Motherwort is a plant that has long been famous for its pronounced sedative (calming) effect. Unlike drug tranquilizers, preparations containing motherwort extract are not addictive in patients and help to cope with sleep disorders. Motherwort is usually used in the form of an alcoholic infusion. Of course, you can collect the inflorescences of the plant and prepare the tincture yourself, but it is faster and safer to purchase a ready-made drug in a pharmacy. The article presents a list of effective drugs with motherwort in the composition, with which you can get rid of insomnia.
The most common causes of sleep problems
Problems with falling asleep can seriously complicate a person's life. It just seems that getting rid of insomnia is easy. It often happens that harmless drugs are useless in treatmentsleep disorders and motherwort, for example, does not have the desired effect. Then the patient is forced to start taking serious prescription drugs - tranquilizers and antipsychotics.
It is much easier to prevent sleep problems than to treat them. Here is a list of the most common reasons why sleep phases go astray and it is difficult for a person to fall asleep:
- psychosocial stress - job change, death or illness of loved ones, separation from loved ones, etc.;
- anxiety-depressive disorder;
- obsessive-compulsive disorder;
- increased brain activity;
- old age and its inherent changes in brain activity;
- various disorders of the nervous system;
- non-observance of the daily routine and natural biorhythms (night shift work);
- chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
- medication also affects the sequence of sleep phases (sympathomimetics, anorexigenic drugs);
- diseases accompanied by fever, itching of the skin and a feeling of pain;
- insomnia can be a consequence of traumatic brain injury;
- diseases accompanied by hypoglycemia, frequent urination, dry mouth.

Pharmacological properties of motherwort extract
Is it advisable to take motherwort at night for insomnia? It all depends on the diagnosis or condition that provoked the appearance of the problem. First of all, you need to get rid of the cause. If it's depression, then you should drink antidepressants,prescribed by the doctor. If the cause is an endocrinological disorder, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and get treatment.
If the cause of sleep phase disturbance lies in psycho-emotional stress, then motherwort can help. For sleep, you can take the tablet form of the extract, or you can use an alcohol tincture. Judging by the feedback from patients, it is the tincture that is more effective.
Will motherwort help with insomnia and what is the principle of its action? This plant has long been used in folk medicine. Motherwort has a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect. Motherwort extract includes the following ingredients:
- stakhidrin;
- leonuridine;
- choline;
- beta-carotene;
- flavonoids;
- routine;
- hyperoside;
- vitamins A, C;
- organic acids.

Side effects when taking drugs with motherwort in the composition
You should be prepared for the appearance of possible side effects when taking drugs with motherwort in the composition:
- mild nausea and epigastric cramps (when taken on an empty stomach);
- dizziness;
- drowsiness (that's why they use motherwort for sleep - after taking it, you really want to sleep);
- slow reaction (in different patients, this side effect is expressed depending on individual characteristics).
Medications with motherwort are used for neuroses of cardiovascular etiology. This means that in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, takingthese types of drugs do not contribute to pressure drops or heart rhythm disturbances.
Contraindications to the use of preparations with motherwort
Before you start taking motherwort extract for sleep, you should make sure that there are no contraindications. Carefully read the list of restrictions for the drug you choose. Standard list of contraindications for taking motherwort:
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- chronic alcoholism (in this case, motherwort tablets can be taken to treat sleep disorders, alcohol tincture is prohibited);
- ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines, especially during the period of exacerbation;
- arterial hypotension during an exacerbation;
- prone to heavy menstrual bleeding;
- Children under 12.
Preparations containing motherwort extract
The most popular preparations with motherwort extract in the composition:
- "Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar";
- tinctures with motherwort for alcohol (many pharmaceutical plants produce this remedy);
- "Motherwort extract" in tablet form;
- "Valerian + Motherwort Forte";
- herbal collection "Fitosedan No. 3".
All these funds are relatively cheap. All of them are good in the fight against insomnia. Only the form of release is different - it is more convenient for someone to use drops, someone prefers tablets.
How to drink motherwort for sleep? It all depends on whichdrug you choose. Different manufacturers have slightly different instructions for use.

"Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar": instructions for use
Price and reviews make this drug the first choice for insomnia: it's inexpensive and recommended by consumers. This drug is used not only for sleep problems, but also for symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia, neurosis of various etiologies, arterial hypertension (in the early stages). As evidenced by the reviews and instructions for use, "Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar", the price of which is about 250 rubles for 40 tablets, is well tolerated. Each tablet also contains a small amount of magnesium (helps to normalize the functioning of the heart) and B vitamins (normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system).
Reviews of patients report that a noticeable effect develops after about a week of regular use. It is optimal to take the drug one or two tablets immediately before going to bed. "Motherwort Forte" does not cause drug dependence and side effects. Reviews also report that tolerance may develop over time, but usually it occurs after about two to three months of regular use. If you do not exceed the recommended dosage, then tolerance may not develop.

Tincture with motherwort on alcohol: instructions for use
This drug is produced by manydrug companies:
- CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory";
- CJSC "ECOlab";
- CJSC "Altaivitaminy";
- LLC "Kamelia NPP";
- JSC "Tver Pharmaceutical Factory";
- JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty";
- LLC "Hippocrates";
- JSC "Flora of the Caucasus".
Judging by the feedback from patients, the effect of the drug is equally strong and does not differ depending on the choice of one or another manufacturer. Motherwort tincture, taken before bedtime, contributes to the normalization of its phases if the patient does not have physiological causes of insomnia. People with chronic alcoholism should stop taking this medication, as its base is ethyl alcohol.
How to take motherwort sleep drops? You should count 5-15 drops, dissolve them in a glass of clean water and drink in one gulp. Take the tincture immediately before going to bed. Judging by the reviews of patients, after ten minutes there will be severe drowsiness. We need to close our eyes, try to calm down and fall asleep.

"Motherwort extract" in tablet form
The drug is characterized by sedative and hypotensive effects. The tablet form is convenient to take if a person falls asleep outside the home and it is inconvenient for him to count the drops and dissolve them in water. It is enough just to swallow a pill, and after 15-20 minutes drowsiness will appear. As a rule, it is enough to take onea pill to ensure restful sleep.
How many Motherwort pills can cause an overdose? Firstly, there is no exact data: it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Secondly, it is better not to experiment and follow the instructions. And she recommends taking a maximum of three tablets just before going to bed. If a person cannot fall asleep after taking the maximum dosage, then you should visit a doctor and ask for a prescription for a stronger medication.

"Valerian + motherwort Forte": instructions for use
The composition of this preparation is also enriched with valerian extract. Both of these plants have a pronounced sedative effect. If the effect of motherwort extract alone turned out to be weak for the patient, then it is worth trying its combination with valerian.
Reviews of the drug "Valerian + motherwort Forte" report that when taken directly half an hour before bedtime, a person almost always falls asleep. At the same time, there are no night awakenings, nightmares. The next morning after taking the head is not "cotton", the state is not broken - people cheerfully begin to perform work duties. While taking the drug, it is better to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, since such a combination can cause excessive sedation, the patient may fall into a state of alcoholic coma.
"Phytosedan No. 3" - a multi-component tea for insomnia and anxiety
"Phytosedan No. 3" -multi-component herbal collection with a rather powerful sedative effect. In addition to dry herb motherwort, the composition also includes valerian, hops, thyme, sweet clover. Since the product has a composition of plant origin, a prescription from a doctor is not required to purchase. The cost of a package with 20 filter bags is about 70 rubles.
Reviews of patients report that the infusion should be taken half an hour before going to bed. After drinking, you should not be distracted by watching movies or reading Internet sites, it is best to turn off the lights and try to sleep. As a rule, deep sleep occurs 30-40 minutes after taking the infusion.

Tips on how to normalize sleep without medication
Before you buy this or that remedy for insomnia in a pharmacy, try to normalize sleep yourself:
- Don't watch TV, read or listen to music a couple of hours before bed.
- Hiking in the fresh air will help to relax.
- Don't squabble or talk to unpleasant people before going to bed.
- Give up bad habits - stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Change your job if it causes excessive psycho-emotional stress.
- Eat dinner about a couple of hours before your planned bedtime.