Discharge from the eyes is a protective reaction of the body. They vary in color and texture. Mucus in the eyes can be temporary or permanent. This should not be ignored, it is necessary to identify the cause of such a phenomenon, and then begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
Why is slime produced?
The causes of mucus in the eyes are different. It is usually associated with:
- with eye diseases;
- allergic to cosmetics, eye creams, food;
- strong strain on the organs of vision.

White mucus in the eyes is caused by excessive dust. It accumulates, and during sleep it is removed. Mucus in the eyes causes discomfort, but timely measures will quickly eliminate it.
Probable ailments
The nature of the mucus in the eyes can determine the disease of the eyes. If white discharge periodically occurs in the morning, but there are no symptoms of inflammation, then this is the norm. With the regular appearance of mucus and the presence of other complaints, there may be ophthalmic ailments:
- If white mucus is released from the eyes, then this may be a symptom of viral diseases. For example,This is what happens with viral conjunctivitis. Another white stretching mucus from the eyes is released after SARS. Also, there is redness of the mucous membrane and sclera, lacrimation, photophobia, swelling, cold symptoms. With a virus, first one visual organ is affected, and then the second.
- More mucus in the eyes appears with dry eye syndrome. There is dryness, fatigue of the visual organ. Appears after a long hard work at the computer or with small objects.
- Liquid discharge is considered a symptom of an allergy. Both eyes are usually affected. With this phenomenon, severe itching occurs. There is redness of the eyelids, swelling. When the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms subside.
- Liquid transparent secretions arise from dust, foreign bodies. This is a defensive reaction of the body. In this case, foreign particles must be removed mechanically.
- Yellow abundant discharge occurs with inflammation of the lacrimal sac - dacryocystitis. Mucus thick, profuse. It intensifies while massaging the affected area.
- The appearance of greenish or yellowish frothy discharge is associated with blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelid. With this disease, itching, peeling, swelling of the eyelids occurs. The discharge is sticky, occurs in the morning, glues the eyelashes. Create dense scales, crusts.
- Thick yellow, green discharge is a symptom of inflammation that appears when white blood cells accumulate. It occurs with bacterial conjunctivitis, viral and fungal lesions of the cornea, trachoma, opening barley. Dense crusts are also formed, which are difficult to remove. A film appears on the eyeimpaired vision. There is redness, swelling, lacrimation, photophobia. In difficult cases, there is pain in the eyes, headache, high fever.
- Thread-like discharge appears with filamentous keratitis. This ailment appears with reduced function of the lacrimal glands. There is dryness, burning, filiform discharge, redness of the sclera. This causes dystrophic changes in the cornea.

Why does mucus come out of the eyes and accumulate in the corner? The reason is the anatomical structure of the organ of vision. The corner is slightly recessed in the orbit compared to other structures. Therefore, liquid secretions flow there the easiest way. There is an outlet for the nasolacrimal canal. With his inflammation, pus comes out in the corner.
In children
Discharge from the eyes of newborns appear with dacryocystitis. The reason is the obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal, which is associated with its underdevelopment. The baby has redness, swelling, yellow discharge. The child becomes moody, rubs the eyelids.
For treatment, massage of the lacrimal sac, washing with antiseptics, topical antibiotics are used. If this is not effective, the nasolacrimal duct is flushed with a probe.

In babies, discharge from the eyes appears with bacterial and viral damage. In the first case, the mucus will be yellowish, and in the second - whitish. The child usually cries, becomes lethargic, scratches his eyes. Treatment is performed by washing with antiseptics, locally prescribedantibacterial drugs (with bacterial damage). If there are crusts, they are soaked before removal to prevent damage to the skin.
It is normal to have some white stuff after sleep. The baby's body protects the eyes from trapped microparticles. Treatment in this case is not required.
Associated symptoms
In addition to the appearance of discharge from the eyes, there are probably other signs:
- blurred vision;
- burning sensation in the eyes;
- itching in the eyes and eyelids;
- strong drying of mucous membranes;
- pain in the eyes;
- excessive lacrimation;
- hyperemia of the sclera and skin of the eyelids;
- photophobia.

Sometimes eye discharge causes symptoms of general malaise, fever, coughing, sneezing. There may be pain in the body, rhinitis. Such symptoms appear with bacterial and viral infections.
The doctor takes into account complaints and performs an examination. The specialist needs to know what kind of discharge appears - white, yellow, green. Consistency and other symptoms are evaluated.

You can check the condition of the fundus using biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy. To determine the composition of the microflora, you need to take a mucus culture. The general condition of the body shows a complete blood count.
Mucus from the eyes of children and adults is eliminated with a cotton pad. It must be moistened in an antiseptic solution ("Furacilin") and the pus removed indirection from the outside of the corner to the inside. Each eye is cleansed with a separate disk. This is the first aid before going to a specialist.
To treat mucus in the eyes, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing drops and ointments. Washing with antiseptic solutions ("Furacilin", a weak solution of potassium permanganate) is effective. In severe cases, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed intravenously.
Doctor prescribes medication based on reason:
- Preparations with antibacterial action. These are Floksal drops, Tetracycline ointment.
- Antiviral agents - Acyclovir ointment, Ophthalmoferon drops.
- Medicines with anti-allergic properties - Allergodil drops.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs - Indocollir drops.
- Moisturizing with regenerating action - Vizin drops.
- Glucocorticosteroids - "Prednisolone".
When dacryocystitis effective massage of the lacrimal sac. It improves the outflow of stagnant pus. Sometimes you need to enter a probe to remove pus and wash the lacrimal sac. The frequency of administration and duration of treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist after examination.
Complications and prognosis
Forecast is positive. Timely treatment allows you to give a quick result. The effect is noticeable after a few days. If the therapy is chosen incorrectly or treatment is not performed, then this leads to complications.

Eye secretions worsen visual acuity, contribute topenetration of infection into the deep structures of the eye. A negative consequence is cataracts, blindness. Panophthalmitis is considered the most severe complication. This is a severe inflammation of the eye. It may require the removal of the visual organ.
Eye protection
Although for he alth you need to get "sunshine vitamin", but ultraviolet light can lead to various eye diseases. Cataracts often appear in the elderly. Therefore, when outdoors, it is important to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays with a wide-brimmed hat or sunglasses that cut out harmful UV light. With glaucoma associated with increased pressure in the eyeball, dark glasses should not be worn.
When working with carpentry tools, wear protective goggles. Do not ignore this rule, because if it is not followed, various problems with the eyes arise.
When playing sports (basketball, baseball, tennis, ice hockey), goggles are required.
Eye problems occur when the air conditioner is running. Low humidity causes dryness. It is necessary to use special drops that moisturize the eyes. You can also place a humidifier.
Preventive measures must be taken. Then there will be no suppuration in the eyes:
- You should lead a he althy lifestyle: eat right, ensure good sleep.
- You need to properly care for the lenses, follow the recommendations for their use.
- Be sure to wash your face in the morning and evening.
- Before going to bed, it is important to remove makeup.
- Cosmetics,hygiene products must be individualized.
- A protective mask (goggles) must be used in production.
- You should do regular eye exercises.

Preventive measures are very simple. It is necessary to observe them so that unpleasant discharge does not occur again. And if mucus still appears, then you need to use effective means to eliminate it.