Fungal infections (in medicine they are called mycoses) are considered the most common dermatological pathology. Pharmacology offers a fairly large number of remedies for getting rid of fungus and odor. Foot ointment is the easiest to use. It is enough just to apply the composition on a regular basis to problem areas, and over time, itching and horny growths will disappear. The article provides a list of the best ointments for foot fungus.
Causes and symptoms of fungal infections in the feet
Fungus on the feet appears due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the layers of the epidermis. The defeat of only the skin of the feet is called dermatomycosis, the destruction of the nail plates is called in dermatology onychomycosis. If the disease has reached the last stage and has led to the defeat of a large area of the skin, then the patient will have to take tableted anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs. If dermatomycosisrecently began to develop, the use of ointments for the legs will help. For fungus and odor, topical products should be applied at least once a day.
Symptoms of ringworm:
- itchy feet and toes;
- appearance of cracks and sores with ichor;
- horny growths, itchy corns;
- dry skin on the feet, accompanied by itching.
Causes of ringworm and onychomycosis:
- lowered immunity, the presence of autoimmune diseases;
- poor personal hygiene;
- excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, excessive sweating;
- chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
- diabetes mellitus (in patients with this disease, cracks heal for a very long time and several foot ointments against fungus and odor have to be applied in parallel);
- vascular pathologies, foot deformities;
- wearing uncomfortable tight shoes made of poor quality materials;
- old age (dermatomycosis is more common in people over 45);
- excessive dryness of the skin, dehydration.
Spores of the fungus easily penetrate the skin if the body's defenses are weakened. Therefore, in parallel with the use of ointment against the smell of feet and fungus, you should increase the immune forces of the body. For example, drink a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex in a course, give up bad habits, normalize nutrition, undergo a medical examination and treat chronic diseases, if any.
In order to permanently get rid of the manifestations of ringworm, you should visit a dermatologist and undergo the necessary studies. If the test results show the presence of a specific infection, then you will have to drink a course of an antibiotic drug to get rid of the pathogen.
How to get rid of foot fungus and odor with external remedies?
Modern pharmacology offers a whole arsenal of different drugs for ringworm:
- Fungicide solutions act due to the presence of antifungal substances in the composition. Almost any antiseptic can serve as a solvent, but more often it is alcohol solutions. Very inconvenient to use.
- Varnishes from ringworm - a highly specialized pharmacological agent. It is mainly used only for onychomycosis, i.e., with damage to the nail plate, and not the skin.
- Powders that absorb moisture when the feet sweat between the toes. In the summer, when the feet sweat in the heat, the risk of developing onychomycosis and ringworm increases. The powder is best used as a prophylactic.
- Antimycotic aerosols are easy to apply, but most are only good for fungus prevention purposes.
- Creams are best used for dry feet. Moisturizing the skin, containing a fungicide (or a complex of substances), the cream penetrates as deep as possible into the layers of the epidermis, neutralizing microbes.
- Ointment for foot odor and fungus (many preparations can be purchased inexpensively) does not moisturize the skin as intensively as a cream. However, the ointment usually has morehigh concentration of the active ingredient, as a result of which the symptoms of ringworm recede faster (if we compare the use of ointments and creams).

List of the most effective and inexpensive ointments for foot fungus
All drugs from this list can be purchased at the pharmacy. There is no need to consult a doctor first - the drugs are available without a prescription and their cost is low.
Ointments for foot odor and fungus (inexpensive in pharmacies) should be used as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms of ringworm. If the patient reaches the last stages, when a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is affected by the fungus, then it is almost useless to use external preparations. Requires medication to destroy the overgrown mycosis from the inside. In this case, it is better to seek help from a dermatologist - he will prescribe the necessary studies and prescribe the best drug for each individual patient.
List of inexpensive and effective ointments for foot odor and fungus:
- "Lamisil".
- "Clotrimazole".
- "Exoderil".
- "Ketoconazole".
- "Terbinafine".
- "Mycospor".
"Lamisil": instructions for use, application features
The active ingredient of the ointment is terbinafine. The substance is quite aggressive, it is absorbed through the skin, partially enters the bloodstream. Before using, be sure to read the listcontraindications and possible side effects. The cost of packaging is about three hundred rubles (may vary depending on the seller's margin).
Contraindications to the use of Lamisil ointment:
- disturbances in the functioning and pathology of the liver, kidneys;
- lupus erythematosus;
- diabetes mellitus;
- development of malignant neoplasms;
- chronic alcoholism;
- children's age (please consult a dermatologist about the appropriateness of use at a particular age).
Reviews of the ointment for toenail fungus are positive. "Lamisil" is sufficient to apply to the affected tissue only twice a day. Itching goes away after the first application. In most cases, on the fifth or sixth day of using this ointment from the fungus, there is no trace left on the toes. "Lamisil" acts quickly, however, if allergic reactions occur, it is better to refuse to use this remedy.

"Clotrimazole" in the fight against foot fungus
The main active ingredient of the ointment is clotrimazole. Its range of influence is wide. The drug destroys the bacterial microflora, relieves itching and pain, has a mild anti-edematous effect. The result of the reaction with clotrimazole is toxic to the causative fungus, it does not survive. The ointment should be applied twice a day to the affected area with a plentiful layer. Do not immediately put on socks or shoes, the composition should be absorbed.
Ointment "Clotrimazole" from the fungus on the legs should not be used inperiod of pregnancy. A relative contraindication to use is children's age (should consult a dermatologist before using the product for the treatment of children).
"Exoderil": instructions for use, patient reviews
Ointment "Exoderil" acts due to the presence of hydrochloride in the composition of naftifine. Analogue - "Mikoderil" (it is cheaper, but not always available in pharmacies). "Exoderil" is characterized by rapid absorption and high penetration rate of the active substance into the deep layers of the epidermis. It is used both for the treatment of ringworm and for the treatment of onychomycosis. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area three to four times a day. A contraindication to the use of the drug is the state of pregnancy, as well as the presence of allergic reactions to naftifine hydrochloride.
Patient feedback on the use of "Exoderil" and "Mikoderil" is positive. The therapeutic effect is felt after the first application. Reduces itching and pain, swelling subsides. If you stop treatment immediately after the first improvement (which occurs already on the second day), then it is likely that the symptoms of the disease will return. Even if the patient does not experience more itching and burning, then treatment should be continued for about ten days.

"Ketoconazole": instructions for use
How to get rid of fungus and foot odor as quickly as possible? Buy ointment "Ketoconazole" - a course of treatment with thisremedy for only five days, and unpleasant symptoms go away after the first application. True, the ointment will help get rid of ringworm of the first stage. If the disease has already moved to the second stage, then you will need to add other drugs.
With local topical application, ketoconazole is practically not subjected to systemic absorption into the bloodstream. Therefore, compared with other drugs for ringworm and onychomycosis, "Ketoconazole" has a relatively smaller number of side effects and contraindications.
"Ketoconazole" is also available in the form of tablets and suppositories. For the fastest possible cure, you can use both tablets and ointment in parallel. However, judging by the reviews of patients, a noticeable relief of the condition occurs even when using the ointment alone. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of the product two to three times a day on the affected area of the feet and leave until completely absorbed.
"Terbinafine": instructions for use and patient reviews
For the treatment of fungus between the toes ointment "Terbinafine" is used quite often. The main active ingredient is terbinafine. It is quickly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. In the body, it is biotransformed into metabolites that do not exhibit antifungal activity. Most of them are excreted in the urine. In addition to the ointment, there are other forms of release of the drug - spray, cream, tablets.

Before using, please read the list of contraindications. This isdiseases of the liver and kidneys, psoriasis, endocrine pathologies, chronic alcoholism, etc. When using the ointment, an allergic reaction may appear in the form of urticaria (rash). In this case, it is better to refuse treatment with Terbinafine and opt for a drug with a different active ingredient.
Reviews about the drug are positive - both about the ointment and about the tablets. But the reviews about the use of the spray are not very good - patients complain that the effect is noticeable only after using the spray, itching and burning are reduced. But there is no long-term effect. When using the ointment, itching disappears for a long time, unlike the spray.

The use of "Mycospor" in the fungus of the feet and nails
The main active ingredients of the ointment are bifonazole and urea. The ointment also comes with a special disposable patch (10 pcs.), Which should cover the affected areas from friction with socks and shoes. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial activity. "Mycospor" is more often used to treat onychomycosis, that is, in the case when the nail plates are affected by the fungus. For the treatment of ringworm, it is better to use drugs with terbinafine in the composition.
Reviews of Mycospor are positive - the therapeutic effect of the drug is noticeable already on the second or third day from the start of use. Side effects are expressed mainly by manifestations of allergy, desquamation, contact dermatitis. But most often "Mycospor" is well tolerated. The average duration of the course of treatment is 10-14 days. Patient reviews alsoreport that when using the ointment on the skin of the feet, cracks disappear, and the size of the corns decreases. This effect is achieved due to the presence of white beeswax in the composition, it is a powerful nourishing and moisturizing component.

Using an ointment with sulfur in the composition of foot fungus
Sulfur ointment for foot fungus is perhaps the cheapest remedy - its cost is only about 40 rubles per jar. However, is this remedy effective in the fight against mycoses? The fact is that the composition of the ointment does not contain antimicrobial components. Sulfur muffles the symptoms - itching and burning in the affected area is relieved, but the disease is not directly cured. The main advantage of this drug is that it is the most inexpensive ointment for fungus on the legs.

When applying ointments with sulfur in the composition, many patients report an unpleasant burning sensation. Sulfur has an unpleasant odor that is difficult to kill even with a powerful flavor. In addition, the concentration of ointments with sulfur in the composition is usually thick, oily. As a result, it is inconvenient to use the ointment two or three times a day, the residue is absorbed into the fabric of socks and shoes, leaving greasy stains and an unpleasant odor.
Many pharmacists recommend Sulfur Ointment to patients with ringworm, as it is cheap and always in stock. However, experienced dermatologists almost never prescribe this remedy to their patients, considering it useless in the fight against foot and nail fungus. After all, the goal of therapy is not to get rid of symptoms, butneutralization of microbes that provoked the onset of the disease. After the microbes leave the tissues, unpleasant symptoms also disappear by themselves.