He alth and, in particular, pressure depends on many factors. This is affected by temperature, the presence of infectious diseases, weakening of the immune system. A pressure of 150 over 120 appears in people with concomitant serious illnesses that may be hidden. In the elderly, this increase appears with a sharp change in weather, stress, climate change. The reasons and normalization of the state are described in the article.
With a pressure of 150 to 120, you need to pay attention to the symptoms. A person may have a sharp headache, dizziness, fainting. It may seem like the slightest disturbance in the body, but it is precisely from this that serious ailments develop, for example, a heart attack or stroke.
Pressure is measured at rest, because with any physical or emotional stress, the indicators will change. The body independently controls the pressure and with moderate exertion, the indicator can increase by about 20 mm. rt. Art. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to the fact that:
- muscles function during work;
- organs need quality blood supply.

All people have their own norm. With age, irreversible processes are observed in the body. The pressure may rise. The older the person, the higher the performance, and this is the norm. It is generally accepted that the pressure can be:
- normal – 110/70 – 130/85;
- reduced – 100/70 – 100/60;
- hypotension - less than 100/60;
- hypertension – from 140/90.
It should be noted that the norms may be different depending on age:
- 16-20 years old – 100/70 – 120/80;
- 20-40 years old - 120/70 - 130/85;
- 40-60 years - up to 140/90;
- from 60 years old - up to 150/90.
High and low pressure appears with different violations. To establish the cause of the deterioration of well-being, you need to constantly monitor the state of the body. In this case, it will not be enough to measure the pressure only when visiting the clinic. Only with daily monitoring of blood pressure will it be possible to reveal the full picture.

Pressure 150 over 120 - what does it mean? If such an indicator is observed regularly, then this may indicate the presence of diseases that occur in a latent form. This condition should not be ignored, you need to see a doctor to prescribe effective methods of therapy.
Why is it going up?
What are the causes of pressure 150at 120? This indicator appears from nervous overexcitation due to stress, but the genetic factor is also important. Hypertension appears at any age, especially if it is due to genetics. All congenital or stress-induced heart diseases lead to high blood pressure and other associated ailments.
Why does blood pressure increase if there is no genetic predisposition? This phenomenon also occurs when:
- overweight;
- malnutrition;
- older age;
- constant stress;
- sedentary lifestyle.

Often, pressure of 150 over 120 appears with concomitant chronic diseases that a person may not be aware of. This may be due to thyroid pathologies, heart defects, kidney failure.
In order to timely identify the cause of the increase in the indicator, even in a calm state, you need to regularly go to the doctor, conduct a complete examination of the body. According to the results of the analysis, the specialist can identify the presence of ailments.
With hypertension, you need to know: in a similar situation, what to do and the causes of pressure 150 to 120. You also need to be aware of the symptoms. As soon as dizziness appears, severe pain in the temples, activity worsens, then indicators need to be determined. When a pressure of 150 over 120 is detected, many people panic, which aggravates the condition.
If the increase occurs for the first time, then the appearance is likely:
- dizziness;
- tinnitus;
- insomnia;
- disabled;
- mood swings.
These symptoms are eliminated without medical help. They can come and go on their own. If the pressure is not high for the first time, you need to see a doctor. When the indicator rises frequently, it appears as:
- feelings of the work of the heart;
- increased heart rate;
- severe headaches;
- dizziness;
- lack of sleep, appetite.
If the pressure is 150 to 120, what to do in this case? Then medications are needed. The doctor performs diagnostics, prescribes drugs. It is necessary to be under the supervision of a specialist during the entire treatment. If the pressure rises and maintains its rate, then this means that there is a pathology that leads to serious illnesses.
The causes of pressure 150 to 120 and what to do in this case, you need to know everyone who has this condition constantly. This indicator may indicate changes in the work of the heart that do not heal themselves. Pressure can rise at any age, but it is more common in older people.

During an attack, you need to take a calm position, eliminate irritating factors. Medical attention is also needed. If the condition worsens sharply, you need to call an ambulance. Before treatment, the doctor will determine the causes of pressure 150 to 100. What to do at home, he will also tellspecialist. But first:
- the patient is being interviewed and examined;
- the anamnesis of the disease, life is being studied;
- requires consultation with a neurologist;
- need EKG procedure;
- blood test in progress;
- urinalysis in progress.
Based on the results obtained, the doctor is able to determine the cause of hypertension with indicators of 150 to 120, as well as prescribe treatment. Therapy is different for everyone.
First Aid
In case of high pressure, first aid is needed. This can be used:
- nitroglycerin or "Validol";
- "Captopril";
- hot compresses on legs;
- diuretics.
A hot compress or a foot bath can quickly restore pressure. It is advisable to keep your feet warm for 20 minutes. In this period, take "Captopril". You can take the pills again after 20 minutes.
If there is an arrhythmia, a high pulse or pain in the region of the heart, then a Validol tablet should be placed under the tongue. If after 15 minutes the discomfort does not decrease, it is necessary to take the medication again. You can take the remedy after the same time. After 15 minutes, you need to drink a diuretic. These products work great in pairs and quickly restore pressure. Furosemide or Lasix is great. The drugs act quickly, so the pressure returns to normal 20 minutes after taking the pill.
If the pressure is 150 to 120, what should I do to improve my well-being? The doctor can make an appointment:
- vasoconstrictors - Ramipril, Enalapril;
- calcium antagonists – Verapamil and Diltiazem;
- drugs with a diuretic effect - "Furosemide", "Arifon";
- beta-blockers.
Drugs are prescribed individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease. You should not choose a course of treatment yourself, as this takes into account the results of the tests.

After the action of the above remedies, sedative medications, drugs to strengthen the heart muscle, herbal medicine are prescribed. They have a positive effect on the body, calm a person, improve the condition after stress. It is necessary to reduce pressure only by the methods prescribed by the doctor.
Folk remedies
You can normalize the pressure with the help of folk remedies. There is an effective method for improving the condition:
- Legs should be soaked in hot water for 10 minutes.
- Then the material is soaked in vinegar and applied to the heels.
- The mustard plasters are placed on the calves and shoulders.
Herbs also help. You need motherwort, hawthorn, meadowsweet and cudweed (1 tbsp each), valerian root (1 tsp). Herbs are poured with vodka (1/2 liter). The product is left for 2 weeks. It is taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals. A strong mint broth also helps, which you need to drink, apply lotions on the neck, back of the head, shoulders.
Although folk remedies are effective, you should not use them without consulting a doctor. Based on diagnostic measures, a specialist will prescribe effectivetreatment methods. He may also approve traditional medicine recipes that help reduce blood pressure.
If the pressure is 150 over 120 in young people, is it dangerous? This phenomenon is considered dangerous to the life of any person, regardless of age. After drug therapy, the doctor gives advice on maintaining your he alth in order to prevent heart disease. Adequate treatment should be not only during exacerbation, but also during recovery.

Doctors advise to have a blood pressure monitor and check the pressure every day. This will allow you to change the habits and lifestyle that will lead to the normal functioning of organs and systems. As a preventive measure, the following rules must be observed:
- You need to organize your day properly so that there is mental and physical activity.
- Normal sleep of at least 7 hours is important.
- We need to restore proper nutrition, which should include vitamins and useful trace elements.
- Need to take sedative drugs that have a relaxing and calming effect.
- You need to be more outdoors, especially during the day.
- You should not self-medicate, and in case of exacerbations, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Prophylaxis is needed for every ailment, especially for hypertension. The increase in pressure can be critical. Often prolonged increases lead to strokes or heart attacks. Timely selected therapy eliminates the negative changes that lead to concomitant ailments.
The disease can progress, which can lead to complications. Often observed development:
- myocardial infarction;
- hypertensive crisis;
- cerebrovascular accident;
- renal failure, pathological changes in kidney tissue;
- cardiovascular insufficiency;
- aortic aneurysm.
Any complication impairs the quality of life. There is also a limitation of working capacity, physical activity. Sudden death is also likely.
Hypertension in the initial stages can be cured by non-drug methods. You can fully recover after removal of tumors of the adrenal glands, treatment of pyelonephritis and other pathologies that lead to high pressure. Even a single appearance of an indicator of 150 to 120 is a reason to see a doctor. You need to control the pressure for several months.

Hypertension is usually diagnosed in the late stages, or when the rate of 150 to 120 has become regular, and the disease progresses. These stages are difficult to treat and take a long time, sometimes funds for recovery are taken throughout life. According to statistics, the risk of a stroke or heart attack over 10 years at stage 1 hypertension is about 15% of the total number of patients. At stage 3, the likelihood of complications and sudden death increases by 50%.
Nutrition affects many body processes. Wrong dietnegatively affects both the functions of organs and systems, and the general well-being of a person. With hypertension, you need a special diet that will prevent crises, as well as restore pressure, alleviate the condition.
With excessive s alt intake, fluid is retained in the body, which serves as a burden on the heart, blood vessels, leading to swelling of the legs and arms. If you give up a large amount of fat, you will be able to reduce cholesterol levels, as well as reduce weight, which has pressure on blood vessels and the heart. Nutrition at high pressure should include useful substances. You need to eat fruits and vegetables, foods with potassium, magnesium, calcium. Well-being and he alth depend on nutrition.
High blood pressure in old and young age manifests itself in different ways. Some people may feel great, while others experience changes in condition and dizziness. Some lose their ability to work, their condition is not restored without medical assistance. In any case, a ratio of 150 to 120 is considered dangerous, so urgent help is required.