What are the symptoms of coronavirus in humans?

What are the symptoms of coronavirus in humans?
What are the symptoms of coronavirus in humans?

Before describing the symptoms of coronavirus in humans, it should be explained what it is in general. This disease is caused by a virus entering the upper respiratory tract. It is characterized by a slight intoxication. Coronaviruses are a whole family that includes all RNA-containing pleomorphic viruses. Their diameter can be both small (80 nm) and quite large (220 nm). The villi on the shell of coronaviruses are located more rarely than, for example, in influenza viruses. Reproduction occurs in the cytoplasm of infected cells. Coronavirus in humans, as already noted, mainly affects the throat. In younger patients, the bronchi and lungs may also be involved.

coronavirus symptoms in humans
coronavirus symptoms in humans


The symptoms of coronavirus in humans are considered strictly individual. In general, the course of the disease resembles the course of any catarrhal disease: acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchitis. Among the most common signs, doctors call a sore throat, aggravated by swallowing, cough, headache, fatigue, high fever. The incubation period usually lasts several days. Most patients have rhinitis. Full recovery takesabout seven days. Symptoms of coronavirus in humans may include damage to the lower respiratory tract: in this case, the patient may complain of chest pain, burning sensation, wheezing, severe paroxysmal cough. It should be noted that in children the disease is more severe than in adults: the larynx is usually inflamed, the lymph nodes are enlarged. Sometimes the clinical picture resembles acute gastroenteritis: this indicates that the virus has affected the stomach and intestines.

coronavirus in humans
coronavirus in humans


The symptoms of coronavirus in humans often make it difficult to diagnose. Therefore, differential and laboratory diagnostics are usually carried out. The latter allows you to detect the pathogen in the mucus of the throat and nose. It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of SARS, ornithosis, legionellosis.

coronavirus in humans symptoms
coronavirus in humans symptoms


After a doctor detects a coronavirus in a person, the symptoms should be eliminated. However, do not forget about the main thing, that is, the destruction of the virus itself, which provoked the development of the disease. As you know, infection most often occurs by airborne droplets. Therefore, the patient must be isolated for some time. If your child is sick, take a week off from school. If you yourself have become infected, do not try to be heroic and go to work. Better take sick leave. As for the treatment, it can be described as standard: bed rest, antibiotics, inhalations, sparing diet. Under normal flowillness, you will be back on your feet in about a week. The prognosis is generally favorable, with only nine percent of patients dying (mainly from various complications).


In order not to catch the infection, try to avoid public transport and crowded places during epidemics. Use gauze bandages and respirators as needed.
