Immunomodulating balm "Altai bouquet" is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to its composition, which includes vegetable raw materials that grow in the environmentally friendly Altai Mountains. It is able to fight all kinds of infections by strengthening the immune system.

Reviews of the balm "Altai Bouquet" confirm its effectiveness, as the composition of the drug includes herbs, the action of which has a positive effect on the body. They are well studied. Balms are usually called tinctures, consisting of various components. It can be herbs, essential oils.
Also, animal additives are added to some species, for example: deer antlers, bee waste products (honey, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly). Depending on the purpose, balms have a specially selected composition. It implies the entry of alcohol with a strength of at least 40 degrees.
Balmimmunomodulatory "Altai bouquet", like the entire range of this manufacturer, does not contain alcohol. Instead, a preservative is used - calcium sorbate, which is used in the cuisines of Southeast Asia. Manufacturers considered it safer than alcohol, since it is necessary to use the balm regularly, which can lead to addiction to alcohol.

Reasons for reduced immunity
Manufacturers of the immunomodulating balm "Altai Bouquet", taking into account the factors that reduce immunity, have developed a unique composition, which includes Altai herbs and chaga birch fungus. No less significant is the proportional ratio of components, which leads to positive results when using this drug. What factors contribute to the weakening of human immunity?
- The environmental situation in many regions of Russia is far from ideal. First of all, this is the result of the actions of large industrial and mining enterprises. These are technological emissions into the atmosphere, the discharge of production waste and human waste products into rivers, giant garbage dumps, and burial sites of toxic and radioactive substances.
- Great crowding of people in cities leads to the rapid spread of various infections and diseases.
- Stress, nervous strain, poor working and living conditions, which in most cases do not meet sanitary standards.
- Substandard food.
The problem of lowering immunity isvery acute, as it leads to various kinds of diseases. Manufacturers claim that taking the Altai Bouquet immunomodulatory balm will keep your immunity in good condition and will be able to fight infections and stress.

Composition of the balm
It's probably impossible to call it something special, since it includes well-known herbs and plant components that have been tested by life. But the fact that they grow in the Altai Mountains, in unique environmentally friendly conditions, speaks volumes. Let's name the components that are contained in the immunomodulatory balm "Altai bouquet". These are St.
The majority of Russians are well aware of them. Recall once again that all of them are included in the remedy in certain proportions, which provide the maximum benefit of the components for the body. Thus, the Altai Bouquet balsam, whose immunomodulatory composition includes plants unique in their properties, has all their positive qualities.
St. John's wort
The healing power of this plant is well known and has long been used in folk medicine. The components contained in St. John's wort allow it to be used for many diseases. It is popularly known as a wound-healing and pain-relieving plant. It is also a good antiseptic, shown as an antirheumatic, choleretic, diuretic, astringent and antihelminthic. He was also found to have a regenerative property, that is,the ability to restore tissue at the cellular level.
Meadow geranium
This plant is used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, astringent, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory plant. An important property of meadow geranium is a calming effect on stress, insomnia, epilepsy. When using this plant, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, since at a normal dose it has a tonic effect on the nervous system, at a large dose it depresses.

Kopechnik (red root)
In folk medicine, the red root is used to treat the genitourinary system, impotence, and cancer. Helps improve blood circulation, metabolism, restores strength after heavy physical exertion. It is a good natural antioxidant used in immunomodulating agents. The plant is used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, neurological diseases.
This is a well-known plant. Preparations made on its basis can be seen in pharmacies. These are expectorants, antipyretics. It is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, licorice cleanses the body of toxins, has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes metabolism, serves as a means to increase immunity in adults and children.
About rose hips, rich in vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, rutin, carotene, trace elements and other substances that have a positiveeffect on the body, a person has long been known. In terms of the number of useful components, it can only be compared with blackcurrant. Rosehip is actively used in cardiology to strengthen the heart muscle, reduce blood pressure.
Birch chaga mushroom
Healers in Russia were well aware of the beneficial properties of this mushroom. The fungus grows on a birch tree and feeds on its sap. It is used in oncological diseases, as it stops tumor growth, improves immunity, normalizes metabolism, and helps in the treatment of many diseases.

Use and contraindications
Balm is used as an additional source of vitamin C, to strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism. Applies to one article. spoon 3 times a day. Washed down with any drink: tea, coffee, water. The full course of application lasts for 2 months. A possible intolerance to the substances that are included in the balm can serve as a contraindication.