Quality sleep is the key to he alth. Physicians around the world do not stop talking about this. But the life of modern people is associated with a frantic rhythm, so only a few get enough sleep. Most wake up depressed and have to go to work or school. Sleep deprivation can also lead to various he alth problems. It is the lack of sleep that very often stands behind malignant tumors, decreased immunity and many serious diseases. So that each of us is always full of energy and stays he althy, let's try to figure out what time you need to go to rest, and in which phase of sleep it is better to wake up. This article will also provide basic tips and advice on how to sleep well, regardless of your rhythm of life.
General information

The following will detail how to wake up in the correct phase of sleep, but first let's figure out what the consequences may be due tolack of rest. To date, sleep as a physiological process remains completely unexplored. The only thing that is known for sure is that it affects the he alth and well-being of a person. And these are not guesses, but scientific facts, confirmed by the results of numerous studies.
During sleep, our body rests and recovers after a hard day's work. If a person does not sleep one night, then in the morning he will not feel the best way. The following manifestations may also be very common:
- headaches;
- half faint;
- increased irritability;
- decrease in physical and mental capacity;
- sleep drive;
- sluggishness;
- unable to concentrate.
In order not to experience any of the above, each person should know what time to go to bed. However, fatigue is not the worst thing. Regular lack of sleep is fraught with more serious consequences. They will be discussed further.
What is the danger of lack of sleep?

This aspect should be read first. If a person does not know in which phase of sleep it is better to wake up, or does not follow the basic recommendations, then sooner or later his body will let you know. Constant lack of sleep can result in great difficulties and he alth problems. People who do not stick to a normal regimen are more prone to diseases such as:
- chronic elevated intraocular pressure;
- neurological disorders;
- diabetes;
- excessive obesity;
- premature aging;
- hallucinations;
- chronic depression;
- reduced sexual activity;
- mental illness.
Here, probably, everyone will have a question about when it is better to wake up. The answer is clear, in the morning. Indeed, even if a person works at night and sleeps during the day, this is also very bad, since all internal organs and systems begin to function worse in him. This is due to a persistent decrease in the production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin. Therefore, it is very important to lead a proper lifestyle and have a good rest.
Perfect time to wake up

So, here we come to the answer to the question of what phase of sleep is better to wake up. This is a very important topic, since the vast majority of modern people are chronically sleep deprived. And this is not due to the fact that they do not have enough hours of rest per day. It's all about waking up in the wrong phase of sleep. According to scientists, if you calculate it, you can significantly improve the quality of night rest.
A few words about sleep cycles
Scientists have devoted a lot of time to studying this issue, and made several important discoveries. Many people often wonder how to wake up if they went to bed late. Actually, it's very simple. The thing is that the brain does not turn off at night, but continues to work continuously. Therefore, you can climb without any problems, if you calculate the right one for thisphase. To do this, you need to have at least a little understanding of cycles.
This physiological process is a series of stages repeated every day, each of which consists of a phase of slow and fast sleep. For an average person who does not have any he alth problems, the duration of each circle is about two hours. To make it clearer, let's take a closer look at them.
Features of the slow phase

So what do you need to know about this? To answer how long the deep sleep phase should last, it is necessary to say a few words about how they go. The slow stage is the first and occupies 70 percent of the total cycle. At the same time, it is divided into three stages:
- Snooze. At this stage, the person is still awake, but is already beginning to feel sleepy.
- Easy sleep. Dreams begin, but the auditory apparatus becomes more acute. You can even wake up from a slight rustle or any external stimulus.
- Third stage. It does not have a name, but it is something in between the two described above. It is very difficult to get a person out of this stage.
It is worth noting that the first phase of sleep is the most important, because it is during it that the body recovers. At the same time, the sleeper's heart rate slows down, the pulse and blood pressure decrease, and the body temperature also drops.
Features of the fast phase
Its main difference from the slow one is that a person during sleepsees dreams. Vivid images pop up in our minds due to increased brain activity. At the same time, the physical indicators of the body increase, and it begins to prepare for awakening. During the fast phase, our body rests and gains strength. Muscles are relaxed as much as possible, and eye movement may indicate that a person is dreaming.
An interesting fact is that during the fast phase our consciousness is formed. The brain processes all the information received during the day, scrolls through memories and forms plans for the near future. All this happens involuntarily, and the sleeper does not even suspect anything that the brain has done a tremendous job overnight.
Awakening in different phases
Let's take a closer look at this. During rest, a huge number of psychophysiological processes take place in the body, which is why it turns out to be heterogeneous. That is why sometimes we wake up in a good mood and full of energy, and it happens that it is impossible even to get out of bed. It's all about waking up at the wrong time. This can be avoided if you set your alarm clock in the evening correctly, but for this it is important to know how to wake up with minimal harm to he alth. It is very difficult to plan your daily routine correctly, because you need to take into account not only the time when you need to go to bed, but also physical activity, as well as your lifestyle.
During the slow phase, a person falls asleep, so it is very easy to get him out of it. In order to get at least a little rest, it is recommended to move away from sleep in the secondher stages. In this case, the body is minimally harmed, and you will be less overwhelmed and able to have a normal day. In addition, your brain will work as efficiently as possible in the morning. The worst time to wake up is the fourth stage of the slow phase. If a person is disturbed during it, then he will not be able to understand what is happening and will resemble a drunk.
When is the best time to get up in the morning?

This aspect should be given special attention. So, in which phase of sleep is it easier to wake up? This question is most interesting for people who work hard and have a very busy daily routine. Waking up will be less problematic during REM sleep, scientists say. However, getting up too often at this time is not recommended, as this can cause various mental disorders. It will also not be much of a problem to wake up at the end of the slow phase, when the person's hearing aid starts to work to the maximum.
To give the body a rest and determine the best time to wake up, you need to know how to determine the phase of sleep. According to scientists, it is possible to calculate the optimal time when it is best to go to bed. The basis is the time needed for the full recovery of the body. According to qualified experts, he althy sleep is 8 hours. Considering that one cycle lasts about two hours, you can find out for yourself how much it costs to start an alarm.
It should be noted that even if you determine the optimal phase, then nothere is no guarantee that awakening will be easy. The body of each person is individual, therefore it reacts completely differently to everything that happens to it. But if you experiment a little with your holiday planning, you can find the one that suits you.
When is the best time to go to bed?

What do you need to know about this? All people are divided into two types - larks and owls. The former prefer to get up early, while the latter are more nocturnal. They have a completely different daily routine, so many people have a question about what time to go to bed. Scientists say that it is best to do this at 23:00, but here everything is purely individual. It is not important to strictly follow this recommendation, the main thing is to adhere to the same routine every day so that the body adapts to it. If you prefer to get up early, then you can go to bed between 20 and 22 hours. Night owls can shift this moment by 4-5 hours. But regardless of this, the duration of sleep should consist of 4 cycles. Only in this case you will be able to wake up in the morning without any problems and feel good.
General tips and tricks
Above, we answered in detail the question of which phase of sleep is better to wake up. But there are a few simple rules that will help you have a good rest and get up easily in the morning. Here are the most important ones:
- Do not drink alcohol and heavy food at night.
- Create a comfortable sleeping environment in your bedroom.
- Notuse your computer before bed and do not use mobile gadgets in bed.
- Take small breaks as you work so you don't overwork yourself.
- Make the room in which you are going to relax, the minimum level of lighting. Any flickering lights, such as an indicator on a laptop, will make it difficult to fall asleep quickly.
All these rules are very simple and do not require much effort from a person, but by following them, after a short period of time you will notice how much better you sleep and it is easier to get out of bed in the morning.

No matter how busy you are, try not to overburden yourself. You can’t do everything in a day, and in order for your body to work productively, it must rest. Only a full and high-quality sleep can allow him to do this. Plan the optimal daily routine for yourself and try to stick to it not only on weekdays, but also on weekends in order to live in the same rhythm. The information in this article will help you calculate the right amount of sleep and determine the best and easiest time to wake up.