Holes in the tonsils: causes, treatment and recovery period

Holes in the tonsils: causes, treatment and recovery period
Holes in the tonsils: causes, treatment and recovery period

Holes in the tonsils are a sign of a chronic inflammatory process in the throat. Loose tonsils also indicate a decrease in local immunity in the ENT organs. If such a pathology is left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. Why do deep pits appear on the tonsils? And how to get rid of chronic inflammation? We will consider these issues in the article.

What is this

Palatine tonsils have a porous structure. They consist of lymphoid tissue, which has a protective function. On the tonsils there are depressions and channels of a tortuous shape, which are called lacunae. They are able to independently cleanse themselves of microorganisms if a person is he althy.

Normally, the surface of the tonsils looks smooth and even. Natural depressions are almost invisible during external examination. Holes in the tonsils are pathologically enlarged lacunae. First, small dimples appear on the tonsils. Without treatment, they increase in size and look like large ones.recesses. Photos of holes in the tonsils (in English tonsils) can be seen below.

holes in the tonsils
holes in the tonsils

Unhe althy tonsils look loose and uneven. Dilated lacunae accumulate food debris. This creates fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogens and the occurrence of an inflammatory process.


What causes holes in the tonsils? Why are gaps widening? Recesses in the tonsils most often increase due to the active growth of lymphoid tissue. This leads to deformation of the tonsils. This phenomenon is most often observed in the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Bacterial throat infections. Due to the active reproduction of microbes, the tonsils swell and lacunae increase.
  2. Polyps of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Adenoids in the nose often provoke inflammation and swelling of the palatine glands.
  3. During the recovery period after inflammation of the ENT organs. Tonsil tissue does not immediately recover from past throat infections.
  4. Diseases of teeth and gums (caries, stomatitis, gingivitis). Inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity cause the growth of the protective lymphoid tissue of the tonsils.
  5. Sinusitis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can cause loose glands.

Deep holes are often observed after the formation of traffic jams on the tonsils. First, the patient develops an expansion of lacunae, and the self-cleaning function of the tonsils is disturbed. Then food remains accumulate in the recesses, which leads to the multiplication of bacteria. A white plug appears on the tonsils. Afterwashing the throat in its place a deep hole is formed. Photos of holes in the tonsils after traffic jams can be seen below.

Holes after plug removal
Holes after plug removal


When the lacunae expand, the surface of the tonsils looks loose and edematous. The tonsils are usually enlarged. The pits in the lymphoid tissue may be clogged with white matter. These signs can be seen on external examination. The condition of the patient's throat can be seen in the photo below. The symptoms and treatment of holes in the tonsils depend on the cause of the loose tonsils.

kind of swollen tonsils
kind of swollen tonsils

It is possible to distinguish common manifestations that are noted when the gaps in the tonsils expand:

  • throat discomfort;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • foreign body sensation;
  • bad breath;
  • Coughing up white lumps;
  • continuous slight rise in temperature.

Such signs indicate a chronic inflammatory process in the throat.

Do I need to see a doctor

If the patient has holes with pus in the tonsils, it is urgent to visit an otolaryngologist. These symptoms indicate severe inflammation. In no case should you try to remove the plugs yourself. This can lead to the spread of bacteria and even blood poisoning. Only a specialist can wash the plugs.

Holes without pus in the tonsils can also be dangerous. Their appearance indicates a decrease in the protective function of the tonsils. With the expansion of lacunae, the patient often has infectious pathologies of organs.breathing. In this case, the bacteria are not destroyed by the cells of the lymphoid tissue. This leads to frequent tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Therefore, a visit to the otolaryngologist is necessary even in the absence of purulent plugs.

Possible Complications

Holes in the tonsils can cause purulent tonsillitis. This disease occurs due to the accumulation of different types of bacteria and viruses in dilated lacunae. Pathology is severe and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in temperature to +38…+40 degrees;
  • increased cervical lymph nodes;
  • severe sore throat, aggravated by swallowing;
  • swelling and redness of tissues in the throat;
  • weakness, general malaise.

Photos of holes in the tonsils with purulent tonsillitis can be seen below.

tonsil treatment
tonsil treatment

Also, bacteria and viruses from lacunae can enter the bloodstream and spread to various organs. This causes secondary infectious pathologies:

  • cystitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastritis;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • arthritis.

To avoid such severe consequences, it is necessary to treat chronic inflammation of the tonsils in a timely manner.


When pronounced depressions and pits appear on the tonsils, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the throat with the help of special mirrors, and also examines the nasal cavity and ear canals. To clarify the diagnosis, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Clinical blood and urine tests. With the help of these tests, signs of an inflammatory process in the body are detected.
  2. Smear from the pharynx for bacterial culture. This analysis helps to identify the causative agent of inflammation.
  3. MRI and CT of the throat. Such a study is prescribed for suspected malignant tumors.
Throat examination
Throat examination

Oral antibiotics

How to treat holes in the tonsils? An increase in lacunae is always associated with an inflammatory process of infectious etiology. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy. Prescribe antibiotics that target a wide range of pathogens:

  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Tsiprolet";
  • "Azithromycin".
Antibiotic "Amoxiclav"
Antibiotic "Amoxiclav"

However, many bacteria have now become resistant to traditional drugs. Therefore, before drug therapy, it is recommended to pass a test for the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. This will help you choose the most effective drug.

Remove traffic jams

Antibacterial therapy is complemented by the use of local disinfectants. The holes in the tonsils are often clogged with accumulations of leftover food, which leads to congestion. In order to clear the gaps, it is necessary to rinse the throat with antiseptic solutions.

This procedure is carried out in a clinic setting. A special large syringe is used to flush the throat. It is filled with an antiseptic solution. The jet is directeddirectly into the gap filled with purulent contents. Under the pressure of the liquid, the plug is washed out. About 10 - 15 such procedures are required to completely cleanse the tonsils.

Large corks are pre-softened with ultrasound. To do this, use the device "Tonzilor". Then carry out the usual washing of the throat with an antiseptic from a syringe.

There are times when corks sit deep in the gap and are difficult to wash out. Vacuum cleaning helps to remove such plaque. For this purpose, an apparatus with a special nozzle is used to pump out pus from a recess in the tonsils.

Removal of plugs from the tonsils
Removal of plugs from the tonsils

Only a specialist can remove traffic jams. At home, only gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage) or antiseptic solutions (Miramistina, Furacilina) is allowed. This helps to reduce inflammation of the tonsils and cleanse the tissues of food debris.


Drug therapy and throat washing are complemented by physiotherapy. With the expansion of lacunae on the tonsils, the following procedures are prescribed:

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation. This method of treatment contributes to the destruction of bacteria in the throat.
  2. Laser therapy. This physiotherapy stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow in the tonsils. This helps reduce inflammation and swelling.
  3. Ultrasound with drugs on the tonsils. With this method of administration, the active components of the drugs penetrate deep into the throat tissues.

Surgical treatment

Ifconservative treatment of holes in the tonsils does not work, then you have to do an operation. Surgical intervention consists in the complete removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy). This is a radical way to get rid of frequent sore throats.

The operation is indicated for frequent tonsillitis and severe atrophy of the tonsil tissue. Nowadays, this surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, as patients often experience pain under local anesthesia. The tonsils are removed with a special loop or scalpel.

Presently, doctors often use more gentle methods of removing the tonsils. Tonsillectomy is performed using a laser and liquid nitrogen.

It is important to remember that the tonsils play a protective role. They protect the upper respiratory tract from infection. After the operation, the patient's local immunity decreases. Therefore, tonsillectomy is done only in extreme cases.

Rehabilitation after tonsillectomy

The recovery period after the removal of the tonsils lasts about 2 weeks. During this time, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Avoid heavy lifting and head tilts. Excessive physical activity after surgery can cause bleeding.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol.
  3. Do not visit the bath, sauna and do not overheat.
  4. Follow a special diet. In the first week after surgery, you can eat only liquid, soft and pureed food. Food should not scratch or irritate the throat.

After the operation, white plaque is formed at the site of the tonsilsconnective tissue. Under no circumstances should it be removed. The whitish film leaves on its own 6-7 days after tonsillectomy.

Usually, the patient spends the rehabilitation period in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. After discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to avoid increased physical activity for another 7 to 10 days.

If a tonsillectomy was performed using a laser or liquid nitrogen, then the body recovers much faster than after the classic removal of the tonsils. Complete healing of the postoperative wound occurs within 3-5 days. During this period, the above rules must be followed.


How to prevent the expansion of gaps and the appearance of congestion in the throat? Otolaryngologists advise following these guidelines:

  1. Take good care of your mouth and throat. You should brush your teeth regularly and rinse after meals. This will help clear the mouth of food debris that can settle on the tonsils.
  2. Stop smoking. Tobacco smoke irritates the tonsils. This can provoke inflammation of the tonsils and expansion of lacunae.
  3. Don't get cold. Excessive exposure of the body to cold leads to a weakened immune system and sore throat.

It is also very important to cure colds and inflammatory pathologies of ENT organs in time. These diseases should not be allowed to become chronic. Constant inflammation of the throat is one of the main causes of holes and plugs, from which it is sometimes difficultget rid of.
