Immunomodulating agent "Wobenzym": reviews, instructions for use and composition

Immunomodulating agent "Wobenzym": reviews, instructions for use and composition
Immunomodulating agent "Wobenzym": reviews, instructions for use and composition

Each serious disease that affects the life-support organs and negatively affects the patient's well-being requires urgent treatment with special drugs designed for a particular type of ailment. In some cases, specialists may prescribe an immunomodulatory drug with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects - Wobenzym. According to doctors, this remedy effectively fights serious infectious diseases, having a beneficial effect on the affected organs.

What is it? This article will describe detailed instructions for the use of Wobenzym. Reviews, analogues, price will also be considered.

Briefly about the drug

According to reviews and instructions for use, "Wobenzym" is a combined remedy based on highly active enzymes (or enzymes) of animal and vegetable origin. Thus, it is a natural remedy that has a strong effect on the human body.

How is this drug produced?

Fund release form

The drug is a round red tablets, enteric-coated. This is what the instructions for use say. According to reviews, Wobenzym tablets have a characteristic, slightly unpleasant odor. However, this, as they say, is not for everybody.

Wobenzym drug
Wobenzym drug

Key leaving drug

Before we talk about the practical benefits of the drug, let's find out what is included in its composition. This information is fully contained in the instructions for use of Wobenzym. Price, reviews and analogues will be presented below.

So, one tablet of the immunomodulator contains one hundred milligrams of pancreatin, eighteen milligrams of papain, fifty milligrams of rutoside trihydrate, as well as 45 milligrams of bromelain, twelve milligrams of trypsin, ten milligrams of lipase and amylase, 0.75 milligrams of chymotrypsin.

Auxiliary components

Additional substances are lactose monohydrate (about 150 milligrams), gelatinized starch (a little more than 31 milligrams), magnesium stearate and stearic acid (six milligrams each), silicon dioxide (three milligrams) and talc (1, 5 milligram).

The composition of the soluble shell includes sodium rauryl sulfate, macrogol, triethyl citrate, talc, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, glycerol, dyes and others.

What are the enzymes that are part of the tablets? These substances are extracts from exotic plants (papaya and pineapple), as well as from the pancreas.glands of some animals. This information is confirmed by the instructions for the use of Wobenzym. Price, reviews, analogues of the drug will be indicated below.

How does a drug work when it enters the human body?

Pharmacological possibilities

How is the action of enzymes in the body described? Through the intestines, these substances enter the bloodstream and combine with blood proteins called transport proteins. Migrating through the vessels and concentrating in the zone of pathological effects, enzymes stimulate the body's defense cells, prompting them to act. This increases antitumor and antimicrobial immunity. Also, the active components have a normalizing effect on the walls of blood vessels, due to which swelling decreases and hematomas resolve. Enzymes can have a beneficial effect on blood components. For example, they regulate cell adhesion, prevent platelet aggregation, regulate erythrocyte plasticity, normalize blood viscosity, and so on.

blood vessel
blood vessel

Also, the drug has a positive effect on metabolism and cholesterol levels, accelerates the production of interferons and increases the concentration of antibacterial substances.

For more details on the effect of the drug on the human body, see the instructions for the Wobenzym tablets. Price, reviews and analogues of the drug will be described below.

For what ailments is this potent immunomodulating agent prescribed?

Diseases and their cure

For what ailments is it recommendeddrug use? According to reviews, the use of "Wobenzym" is possible with such serious pathologies as:

  • Thrombophlebitis of various etiologies (including superficial veins in the acute phase).
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries (or vessels) of the lower extremities.
  • Lymphedema.
  • Prostatitis, cystitis.
  • Genital infections.
  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Bronchitis, sinusitis.
  • Angina.
  • Some stages of myocardial infarction.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Thyroiditis of autoimmune etiology.
  • Diabetic angiopathy, retinopathy.
  • Rheumatoid and reactive arthritis.
  • Skin rashes (atopic dermatitis, acne).
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Ophthalmic pathologies (hemophthalmos, retinopathy, uveitis).
  • Postoperative complications (adhesions, suppuration, thrombosis, post-traumatic and lymphatic edema).
  • Burns.
  • Various injuries, fractures, bruises.

According to reviews, "Wobenzym" in gynecology is used quite often. First of all, for the treatment of genital infections, gestosis, mastopathy, as well as for hormone therapy to relieve side effects from taking hormones.

abdominal pain
abdominal pain

In the cases listed above, Wobenzym may be prescribed. This confirms the instructions and reviews of the tablets. The price of the drug is of interest to many.

In addition, the drug is prescribed as a prophylaxis for such ailments as:

  • Oncology. To alleviate the conditionchemotherapy, irradiation of the patient.
  • Any surgical intervention.
  • Reduce side effects of hormone replacement therapy.

This information is reflected in the instructions for Wobenzym. Reviews, analogues, price - all this is important information, which is also useful to read.

How should I take the drug to achieve the desired result?

General recommendations for use

Pills should be taken orally, without chewing them, with a glass of water. It is advisable to take the drug half an hour before meals.

The drug is actively prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women and young patients. This confirms the instructions and reviews. The price of Wobenzym is quite high.

Only the attending physician has the right to recommend the drug and prescribe its dosage. However, the annotation to the immunomodulating agent contains general recommendations for its use. It all depends on the patient's age, disease and related indications.

How to take adult patients

The recommended dose is about three to ten tablets three times a day. As can be seen from the prescriptions of the attending physicians, the amount of the drug will be influenced, first of all, by the degree of the disease.

The average severity of the disease involves taking five or seven tablets three times a day for fourteen days. Then for the next two weeks, Wobenzym is already taken three to five tablets three times a day.

With the maximum severity of the disease, the drug is prescribed seven or even ten tablets at a time three times a The duration of admission is also slightly increased - two to three weeks. Then the dosage is reduced to five tablets three times a day. The duration of this course is two to three months.

If the disease is chronic, then the remedy can be taken for six months, depending on the severity of the disease.

In the case when "Wobenzym" is prescribed while taking antibiotics (to enhance their action and prevent dysbacteriosis), the drug is prescribed five tablets three times a day, while a course of antibiotic therapy is being carried out. Then the remedy is used for another two weeks, but already three tablets at a time (three times a day).

With chemotherapy and radiation, a cancer patient is prescribed Wobenzym five tablets three times a day throughout the course.

In order to prevent the drug is prescribed three tablets three times a day for a month and a half. Then the course is recommended to be repeated two or three times a year.

take pills
take pills

For the treatment of little patients

Children over five years old "Wobenzym" is prescribed according to this calculation: one tablet per six kilograms of body weight. This is the daily dose to be divided into two or three doses.

If the child is over twelve years old, then the drug is prescribed to him according to the recommendations for adults.

Are there any contraindications to the use of this drug? Of course, and this will be discussed below.

When not to take

As mentioned above, the drug can be used by pregnant womenwomen, as well as lactating and young children. However, children under five years of age are a strict contraindication to the use of Wobenzym.

Moreover, the drug should not be taken by people who are likely to open bleeding, which may be the result of diseases such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia and others.

Hemodialysis is also a contraindication for Wobenzym.

And of course, do not forget about the individual intolerance of any components of the drug, which can provoke unwanted allergic reactions. In this case, the use of immunomodulatory pills is better to stop.

Special recommendations for use

Is it acceptable to take the drug together with other medicines? Yes, cases of incompatibility of the active components of Wobenzym and other drugs have not been recorded. In addition, you need to know that the agent of interest to us can enhance the effect of antibiotics, but you need to understand that it is not a replacement for them.

Also, when taking Wobenzym, it should be borne in mind that at first it can exacerbate the symptoms of certain diseases. In this case, the deterioration in well-being is temporary and cannot be the reason for discontinuing the drug. However, in this case, it is necessary to reduce the number of tablets taken at a time.

When using the drug for medicinal purposes, you need to know that it is by no means doping and does not have any effect on concentration. Therefore, patients taking Wobenzym mayduring the treatment period, drive a vehicle and carry out work that implies speed of reaction and emotional concentration.

man driving
man driving

Is it possible to overdose the drug? And if so, how does it manifest itself? According to the annotation to the drug, the manufacturers have not recorded a case of an overdose of the drug. And yet, the use of Wobenzym strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist will help to avoid unnecessary worries and negative reactions.

Possible side effects

Can the drug cause negative reactions in the body? Very rarely there are cases when taking "Wobenzym" was accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. However, they can sometimes occur as a skin rash or mild discomfort.

Storage recommendations

According to the annotation to the drug, the drug must be stored for two years from the date of production. Storage conditions are quite simple - in a dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of no more than 25 and no less than fifteen degrees Celsius.


The price of a drug, no matter how wonderful and effective it may be, is one of the important factors when deciding whether to purchase it. How much does Wobenzym cost? According to pharmacy price lists, the price of an immunomodulating agent varies between 1,500 and 2,000 rubles. The price is for a pack of two hundred tablets.

Negative consumer reviews

What negative things do patients say when taking Wobenzym? First, it scares a lot of people.this is the number of tablets that must be taken at a time according to the annotation to the drug and the recommendations of the attending physician.

Also, many of our compatriots note that the drug is quite expensive. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, a package of two hundred tablets worth almost two thousand rubles can last only ten days.

drug purchase
drug purchase

This is what can be called the most common negative statements in the direction of the drug. Less commonly, patients complain that Wobenzym did not have any clinical effect on the human body, that is, it turned out to be completely useless for his illness. It is difficult to judge how correct such statements are, since all people are different, respectively, and we all have different methods of treatment. The knowledge that something helps someone that did not work for another is not new to modern society. Therefore, it cannot be argued that a drug is ineffective just because it did not suit a particular individual.

The same principle applies to side effects. You can find reviews that “Wobenzym” not only did not cure, but also harmed, provoking certain unwanted and painful symptoms in the form of a rash, weakness, headaches, and so on.

Real Positive Feedback

Many patients are satisfied with the effect achieved by taking the drug for women's diseases. According to the reviews "Wobenzym" in gynecology is used quite often. Many satisfied women note that the drug helped them forget what thrush is,cervicitis and other similar ailments.

Also, a lot of positive feedback can be heard about the use of the drug during the treatment of oncology. "Wobenzym" not only alleviates unpleasant and painful symptoms, but also improves the general well-being of patients, gives strength and vigor.

It is also important that the drug can be used almost without fear for the treatment of children, pregnant women and elderly patients. This is due to the fact that the product is based on natural ingredients.

However, for some reason, patients may not be suitable for Wobenzym. What to do in this case?

Drug substitutes

The attending physician may recommend the use of analogues of this immunomodulatory agent. And although “Wobenzym” does not have one hundred percent analogues (according to the composition and spectrum of action), nevertheless, many drugs can be considered its substitutes, given the effect they have on the human body. Which ones are the most common?

woman in pharmacy
woman in pharmacy

Below is a list of drugs with their detailed description:

  • “Longidaza”. The agent is presented in the form of a solution for injection and rectal suppositories. It is prescribed during an exacerbation of gynecological diseases, as well as for the treatment of infertility, tuberculosis, cystitis, arthrosis, alveolitis. Contraindications are such ailments as oncology, bleeding, kidney failure, as well as the age of up to eighteen years.
  • “Evenzim”. The basis of the drug is a complex of plant and animalenzymes that contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation.
  • “Immunal”. This drug based on herbal ingredients is available in the form of drops (for the treatment of babies up to a year old) and tablets. It is used to treat viral and infectious diseases, and is also a good prevention of such diseases. The drug should not be used by people suffering from tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, leukemia, disorders of the spinal cord and brain, HIV-infected.
  • “Tonsilgon”. Means, which includes extracts from medicinal herbs. It is prescribed to strengthen the immune system, and can be used for respiratory infections, antibiotic therapy, chronic and acute respiratory diseases. Contraindications of the drug are violations in the work of the kidneys, as well as alcohol dependence. Even infants can be prescribed the drug in the form of drops (five drops five or six times a day). Older children can take ten drops five to six times a day. Schoolchildren and adults are most often prescribed Tonsilgon in the form of dragees (one and two, respectively). The reception mode is the same - five or six times a day.
  • “Ginseng”. Another effective remedy for stimulating the immune system. Available in the form of tincture and capsules. The recommended dosage is one to two tablets or 25 drops per day. Extracts from ginseng not only strengthen the immune system, but also increase the body's resistance to infection. It is considered one of the cheapest drugs of this spectrum of action. The use of tincture by pregnant women is strictly contraindicated.
  • “Echinacea”. Also an inexpensive remedy that stimulates the immune system. Indicated for use in the treatment of young patients from the year.

As you can see, there are many analogues of Wobenzym, but none of them is a 100% substitute for the drug. Therefore, the decision to interrupt treatment and prescribe another medication should be made only by the attending physician on the basis of objective data and the stage of the disease.

A few words in conclusion

So, we have analyzed the detailed instructions of "Wobenzym". Reviews, price, analogues were also indicated. As you can see, it’s better not to experiment and save on your he alth.

According to reviews, Wobenzym tablets are a potent immunomodulatory agent prescribed for serious ailments. Despite the fact that it is not always convenient to take it, nevertheless, the results that are achieved with its help are worth the money spent and possible inconvenience.

Of course, the remedy is not effective in every case. Since every patient is different, it may cause some side effects and may even appear to be a useless drug, but there are still more positive responses than negative ones.

"Wobenzym" is often used in gynecology and the treatment of infectious diseases. This is a drug that contains natural, and therefore practically safe components. It can be taken by expectant and nursing mothers, elderly people suffering from renal and hepaticunworthy.

And yet it is up to you to decide whether to buy Wobenzym or not. Of course, the reviews of those who have tried the drug on themselves can help a lot. However, do not rely in everything on someone else's, subjective judgment. Independently and carefully study the instructions for use of the drug. Listen to the recommendations of your doctor and ask him questions that interest you. Listen to your body. Buy a small number of pills and try to take them as prescribed by a specialist. Only in this case, you will be able to determine whether it is necessary to continue treatment with Wobenzym, whether it is good for you or not.

Good he alth to you!
