Kaluga Region is located just two hundred kilometers from Moscow, in the central part of the East European Plain. The area of its territory is almost thirty thousand square kilometers. There are many natural monuments and interesting places in the region.
And although Central Russia is not rich in recognizable landscapes, nevertheless, the banks of the Ugra, Oka and their numerous tributaries are very difficult to confuse. The territory of the Kaluga region is crossed by the largest nature reserve in the Central Federal District - the Ugra National Park. There are excellent conditions for both tourism and recreation.

Many other places in the region are also deservedly considered natural monuments: the Rainbow waterfall, located in the Zhukovsky district, the Koltsovskie caves, closed to tourists, the magnificent Lompad lake, etc. The climate of the Kaluga region has a well-defined seasonal character. It is moderately hot in summer and moderately cold in winter.
General information
Today, there is a trend in the development of the resort and he alth sector in the region. Most local he alth resorts use the most modern equipment and competent staff. All this makes it possible for residents of the region and neighboring regions not only to enjoy a good rest in the best corners of the region, but also to undergo rehabilitation. There are many children's sanatoriums in the region. Most of these medical and rehabilitation bases use effective modern methods. They have excellent conditions for treatment, rehabilitation and, of course, recreation for children. For each patient, individual programs and restorative procedures are developed here.

To fight a specific disease or restore the body after an injury, you need to stay in a hospital, while recovery in a children's sanatorium will improve the effect. One of the best he alth resorts in the Kaluga region is rightfully considered the psycho-neurological sanatorium "Kaluga Bor". It is about him that will be discussed in this article. We will try to tell as much as possible about this medical and rehabilitation center, about the conditions offered by the Kaluga Bor children's sanatorium, and get acquainted with the reviews.
This he alth resort has a very long history. The Kaluga Bor sanatorium was opened on November 22, 1945 on the basis of a military hospital intended for disabled veterans. Three years later, in 1948, by order of the Main Directorate of Resorts of the Ministry of He alth of the RussianThe federation reorganized it into a specialized institution for children suffering from the consequences of early childhood polio.
In 1965, a new medical building was built on the site of old and dilapidated buildings. Subsequently, the sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" was redesigned. From January 1, 1971, children with neuropsychiatric diseases or cerebral palsy began to come here for treatment.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2008, this institution is part of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development.
Children's neurological sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" is located on the territory of the nature protection zone "Kaluga City Bor". Its territory is a picturesque pine forest, which is considered a federal natural monument. The Kaluga Bor sanatorium, the photo of which is presented in the article, is located in an ecologically clean place, ideally suited for organizing the rehabilitation of children with neuropsychiatric diseases, it works all year round.
Its park area covers an area of almost fifteen hectares. Sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" has a natural forest landscape, he alth path alley, several children's playgrounds and sports grounds.

Since 2004, the profile of the medical institution, as well as the list of indications for ailments of the nervous system and, accordingly, the age of small patients have been expanded.
Sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" can accept children fromtwo to eighteen years of age, provided they are accompanied by their legal representatives. From the age of 6, children can stay independently if medical indications allow. The he alth resort is open all year round. The infrastructure of the sanatorium includes a medical building with preschool and school departments, a general education school, as well as a clinical and functional diagnostics laboratory, departments of physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises. Children can visit the gym, work in labor workshops. The patients also have a library, a swimming pool, a gym, a sauna, various playgrounds or sports grounds.

Receptionists on duty can help you buy tickets in any direction, call a taxi, etc. The Kaluga Bor sanatorium has a laundry and an ATM.
Focus and services
FGU children's psycho-neurological sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" provides medical care to children accompanied by their legal representative on a round-the-clock basis. His specialization is the treatment of diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system of various etiologies with motor and sensory disorders. This also applies to pathologies associated with diseases of the connective tissues and the musculoskeletal system.
Sanatorium-and-spa treatment includes medical care provided by similar institutions for therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitation purposes. Many procedures are based on the use of natural resources.

Children's sanatorium "Kaluga"Bor" offers treatment aimed at the complete restoration or compensation of those functions of the body that were impaired due to injuries, after operations or as a consequence of chronic diseases. After receiving a full course of prescribed procedures carried out by highly qualified specialists, children activate protective and adaptive reactions in the body, the number of exacerbations decreases, the period of remissions lengthens, the development of certain diseases slows down and disability is prevented.
Treatment and diagnostic activities of this children's sanatorium is aimed at the sanatorium treatment of pathologies of the nervous system and he alth-improving general strengthening measures.
Housing stock
Children from 2 to 7 years old accompanied by their parents are accommodated in two-, four- and six-bed rooms. The bathroom is on the floor.

Children aged 8 to 18 with their parents are accommodated in either four- or six-bed rooms. Patients arriving unaccompanied can stay in eight-bed rooms. Each floor has a TV, game rooms.
Each child is treated individually here. After examination by specialists, the babies are prescribed a dietary six meals a day. The menu is compiled taking into account the necessary vitamins. The nutrition of young children is enriched with micro- and macronutrients. It is organized for four age groups. Adults who need spa treatment receive four meals a daydiet food.
Treatment programs for children
For each little patient, his own regimen is compiled. The Kaluga Bor sanatorium was built in a pine forest. Therefore, climate therapy is widely used here. The he alth resort is located in a temperate continental forest zone, where there are no strong winds and an average number of sunny or rainy days is observed in a year. The local climate has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, calming the nervous system. And phytoncides and essential oils, which are secreted by centuries-old pines, have an antimicrobial effect and increase immunity weakened by diseases.
Sanatorium "Kaluga Bor", where you can see the vacancies on the official website, also offers mud therapy. During the procedures, Tambukan mud is used, which is prescribed in the form of applications. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, positively affects the metabolism.
Patients are also assigned to visit a s alt cave, the air in which is saturated with such ionized trace elements as calcium, iodine, bromine, selenium, sodium, magnesium, etc. This technique is mild and effective in reducing allergic reactions, normalizing microflora in the respiratory tract, cleansing the skin or mucous membranes, as well as saturating the blood with oxygen and reducing intoxication. Another treatment program is the appointment of imported mineral medical table calcium sulfate drinking water "Krainska", as well as an oxygen cocktail or herbal tea with a sedative, immunostimulating, vitaminimpact.

Patients can receive manual massage, exercise therapy. The resort also has swing machines that perform vertebromechanomassage.
Additional information
In the children's psycho-neurological sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" the leisure time of the residents is well organized. From here you can go on a tour of the literary and historical places of the Kaluga region - Optina Pustyn, Shamordino, which are associated with Tsiolkovsky, Pushkin, Tsvetaeva, Paustovsky and others. Kids will love trips to Etnomir, the Bird Park and, of course, to the circus in Tula.
For children and their parents, master classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué and floristry are often held. Every week, a disco and karaoke are held on the territory of the sanatorium.
Sanatorium "Kaluga Bor" accepts for treatment children sent from those institutions of the Ministry of He alth that provide specialized care to patients. Here, patients receive a course of mechanotherapy, as well as apparatus physiotherapy, including drug electrophoresis, amplipulse therapy and electrical stimulation of weakened muscles, as well as electrosleep, microwave, inductive, UHF, ultrasonic, magnetic, chromo-, halo- and aerosol therapy. In the sanatorium, heat treatment with ozocerite applications is very successfully carried out. A wide variety of hydrotherapy: phyto and pearl baths, underwater and whirlpool foot massages, circular showers, etc. - help to improve the functioning of the child's muscles. In the pool, children from the age of five are prescribed hydrokinesitherapy.
In this treatment and prophylacticThe institution also conducts socio-psychological rehabilitation. The psychologist conducts classes both group and individual.
The sanatorium is located at: Kaluga, st. Kaluga Bor, 3. You can get to it by buses No. 31, 32, 22, 20. You need to get off at the Kaluga Bor stop. From the Kievsky railway station in Moscow to Kaluga can be reached by train. Travel time is three and a half hours. You can arrange a free transfer to the Kaluga Bor sanatorium in advance.
Many parents say that after treatment, their children have a positive trend. Patients come here from all regions of our vast country. Of course, in each specific case, the positive dynamics manifests itself in different ways, nevertheless, the majority believes that the sanatorium helped them. Most vacationers in the he alth resort "Kaluga Bor" speak positively about him. They liked everything, including the food. Moreover, many mothers note that their children have recovered in the sanatorium. Excellent nutrition, quality procedures, qualified staff work - all this helps to alleviate the condition of children suffering from cerebral palsy.
As for the territory, there are no complaints at all. Wonderful clean air, pine forest, many playgrounds for children - in the reviews, parents especially note the excellent conditions for recreation and leisure.
Some point out a very important circumstance: nannies and teachers treat children not as sick, but as their own. This is very important, according to those mothers whose children suffer from an illness.
There is some dissatisfaction with the fact that it is very difficult to get into double rooms. Parents believe that it is very difficult to establish a routine for a sick child in eight-bed rooms, since it is always noisy and crowded. Another drawback, judging by the reviews, is the lack of a toilet and shower in each of the rooms.
Nevertheless, most vacationers liked the Kaluga Bor sanatorium very much. They note a wide variety of procedures that help their children, the professionalism of medical staff, the attention and care of educators. Separately, it is noted that in the sanatorium you do not have to pay for anything. Many parents believe that they should come here at least once every two years.