Today there is a computer in almost every home. It has become an integral part of the life of a modern person, which is used not only for entertainment, but also for work. However, in the process of working at a PC, a large load is created on the eyes. When reading small print, they have to be strongly strained, as a result of which, after a certain period of time, fatigue and muscle strain develop. As a rule, after a few hours of work, the visual organ begins to hurt and it is difficult for the user to focus. At the same time, many do not attach much importance to this problem, which is actually much more serious than it might seem at first glance. It is also impossible to be completely sure that the cause lies precisely in fatigue, and is not associated with any disease.
To keep working, everyone should have an idea of how to relieve eye strain after the computer. There are several proven methods that are highly effective,which will be discussed later in this article.
Asthenopia symptoms

Before we talk about how to quickly relieve eye strain, let's first understand the features of its manifestation. Fatigue of the visual organ in medicine is called "asthenopia". Like any other pathology, it is accompanied by certain clinical manifestations. The most problematic thing in this case is that this syndrome has similar symptoms with some ophthalmic diseases, so it is very difficult to distinguish them on your own. Typical signs of eye fatigue include:
- pressive pain;
- reddening of proteins;
- burning, cramping and itching;
- pain from bright light;
- dry eye syndrome;
- black dots or spots before the eyes;
- fatigue;
- nervousness;
- black eyes.
The presence of several of the above symptoms indicates fatigue. To get rid of it, you need to relieve tension from the eyes. The best option is to take a short break from work, for about 15-20 minutes, look out the window and do some simple exercises. You can learn more about the most effective ways below.
Main causes of fatigue

Today, quite a lot of people turn to specialists with eye problems. The most important thing- do not delay, otherwise the consequences may be very different. There are various ways to relieve eye strain at home, but the choice of a particular one depends on the factor behind it. Among the most common causes of asthenopia, physicians distinguish the following:
- work with a large amount of text;
- display backlight too bright;
- wrong posture when sitting at the computer;
- Wrong screen color scheme;
- strabismus;
- lazy eye syndrome;
- dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
- PC work without goggles;
- osteochondrosis;
- arterial hypertension;
- low indoor lighting;
- bad food;
- low humidity in the room;
- avitaminosis;
- too exhausting diets;
- consequences of taking certain medications;
- chronic elevated intraocular pressure;
- sleep disorder;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hormonal failure;
- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
- poor environmental situation in the region of residence;
- blepharoplasty.
This is just a small part of all the possible reasons behind asthenopia. As you can see, some of them are associated with various serious diseases. With them, it will be impossible to relieve eye strain on your own at home without consulting a doctor, since any pathologies require appropriate treatment. Therefore, whenif you have any vision problems, it is best to go to the hospital.
What to do?
Many people are interested in the question of how to relieve muscle eye strain. And this is not surprising, because today almost every person spends at least a few hours a day at the computer. According to qualified experts, there are many ways to relieve fatigue. However, it is best to try not to overload. It negatively affects the he alth of the eyes and can lead to the development of many serious diseases.
For comfortable work, it will be enough to take small breaks every hour for about 5-10 minutes. At the same time, it is better to refrain from using smartphones and other electronic gadgets. In addition, qualified doctors recommend periodically using drops that relieve tension from the eyes. Pharmacies offer a huge range of drugs, and they are also sold without a doctor's prescription, so there should be no problems with the purchase. Next, we will consider the best drugs in this group, which are highly effective and affordable.
Eye drops

They will be the best option when there is no free time, but you need to quickly relieve eye strain. What drops are best to use? The choice of medications is very wide, but when buying, you need to consider one important nuance. Such treatment refers to radical methods. This is due to the fact that itis aimed at relieving symptoms, and not at eliminating the very cause of the problem.
Among the best eye drops that relieve tension and fatigue are the following:
- Taufon;
- Ophtagel;
- Vizin;
- "Systane";
- Ocumethyl;
- "Torch";
- Riboflavin.
Any eye drops that relieve eye strain are very fast acting. The result of their use becomes noticeable after a few minutes after instillation. But it is not recommended to start using them without first consulting a doctor. All drugs belong to different groups with a certain effect. For example, some relieve fatigue, while others improve tearing or normalize blood circulation. Each specific case requires an individual approach.
If you do not want to use eye drops that relieve tension and fatigue, then there is another good option. There are several special exercises that effectively help with asthenopia. Here is one of the best:
- Switch your gaze from the monitor screen to the window and try to focus your vision on any object located in the distance. It can be anything. The main thing is that the subject is as far away as possible.
- After 10-15 seconds, focus on objects located in the room. For example, it could be a pen lying on the table at a distance of about 25 centimeters.
- This procedure is repeated several times until you feel better and your eyes are notsharpness will return. In conclusion, you need to blink quickly for a while. This stimulates the work of the lacrimal glands, which has a positive effect on the hydration of the cornea.

Some eye strain drops help strengthen and tone muscles. But the same effect can also be achieved with the help of some exercises. For example, you can close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to tighten your eyelids as much as possible, and then take a break for the same time. The cycle must be repeated 5 to 10 times. The following technique will also help to cope with severe eye fatigue:
- Inhale deeply and hold your breath for a short while, closing your eyes for 6-8 seconds. The muscles of the cervical region and the front of the head should be as tense as possible. As you exhale, open your eyes as wide as possible. To achieve a good result, several repetitions are necessary.
- Rotate your pupils trying to draw a horizontal figure eight 10 times. After that, do a similar number of exercises, but the figure should already emerge vertically. Blink continuously as you move to hydrate.
- Press the temples with your fingers. Calculate the force in such a way that you feel it, but do not experience pain. Blink for a while in this position, then relax the eye muscles, rest a little and do a few more sets.
Such exercises are not effective in their effectiveness.inferior to medications and will quickly relieve tension from the eyes. At the same time, this kind of gymnastics is safe for he alth, while drops are made on the basis of various chemicals that have not only a positive effect, but also a certain harm.
Alternative medicine
Many people who spend a lot of time at the computer every day are interested in how to relieve eye muscle tension using folk methods. There are many good recipes that can be used for asthenopia. Here are some of them:
- Finely chop fresh parsley leaves, wrap them in gauze and soak in boiling water for 30 seconds. After the compress has cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply it to your eyes for a quarter of an hour. Shredded potatoes can be used instead of greens.
- In case of excessive tension of the visual organs, ordinary tea is a universal remedy. For example, if you have tea bags left, you can warm them up a little and apply them on your eyes for 20 minutes.
- Dip cotton pads in warmed milk up to 40-45 degrees and apply for 30 minutes on closed eyelids. When the right time is over, the compress must be removed and be sure to wash with warm water.
- Wash a fresh cucumber, cut off a couple of circles and put them on your eyes for half an hour.
- Mix one teaspoon each of dried chamomile and lime flowers, cover with water and bring to a boil. Next, remove from heat, add 60 grams of honey, stir well and let it brew a little. receivedrub your eyelids every day before going to bed. Such procedures not only help to cope with fatigue, but also relieve inflammation, as well as normalize the circulation of lymph and tissue fluid in the eyeballs.
Now you know how you can relieve eye strain at home without the use of medications and doing gymnastic exercises. But be careful, because self-medication can be fraught with many serious consequences. To reduce the risk of their development, you must first consult with a qualified specialist.
Prevention of asthenopia

Above, it was discussed in detail how to relieve fatigue and eye strain. But doctors say that it is better not to allow this, since asthenopia very often leads to the development of many serious diseases. The following preventive measures will help reduce the risk of he alth problems:
- regular scheduled examinations by an ophthalmologist;
- wearing glasses or contact lenses when having vision problems;
- timely treatment of any eye pathologies;
- work at the computer in special protective glasses;
- minimum use of cosmetics;
- take eye cream seriously;
- quality good rest;
- proper nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals;
- observing the correct body position while reading;
- breaks during prolonged work at the computer or viewingTV.
The above activities will reduce eye strain and reduce the risk of developing many ophthalmic diseases. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to regularly perform them. This is especially important if, due to your professional activities, you sit at the computer for a long time or play a lot.
When to sound the alarm?

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, visual discomfort is not always associated with eye strain due to prolonged work at the PC. According to doctors, very often it leads to the development of many he alth problems. Among the most common are the following:
- nervousness;
- fatigue;
- deterioration of visual acuity;
- headaches.
In addition, the syndrome significantly increases the risk of some ophthalmic pathologies. The most commonly diagnosed are:
- myopia;
- hyperopia;
- glaucoma;
- deformation of the lens or cornea;
- cataract;
- inflammatory diseases of the eyes.
Any of the above pathologies not only negatively affects a person's daily life, but can also cause partial or complete blindness. Therefore, it is very important to know how to relieve eye strain.
General tips and tricks
If you cannot imagine your life without a computer, then at least you need to work properly for it. In order not to create a large load on the eyes and to avoidoverwork, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Position the light source at the back so that it does not hit your eyes.
- Use safety glasses and screens when working at the computer.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins and carotene, necessary for sharp vision.
- Adjust the backlight and contrast on your monitor.
- Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
- Keep at least 50 centimeters away from the screen.
- Take breaks between work to rest your eyes.
- When reading or typing, increase the font size. This will reduce the load on the organs of vision.
- Periodically wash your face with cold water and do gymnastic exercises for the eyes.
As medical statistics show, approximately 70 percent of people have vision problems. The tips and tricks listed above will help you avoid being one of them.

Sight is one of the most important human senses, so it should be treated very carefully. When sitting at a computer for a long time, you should take at least short breaks and perform various eye exercises aimed at relieving tension. And if you have any problems or suspicions of ophthalmic diseases, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help. Take care of your he alth in any situation! Never spare yourself time and money, otherwise it may be too late!