In the article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for the Detralex preparation.
Many people have foot problems with age. This, in particular, applies to the condition of the veins. Among the drugs that can successfully treat many pathologies caused by circulatory defects, primarily in the lower extremities, is Detralex. Reviews about it abound.

The drug is one of the angioprotective and venotonic drugs. This means that it helps to restore the disturbed activity of the veins, lowers the permeability of the vascular walls, and increases tone. Thanks to these features, Detralex is successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
Detralex contains five natural flavonoid components. The main component is diosmin. These substanceshave a tonic effect on the veins. They reduce their extensibility, improve drainage, reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, strengthen the ability of capillaries to maintain integrity during mechanical action, and reduce the possibility of congestion.
In addition, "Detralex" helps to reduce the interaction between the endothelium and leukocytes, reduces leukocyte adhesion. This helps to reduce the negative impact of inflammatory mediators on venous valves and vascular walls. As a result, the condition of the veins normalizes, or varicose veins develop, which is characterized by increased fatigue of the lower extremities and swelling, slows down. Feedback on the use of Detralex confirms this.
In addition, the drug is used for hemorrhoids. This disease, caused by defects in the tone of the veins of the anus, causes patients a lot of trouble, no less than varicose veins. However, in case of hemorrhoids, treatment with the drug should be combined with the use of creams and suppositories, and a therapeutic diet.
By the way, in the treatment of pathologies of the veins of the legs, it is also necessary to resort to additional methods - to wear special shoes that improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, tights, socks and stockings that massage the legs. You should also limit the direct rays of the sun on the surface of the epidermis with diseased veins, do not allow yourself heavy physical exertion when the legs are very tired and tense. Those who have continuous sedentary work, for example, in the office, need to take breaks.

It is also necessary to exclude bad habits - drinking and smoking.
Issue form
Detralex is produced only in the form of film-coated tablets. Other forms of release - for example, ointments or suppositories - do not exist. Tablets can have two dosages - 1 or 0.5 grams. In a tablet with a dosage of 500 mg, diosmin accounts for 450 mg, the remaining flavonoids - 50 mg (with hesperidin conversion). Packages are produced in which there are 30, 15 and 60 tablets. In addition, the tablets contain excipients such as water, sodium laurisulfate, talc, iron oxide, microcellulose, glycerol, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, gelatin, macrogol, titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate.
There is no mention of Detralex candles in the instructions for use. The price and reviews for the commercially available release form will be presented below.
The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoria Servier, in Russia it is produced under license by the Serdix organization. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.
Not listed in the instructions for use and Detralex forte.

According to reviews, the price of commercially available tablets is somewhat overpriced. It varies depending on their number in a pack and dosage. The average cost of a package with 30 tablets of 0.5 grams is 700 rubles. For 60 tablets with a dose of 1 gram - 2500 rubles.
Consider the price reviews below. OintmentDetralex is also not mentioned in the instructions for use.
Store the drug for four years, the place should be inaccessible to children.
Indications for use
The drug "Detralex" has a wide scope of use. Indications for the use of the drug are divided into several main types, including:
- symptomatic therapy for chronic venous insufficiency;
- symptomatic treatment of chronic or acute hemorrhoids;
- preparation for surgical procedures in chronic venous insufficiency and recovery in the period after surgery;
- hemorrhoid surgery recovery
Drug Benefits
The drug can be used both as an independent remedy and as an integral component of complex treatment. Its advantages include the possibility of use at any age, even for the treatment of elderly patients.
Studies have shown that Detralex is highly effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, and moderately effective in the treatment of lymphatic edema. There are numerous reviews of this.
Instruction "Detralex"
The optimal ratio of dosage and effect is ensured if one gram of the active substance is taken during the day.

For pathologies of the lower extremities, the usual dose is two 500 mg tablets a day. In some cases, two tablets are prescribed twice a day forfirst week. Most often they are taken with meals, in the evening and in the morning. Tablets should be swallowed and not chewed. The treatment course is prescribed by a specialist, however, as a rule, it lasts at least a month. The maximum allowable course duration is one year.
If symptoms of the disease occur after discontinuation of the drug, the doctor has the right to prescribe an additional course to the patient.
For hemorrhoids
If a person has acute hemorrhoids, the pills are drunk for no more than one week. But its dosage in such a situation is greater. You should drink six tablets a day - three in the morning and three in the evening. A similar scheme must be followed for four days. The remaining three days, drink less - two tablets in the morning and evening. If necessary, the treatment course is extended, but this requires the permission of a specialist. But this is usually not required, since the effect is noticeable after a few days.

Usually, for chronic hemorrhoids, the following scheme is followed - twice a day, two tablets for a week, after which the dosage is reduced to two tablets a day at a time. The duration of the course can be equal to 2-3 months.
Reviews on the use of "Detralex" and the price should be read in advance.
The drug has a small number of contraindications. First of all, it is intolerance to the constituent substances of the drug. In addition, it should not be taken by children under the age of majority.
"Detralex" is not recommended for use whenopen trophic ulcers and defects in blood clotting.
It is undesirable to combine treatment with the drug with the use of alcoholic beverages, as they reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In addition, when they are taken at the same time, the likelihood of side effects increases.
Side effects
According to reviews of Detralex, the drug has few side effects. There may be discomfort in the stomach and intestines - vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea and dyspepsia. In addition, there may be changes in blood pressure, general malaise, headaches and dizziness. Skin reactions - urticaria and rash are also not excluded. Angioedema is very rare.

The drug does not affect the reaction rate, that is, it can be used by people who operate complex mechanisms or vehicles.
Currently, there is no information about the negative interaction of "Detralex" with other drugs.
If an overdose occurs, side effects can be severe. Its treatment is symptomatic - the use of enterosorbents, as well as gastric lavage.
If an operation was performed on hemorrhoids, then the drug is taken in a tablet twice a day. In this case, the medicine is combined with other medical methods, such as diet, the use of creams and suppositories, rubbing the skin around wounds with petroleum jelly.
Existing analogues
The pharmaceutical industry offers many generics andpreparations containing any of the active substances. All have differences in cost, and in some cases - in the composition.
Detralex has absolute analogues - Russian Venozol and Venarus. The first drug has dosage forms such as gel and cream. The composition of these funds also contains hesperidin and diosmin. "Venarus" costs from 500 to 1500 rubles, depending on its dose. Cream "Venozol" can be purchased by any category of patients, as it costs about 150 rubles.
The German analogue "Vakoset" and the phrase "Phlebodia" contain one active ingredient - diosmin. One tablet has a dosage of 600 mg.
Analogues of the drug are also Antistax, Troxevasin, Ginkor Fort and Troxerutin. They have an identical purpose - venotonic and angioprotective action, but they contain other active components.

Reviews about "Detralex"
Doctors and patients often respond positively to the drug.
The remedy is used to treat thrombophlebitis, and people were pleased with its high efficiency. It is well tolerated by the body, but this requires adherence to medical recommendations.
In a short time, "Detralex", according to reviews, copes with aching pains in the lower extremities, eliminates swelling. In chronic diseases, it is used in courses. Although there is a rather high cost, the result justifies such costs.
"Detralex" is taken as a supportive remedy for pathologieslegs. Thanks to him, the pain recedes. The effect persists even between courses.
The undoubted advantages are efficiency, the possibility of use during pregnancy, the absence of serious negative effects. The disadvantages include the need for long-term use and high cost.
We reviewed the instructions, price and reviews for the Detralex medication.