection of the genitourinary system. The fact is that pathogens in the course of their life can produce various toxins. These substances gradually damage the mucous membranes of the internal organs. In addition, the microorganisms themselves can feed on tissues. All this leads to the development of inflammation. Often blood in the urineappears during the treatment of diseases such as urethritis, cystitis.

Change in the color of urine when neoplasms appear


Any tumor in the urinary system, regardless of its nature, can lead to tissue damage. Gradually growing, it will begin to put pressure on the membranes of the organs, damaging them. The blood clots formed as a result of such exposure will be excreted with urine.

Erythrocytes can seep into the urine and in violation of the integrity of the organs of the excretory system. With regular appearances in the urine of blood, it is necessary to conduct an examination. Perhaps the problem lies in the chronic inflammatory process that occurs in the organs of the excretory system.

Congenital pathologies

Sometimes even a doctor is not able to immediately determine why a man has red urine. The causes of this symptom may lie in congenital pathologies of development. Blood in the urine may be caused by the presence of a benign cyst in the kidney. Typically, diseases of this type are congenital. In rare cases, the appearance of bloody discharge in the urine may be due to an incorrect structure of the excretory pathway.

Other reasons

Why is urine red in men? What else could be the reasons? The neglected forms of urethritis and pyelonephritis can lead to hematuria. Sometimes such pathologies provoke blood clotting disorders. Also, a change in the color of urine may be associated with eating specific foods. Thus, beets contain in their chemicalcomposition of betanine. This substance is used in production as a natural dye. From the human body, betanin is excreted in the urine. At the same time, it changes its color. This is why urine is red in men after beets. Sometimes a rich color in the urine is the result of long-term use of medicines, which include dyes.

Red beetroot
Red beetroot

In some cases, serious physical exertion can lead to the appearance of blood in the urine. Professional athletes often face this situation. How to help the body in this case? First, try to reduce the load. Within a few days, urine should return to its normal color.

There are other answers to the question why urine is red. In men, after drinking, this symptom is sometimes observed. Protein appears in urine, which should not be present in the normal state. Long-term high alcohol consumption can also lead to nephronecrosis, one of the symptoms of which is hematuria.

How the diagnosis is made

man on bed
man on bed

To determine the cause of hematuria, it is necessary to undergo a specialized examination at a medical center. Your doctor will usually order a blood and urine test. It is also necessary to conduct a complete examination, to make an ultrasound of the excretory system and kidneys. When making a diagnosis, the patient's medical history and the results of the Zimnitsky urine sample should be taken into account.

General picture of the disease

Now you know why men have red urine. Reasons maybe different. A similar phenomenon can be both the only sign of the disease, and be accompanied by other symptoms. You can determine the cause of the change in the color of urine by the nature of blood secretions and a number of other signs. For example, urine that is bright scarlet in color can be a sign of inflammation of the ureters. If red spots are found on underwear and there is no pain, it can be assumed that there is a tumor in the genitourinary system. When urine of a brown tint with blood clots appears, we are talking about an inflammatory process in the kidney area.

If, in addition to redness, urine, there are frequent urination, difficulty emptying the bladder, acute pain when urinating, then the problem may be a disease of the prostate.

The reasons why men have red urine may lie in the pathological processes in the liver. If the appearance of spotting is accompanied by dull pains in various areas of the excretory system, then this is a clear sign of urolithiasis. In this case, blood may appear irregularly, but only at the time when sand and stones come out.


visit doctor
visit doctor

In any disease, delay can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, therapy should be started immediately. Your doctor will prescribe a specific treatment regimen for you. Depending on the cause of the disease, he will be able to choose the most appropriate method for eliminating blood in the urine.

Who does not need treatment? If red urine appears, the reason is not necessarily a serious illness. Perhaps the problem is in serious physical exertion. In this case, it is enough just to refrain from too active sports for a while. Try to exercise moderately and take regular rest breaks. Also, therapy is not required if red urine is the result of eating certain foods, such as beets. The problem should disappear by itself within a day.

In the event that the discoloration of urine is caused by infection with bacteria in the urinary system, the patient will need to undergo antibiotic treatment. Complex therapy also includes taking immunostimulating drugs. For the treatment of urolithiasis, phytopreparations and antispasmodics are used. They will facilitate the removal of stones. In severe forms of the disease, surgery may be required. In the presence of malignant tumors, as a rule, the patient undergoes surgery. If the pathology was detected in a timely manner, then the chances of recovery are greater. Do not delay treatment. Delay can threaten a sudden deterioration in he alth.


urinary problems in men
urinary problems in men

Why is urine red in men? In this review, we examined the main reasons for this phenomenon. With the regular manifestation of this symptom, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, the problem can be quite serious. Timely detection of the disease will help facilitate the entire further treatment process.