The drug "Teturam" - reviews of those who took it without the knowledge of the patient, instructions for use and composition

The drug "Teturam" - reviews of those who took it without the knowledge of the patient, instructions for use and composition
The drug "Teturam" - reviews of those who took it without the knowledge of the patient, instructions for use and composition

"Teturam" is essentially a drug that is intended for the treatment of alcohol dependence. The action of this remedy is based on provoking extremely unpleasant sensations in a person that appear when drinking alcohol at the same time as taking the drug, due to which a negative conditioned reflex is produced, as well as rejection of drinks containing alcohol. It is used as a long-term therapy for chronic alcoholism, as well as for the prevention of relapses (that is, binges) in people who themselves have stopped drinking.

teturam reviews of those who took without the knowledge of the patient
teturam reviews of those who took without the knowledge of the patient

Reviews of patients who took Teturam without knowledge are given in this article.

Issue Forms

At the moment, the drug is produced in only one form - in the form of tablets. But there are differencestablets in that the active ingredient is contained in them in different dosages, since some tablets need to be taken orally, while others will be needed for implantation into the muscle or subcutaneous fat layer (in another way it is called “filing”).

All tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, color - white or white with a yellow-greenish tint. If the tablets have a lower dosage, then on one of their sides there is a chamfer, that is, beveled edges. At a higher dosage, they are supplied with a risk, that is, a line drawn along the diameter. Available in packs of thirty or fifty tablets.


According to the instructions for use, disulfiram is included as an active ingredient in Teturam in various dosages. For example, tablets intended for implantation (that is, for "filing") include one hundred milligrams of disulfiram. In tablets for internal use, its amount is equal to one hundred and fifty or two hundred and fifty milligrams of the active substance. Reviews about the drug "Teturam" abound.

teturam testimonials taken from alcoholism
teturam testimonials taken from alcoholism

The content of auxiliary elements may differ depending on the manufacturer, because each pharmaceutical company has the right to choose the most affordable and well-matched chemicals, for which there is all the required production capacity. That is why, to clarify the composition, you need to refer to the instructions, which are always found in the packaging with the tablets. But inIn most cases, in the form of auxiliary elements, many pharmaceutical companies include in Teturam substances such as:

  • potato starch;
  • aerosil - A300;
  • stearic acid;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone, or povidone;

In addition, instead of the above substances, lactose monohydrate, macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium can be used as auxiliary elements.

Reviews of those taking "Teturam" without the knowledge of patients will be considered below.

is it possible to give teturam without the knowledge of the patient
is it possible to give teturam without the knowledge of the patient

Indications for use

Pills are intended for use both as a means of combating chronic alcoholism, and as a preventive measure that prevents relapses (breakdowns, binges) in the course of treatment.

"Filing" or tablets for implantation are recommended to be used as a therapeutic, detoxifying (that is, anti-poison) agent.

Reviews of patients who took Teturam without knowledge are of interest to many.

How to take the remedy?

In general, the treatment regimen for alcoholism through the use of "Teturam" includes steps such as:

  1. Taking "Teturam" in the dosages prescribed by the doctor in order to accumulate it in the body in a rather high concentration in the blood, which can provoke bad sensations in response to taking alcoholic beverages.
  2. At this stage, teturam-alcohol tests are made, consisting in the use of alcoholic beverages (mainly vodka),after using "Teturam" in a high dosage, which is from one and a half to two times higher than usual. Teturam-alcohol tests are made only under the supervision of a doctor with a time interval between them from one to five days. This test has as its goal the provocation of unpleasant sensations that appear in a person after drinking alcohol, which means that a person develops an aversion to alcohol. Is it possible to give "Teturam" without the knowledge of the patient? This is a frequently asked question.
  3. At the third stage, after teturam-alcohol tests, the drug should be taken in a small maintenance dosage (one hundred and fifty milligrams per day) for a long time (up to three years), which is necessary to completely get rid of alcoholism. Reviews of those who took Teturam confirm this.
teturam reviews host instruction
teturam reviews host instruction

What is the main principle?

The principle of use in brief is as follows: in order to accumulate the desired concentration of the active ingredient, the drug is taken for seven to ten days, and then teturam-alcohol tests are carried out at intervals of several days. This is done in order to form the patient's aversion to alcoholic beverages. Then the person must be transferred to the use of the drug in small doses of a maintenance nature. Thus, the main therapeutic effect is teturam-alcohol tests, due to which the development of aversion to alcohol occurs. Dosages of the drug should be selected by the doctor individually.on examination, taking into account the condition of the person and the characteristics of his body. Some people ask about how to slip Teturam to a drinking person without noticing.

With the development of acute alcohol poisoning against the background of a teturam-alcohol test, if there is a sharp deterioration in he alth (there are symptoms of headache with throbbing and bursting, difficulty breathing, agitation, convulsions, etc.), urgent medical care is required. In this situation, a solution of 1% methylene blue 20 ml is necessarily injected intravenously, subcutaneously - "Cordiamin" and "Camphor", and intramuscularly - drugs such as "Cititon", "Ephedrine", "Strychnine". After the injections of these agents are completed, oxygen is inhaled. As an additional agent, a solution of ascorbic acid and glucose is administered.

Pain in the heart is treated with "Nitroglycerin", excessively low blood pressure (below 70/50) - with "Mezaton" or "Ephedrine". With a strong inhibition of cardiac activity, a dropper is placed and "Strophanthin" is administered, diluted in a physiological solution of 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution. With convulsions, in order to stop them, 10 ml of 25% magnesium is prescribed intramuscularly. If there is no effect, convulsions are stopped with an enema with chloral hydrate or intravenous administration of "Sibazon".

how to pour teturam to a drinking person imperceptibly
how to pour teturam to a drinking person imperceptibly

No sampling

Besides the standard three-step Teturam, there is a faster onean option suitable for alcoholics who independently decided to end their addiction once and for all. It consists in the fact that for twenty days the patient takes pills without conducting teturam-alcohol tests. Thanks to the drug, cravings for alcohol are reduced, and this method is suitable for a person who has firmly decided to stop drinking. Over the course of three weeks, his desire gradually decreases, and soon he can control it without breaking into a binge. According to the reviews of those who took Teturam, the instructions are very detailed and understandable.


If you follow this method, then you need to take pills in this way: in the first ten days - one hundred and fifty milligrams three times a day, in the next ten days - twice a day in the same amount. Then you need to stop taking them and conduct a second course if necessary, if the person feels a renewed craving for alcohol.

review of teturam tablets
review of teturam tablets

Since the drug provokes not the most pleasant sensations from drinking alcohol and can cause severe poisoning, treatment should be carried out only if the person agreed to it.

Reviews of those who took "Teturam" without the knowledge of patients

The drug should not be given to a person without his knowledge, because in no way can it be combined with alcohol. This means that when a person receives "Teturam" secretly, he will feel how incompatibility symptoms begin to develop, capable ofalcohol (more than one hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka, for example) lead to his death. That is why it is impossible to give the remedy to the patient in this way. He must know everything and understand what danger he will expose himself to if he suddenly decides to drink alcohol while taking the drug.

There are reviews about Teturam tablets of those people to whom they were offered under the guise of vitamins or secretly added to food by relatives (most often wives). Not knowing about it, they drank a small amount of alcohol and felt how their blood pressure jumped sharply, their pulse quickened. As a result, an ambulance had to be called.

reviews about the drug teturam
reviews about the drug teturam

Dangerous Consequences

If you take at least one random sip of alcohol while taking pills, then in this case you need to be prepared for dangerous consequences. Just the same, they are the very factor that restrains the desire to consume strong drinks, which means that if their intake is violated, it will not be possible to completely get rid of alcohol dependence. The worst thing is the inability to calculate the consequences, ignorance of the physical and mental resources of the body. The outcome can be anything - up to death.

As you can see, it is extremely dangerous to give "Teturam" to patients without their knowledge.
