Inhalation with soda for dry cough: benefits, rules of use

Inhalation with soda for dry cough: benefits, rules of use
Inhalation with soda for dry cough: benefits, rules of use

One of the symptoms of a cold is a dry cough. For colds and flu, doctors consider soda inhalation to be an effective treatment. This procedure has a disinfectant property. It is effective in diseases of the respiratory tract.

Healing properties of sodium bicarbonate

This white powder has antiseptic and mucolytic properties and is a versatile remedy. It is widely used in medicine and food industry. Soda is used to treat respiratory organs, diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Inhalations with soda with a dry cough moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa, providing a softening effect, and with a wet cough, they thin and remove sputum from the respiratory tract.

Baking soda
Baking soda

In addition, soda inhalations are effective for laryngitis and sinusitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Sodium bicarbonate relieves gum disease.

How dry cough develops

It can be caused by various diseases. In case of inhalation of foreignmicroorganisms, due to the protective reaction of the body, a cough reflex occurs. Cough develops with irritation of nerve receptors located on the bronchial mucosa.

You should know that a dry cough is unproductive: it does not produce sputum. One of the most common causes of its occurrence, experts consider the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. A dry cough can develop with:

  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the larynx and trachea;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy.

Dry cough can occur with a neoplasm in the respiratory system, as a result of an allergic reaction. Home steam inhalations with soda for dry cough, combined with conservative treatment methods, help to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and stop the attack. As a rule, such attacks intensify at night. If the cough is barking, with a hoarse voice, then this may indicate inflammation of the larynx.

How dry cough develops
How dry cough develops

With tracheitis or bronchitis, during the first three days, the cough is dry, and then a gradual discharge of sputum begins. Dry cough with bronchial asthma is aggravated by asthma attacks.

Inhalation with soda when coughing is one of the methods of treatment, in which healing substances enter the respiratory tract. With this procedure, fine particles are delivered to the focus of the disease faster, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Such physical therapy can be natural and artificial. In the first case, medicinalsubstances enter by inhalation of air enriched with s alts and phytoncides, for example, on the sea coast or in a coniferous forest. For inhalation with soda with a dry cough, a special composition is prepared, the vapors of which are breathed using special devices.

Selection and use of a steam inhaler

At home, it is not difficult to inhale with soda. With a dry cough, it quickly improves the patient's condition. To do this, it is enough to have a saucepan, a kettle with a funnel or an inhaler. During such a procedure, a person receives a whole range of moisturizing and thermal procedures that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Steam inhaler
Steam inhaler

The most common type of home treatment inhaler is the nebulizer. Soda inhalation during coughing using this device for dispersed spraying of drugs is effective in the treatment of the bronchopulmonary system. Its name comes from the Latin word nebula, which translates as "fog" or "cloud".

Nebulizer and baking soda

Buffer soda is a special solution used for inhalation with a nebulizer. Thanks to the design of this device, the medicine is sprayed and irrigates the mucous membrane evenly. The advantage of the nebulizer is the ability to use it even at elevated temperatures. Modern devices are compact and easy to use. Today, there are various types of portable devices on sale, therefore, when purchasing a device, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the procedures.

You can buy buffer soda at the pharmacy orprepare your own soda solution. If desired, two drops of iodine can be added to it. The composition is prepared before the procedure, which must be carried out after eating. You should not talk for an hour after inhalation with soda. With a dry cough, this is especially important. This procedure will soften the mucous membranes and relieve a coughing fit.

soda buffer
soda buffer

How to perform the procedure

Inhalations using a home inhaler are carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a solution before inhalation with soda. When coughing, the proportions of the composition are as follows: 200 ml of water will require half a spoonful of (tea) baking soda. The components are loaded into a special container of the device. After connecting it to the power supply, the procedure begins.
  • Between sessions it is necessary to maintain a gap of at least two hours. Carefully read the instructions for using the mist sprayer.
  • By inhaling useful medicinal substances through a mouthpiece or a mask, the patient receives a complex of moist and thermal breathing baths. It is forbidden to use the nebulizer when the temperature rises above + 37 ° C, with pulmonary bleeding, with heart rhythm disturbances, with allergies to the components of the solution.

Inhalation over soda when coughing

If there is no nebulizer, you should not refuse this method of treatment. You can carry out the procedure using a regular pot of water. Dilute a tablespoon of soda in boiled hot water (1 liter). Bend over the container and inhale the vapors. This is the most common and simple recipe.soda solution. Other formulations are no less effective:

  • Soda and iodine. In a liter of boiled water, dissolve a spoon (table) of soda and add 2-3 drops of iodine. Mix thoroughly. The procedure lasts eight minutes.
  • Garlic and soda. Finely chop 5-6 cloves of garlic, cover with water and put on low heat. When the water boils, boil the garlic for five minutes. Then add a spoonful of soda and start inhalation. Inhale vapors through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  • S alt and soda. Add the components of the solution (by a teaspoon) to a liter of boiled hot water. S alt can be either ordinary table s alt or sea s alt. Procedures can be alternated: first use herbal decoctions, and then soda and s alt.
  • Medicinal herbs. This procedure is effective for dry residual cough. Inhalation with soda and herbs will help to quickly remove sputum. For her you will need: 0.5 liters of hot water, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and sage herb, 1 tsp. drinking soda.

The herbs are poured with hot water, then soda is added to them and mixed until dissolved. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Inhalations over soda
Inhalations over soda

Tips and Precautions

  • When the water temperature is above +55 °C, soda loses its beneficial properties. This vapor must not be inhaled.
  • It is strictly forbidden to breathe over the steam of the boiling composition.
  • The solution temperature for children should not exceed 30 °C.
  • Don't lean too low over the pot.
  • For adults, the procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes and no more2-3 minutes for children.
  • When inhaling, breathe first through your mouth and then through your nose.
  • The procedure should be performed two or three times a day, but no more than twice a week.
  • After inhaling the healing vapors, you should not immediately go outside and you should not eat for an hour.


Cough treatment at home must be done with great care. Especially when it comes to treating a child. During steam inhalation, improper temperature control can cause thermal damage to the respiratory tract.

Soda contraindications
Soda contraindications

There are a number of contraindications to consider in order to avoid side effects:

  • inhalations are contraindicated for children under one year old;
  • for children of preschool age, inhalation with soda when coughing is prescribed only with the permission of the pediatrician;
  • this treatment will be harmful if there is a respiratory infection confirmed by a diagnostic test;
  • when the cough is accompanied by ear congestion or pain, the procedure is prohibited;
  • when the temperature rises, steam treatment should be agreed with your doctor;
  • when bleeding, soda or any other steam inhalation is prohibited.

It should be remembered that steam treatments are effective only at an early stage of the disease.

Inhalations for coughing
Inhalations for coughing

Inhalations during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women's protective functions decrease and quite often, especially in the cold season, they developcolds. Runny nose, cough worsen the woman's condition, as a result of which the child also experiences a lack of oxygen.

Most drugs are prohibited during this period, as they enter the bloodstream and have a negative effect on the fetus. Inhalations with soda will help eliminate all types of coughs, have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. This is a safe and harmless method of treatment, thanks to which improvement occurs after the first procedure. Inhalations during pregnancy do not harm the fetus and do not adversely affect the mother's body.

This procedure is allowed at any stage of pregnancy, provided there are no contraindications. Steam inhalations with soda are used for tracheitis and laryngitis, sinusitis and rhinitis. For pathologies of the respiratory tract, the use of an inhaler-nebulizer is recommended.

Inhalation with soda when coughing: patient reviews

Many patients note that such procedures are efficient and effective, provided that the rules for their implementation are followed. In addition, contraindications must be taken into account. Steam inhalation with soda is good for both adults and children with any kind of cough.

For babies older than a year, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer. Many patients note that inhalation with soda helped them quickly get rid of dry cough during pregnancy. Improvement is felt after the first procedure.
